Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 535 - Death Is The Fate Of Those Who Are Blinded By Power

"Remember my words."

Then, after seeing her nod towards him with a serious expression on her face, Bai Zemin did something unexpected.

His body seemed to flash due to his high movement speed and in an instant he crossed 200 meters, reaching the end of one of the widths of the bridge. Then, with a stomp that not only cracked and pulverized a large portion of the ice ground and cracked the blood barrier but also caused the bridge to tremble fiercely, his body flew off in a straight line to the west.

The speed at which Bai Zemin had shot out was basically the same as the speed of a cannonball fired from the main cannon of a war tank and in an instant, he disappeared from the line of sight of all the living beings on the bridge.

The zombie leader and the mermaid princess for an instant thought that the human leader was fleeing the scene, however, they soon realized that this was not the case.


Like a rabid beast, the little ape let out a terrifying roar that was at odds with its relatively diminutive body. Using its high magic power, the beast leader changed the course of the fierce air currents and at speeds no less than Bai Zemin\'s speed charged westward with a whirlwind of wind and a huge blazing sun above the palms of its paws.

Although the giant sun was a colossus of approximately 2000 meters in diameter, the displacement speed of the little ape was simply too high and therefore in a matter of seconds, all they could see from the bridge was a glowing ball that became smaller and smaller as it disappeared into the distant horizon until it reached a point where it was no longer visible.

With the disappearance of the powerful magic skill of the beast leader, the swirling water slowly began to calm down as the sea finally stopped evaporating once the temperature began to plummet. With the coldness of the winds in the middle of the sea and with no structure to obstruct them, it didn\'t take long for the temperature to return to normal.

However, apart from a dense cloud of steam that was being rapidly dispersed by the wind, in the distance could be seen the faint radiance of something bright becoming fainter and fainter as a result of the distance flattening out more and more.

Shangguan Bing Xue took a deep breath and her eyes flashed with a hint of coldness. She seized the opportunity and with a graceful sway of her waist, her body flashed and she appeared right behind the Second Order Zombie Commander.

The Zombie Commander who was stupefied by everything that was happening just like every other existence on the bridge did not even have time to react before Shangguan Bing Xue\'s explosive speed and all he knew and saw the next instant was that the world was spinning and his body no longer had a head; moments later, the light faded and the spark of life in his gaze dimmed until it finally disappeared.

The sound of the Zombie Commander\'s body falling heavily onto part of the ice ground was like a noisy alarm going wild at 6 am. Everyone seemed to wake up from the dreamlike state they were in and as if by prior agreement began to massacre each other viciously.


The shark man let out a dragon-like roar and now that the only Second Order existence on top of the bridge capable of holding him back had fallen, there was no longer anyone free capable of stopping him from venting his anger and frustration on the zombies and beasts.

Shangguan Bing Xue was naturally ignored by the shark man as well as the rest of the sea creatures. Knowing that at least temporarily the humans and their race were in an alliance for survival, Shangguan Bing Xue watched as several tens of thousands of sea creatures passed by her and began to fight the now just over 900,000 army of zombies.

The roars and shrieks again broke the silence that had previously reigned for a brief period of time when the beast leader activated Magic Ignition. Bodies were dismembered under claws and teeth, blood of different colors and varying thickness flew everywhere, broken bones fell on the ground causing chilling sounds; for every second that passed, there were several living beings that lost all their Soul Power as it was absorbed by the one or ones that had killed them.

The mermaid princess Xian Mei\'er and the zombie leader did not remain indifferent either as once both sides began to fight, the two leaders of their respective factions clashed again in a desperate attempt to end the life of the other as soon as possible.

As the shockwaves spread far and wide and as the sound of thunderous explosions broke under the night cloak that was slowly beginning to light up in the presence of so many magic skills, Shangguan Bing Xue stared into the distance with soft eyes for several seconds before her sharp gaze began to carefully scan the surroundings; if anything out of the ordinary happened, she would be the first to react and act accordingly.

* * *

Bai Zemin had traveled over 100 kilometers but was still far from stopping.

Despite the fact that below him was only water, at a movement speed exceeding 1000 kilometers per hour by a considerable margin and with footsteps as light as a feather despite not running with his full self, Bai Zemin raised large waves everywhere he passed and the wind rushing behind his body made them explode not long after he disappeared into the distance.

What he was doing was very dangerous, after all, Bai Zemin had no knowledge of the waters and sea creatures were undoubtedly the beasts he feared the most or rather the ones he was most wary of. However, he had few options.

After moving approximately 200 kilometers away from the bridge, Bai Zemin looked over his shoulder and noticed that the beast leader was following him at a speed comparable to his own and even though it had not caught up with him yet, it was clear that if his speed dropped or if a sea enemy appeared in his path, the little ape would immediately launch the huge ball of fiery fire similar to a bright sun rising above its head.

Regardless of what reasons the little ape had for hating Bai Zemin so much and regardless of why it was willing to sacrifice itself if it meant taking Bai Zemin\'s life with it, Bai Zemin only cared about his survival; and for it, he would do anything.

After reaching 250 kilometers away, Bai Zemin opened his left palm and looked at the small circle of ice that Shangguan Bing Xue had handed him. Looking over his shoulder again to make sure nothing went wrong, Bai Zemin let the small magic object fall into the sea.

The magic circle glowed slightly before disappearing, blending into the waters leaving no trace of its presence except for a slight amount of mana that did not belong there.


The little ape passed through the area like a raging storm. Everywhere it went, a cloud of steam rose up behind its back as a result of the bright sun it carried.

* * *

On the bridge, a few minutes had passed since Bai Zemin had departed and the massacre had become more and more intense.

Although the zombie-beast alliance had overwhelmingly higher numbers than the army of sea creatures, the ferocity of a Second Order existence was not something that numbers could resolve so easily.

The shark man now free of all restraints unleashed the armageddon on the zombies and beasts. Even without activating any extravagant skills and only using his powerful physical body, each swing of his tail was enough to wipe out dozens of zombies at the same time and when he activated a skill the death of a few hundred was nothing strange either.

Shangguan Bing Xue was attentive to her surroundings. She would occasionally slash with her sword in a direction and claim the lives of several zombies or beasts that tried to get too close of her position; her sword had tasted the blood of several different species in a single night, and except for sea creatures, she had managed to kill at least a few tens of thousands of living beings.

Suddenly, just as she withdrew her sword back into its sheath after having cut a 15-meter tall elephant in half, Shangguan Bing Xue felt the rune representing her Ice Maker skill engraved deep in her soul tremble gently.

Her face changed slightly as she remembered Bai Zemin\'s words and after closing her eyes she focused in such a way that she even cut off all connection with the outside world.

Cutting off her senses with the outside world while standing in the middle of such a dangerous deadly battlefield.... It was no different from suicide!

However, Shangguan Bing Xue would rather endanger her life than fail and endanger the life of someone precious to her.... Therefore, regardless of the possible consequences, she did what she did.


When three seconds had passed, her eyes opened abruptly and flashed brightly under the moonlight. Just as Bai Zemin had instructed her, after three seconds elapsed, she immediately activated the second activation of her Ice Maker skill.

* * *

"STOP!" The little ape roared furiously.

What more would it want than to throw its magic skill and turn the human it hated the most into ashes? But the beast leader was smart and despite its hate, it did not underestimate Bai Zemin.

Even though the huge sun of blazing fire it had conjured up thanks to the boost of magic power that Magic Ignition provided, Bai Zemin\'s Agility was so fast that in no time he would be able to leave the area of effect of the fire skill; even more so considering that they were in the middle of the sea.

Therefore, the little ape could only keep chasing.

But the problem was that at this rate its Mana would be depleted before the effect of Magic Ignition was over! By the time that happened and the side effects came, the little ape knew that Bai Zemin could easily end its life!


Suddenly, the little ape felt an explosion behind it and also noticed a giant object rising 10 meters behind its back. However, the beast leader ignored the object as when it looked over its shoulder it saw that the object was a pillar of ice, ice which, although composed of large amounts of mana, did not possess any real magic power and therefore posed no danger whatsoever.

In fact, the ice pillar was so useless that after rising 1500 meters and despite having much more mana inside it began to stop its growth as the heat from the magic burning sun that the little ape had conjured was so powerful that it suppressed the growth of more ice.

However, what to some was useless to others was a treasure and what to some was a waste of time to others could be an opportunity.

Now! Bai Zemin\'s eyes lit up and with a sudden movement he forcefully planted his right foot on the water he was walking on, at the same time, he moved his body sideways agilely as if he was riding a skateboard.

The speed at which Bai Zemin was moving was so high that his body continued moving forward very fast.

Bai Zemin roared and turned his body to look directly at the little ape. As he completed the turn, he swung his spear and the swing was so fierce that a wave of more than twenty meters in the shape of a fan rose, creating a curtain that for a split second separated him and the little ape.

As the wave hit the water, the little ape\'s pupils twitched fiercely and contracted to the size of a needle as a flash of dread shone in its increasingly terrified gaze.

Shit! He screwed me! Such a thought was naturally born in the heart of the beast leader as it felt a slight surge of magic power from behind its back.

The little ape had been observing Bai Zemin carefully for a long time, therefore, the creature naturally knew him well; habits, main skills, personality, combat style, etc.

How could the beast leader not know of Shadow Blink\'s existence? In fact, the little ape even knew that in order to use Shadow Blink, Bai Zemin needed to have a foreign shadow to blink onto.

However, the little ape had dismissed the possibility that such a skill could be used given the circumstances.

After all, in the middle of the sea, there were no obstacles and the only possible shadow that Bai Zemin could use here was the shadow of the little ape; however, since the artificial sun was just behind the little ape, the shadow would always be cast to the front.

Therefore, if Bai Zemin used Shadow Blink, he would be moved to the shadow in front of the little ape and the beast leader could finish him off by detonating its magic attack right there.

But the appearance of the giant ice pillar had changed everything.


The beast leader felt its back being pierced, and at the same time a sharp pain enveloped it, its heart was pierced from side to side.

The creature stiffly turned its head and with eyes full of anger and surprise met two eyes as black as the night that had no emotion other than indifference in them.

"You are indeed clever, you have my admiration for that. But at the end of the day, your power seemed to blind you for a moment." He said in a cold voice before pushing forward strongly.


The beast leader\'s chest was crushed before it could respond and all its internal organs were turned into slime.

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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