Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 512 - The Curse Of Eternal Life

"Wouldn\'t it be a pain in the ass to have a lot of random folks suddenly show up at your door pretending they want to sell you a high-end product to see if they can steal something from your drawers?"

Basically, everyone would start trying to steal the treasures of the Army of Heaven and the Demonic Army; and with good reason. After all, with Medes and Lucifer being the only two Higher Existences leading a few other existences across the universe, it wasn\'t at all crazy to assume that both of them had collected countless natural treasures over the years that they were alone and without the "company" of a third faction.

As for the explanation Medes gave to the Army of Heaven.... Naturally, it was more reasonable than Lucifer\'s:

"Our Army of Heaven is currently harmed after undergoing the war in the Crimson Rift. We need times of peace, not of war. Only in times of peace can glory return as war will only serve to wipe out those who are weakened."

All the angels understood perfectly well that while the Army of Heaven possessed an extremely firm foundation so it was basically impossible to shake them, the fact that even beings like Sirius and others had died meant that anything was possible. Therefore, it didn\'t hurt to be a bit more cautious.

Besides, it wasn\'t as if the Higher Existences of the Army of Heaven and the Demonic Army were getting something in return or some kind of reward for spreading the aforementioned information. They were beings who had lived long enough to put aside childish acts of wanting to show off to others..... At least, most of them.

"Hahahaha! I can\'t wait to track down that Doom Roar bitch and tell him that-"


Just as Hellscar was laughing nonchalantly in the middle of the emptiness, a giant black hand materialized out of nowhere and hit him with so much power that the six-foot-plus giant was sent flying hundreds of meters before finally steadying himself.

Before he could say anything, a lazy voice came into his ears:

"Little ape, calm your tits if you don\'t want to be locked in your cage."

"Cough, cough... Of course, I was just kidding.... Kidding." Hellscar coughed as he said under his breath and looked at Lucifer uncomfortably.

"Tsk." Lucifer shook his head before looking away.

The members of the Demonic Army looked at Hellscar with helpless expressions on their faces.

He was a nice man, the only major problems were that his temper could go from 0 to 100 in 0.1 second and that he wasn\'t particularly intelligent as he usually squashed anything he didn\'t understand or didn\'t like. However, everyone understood well that it was precisely that attitude that made Hellscar into Hellscar.

After all, that was the path that the existence known as Hellscar had been walking for as long as he could remember until now.

Lucifer noticed that Fire Sorrow was in a low mood, it was practically sweeping the ground. However, regarding this, there was nothing he could do but sigh in his heart and hope that she would soon recover from this relapse. After all, regardless of how brilliant and powerful the title of being \'one of the strongest in the universe\' might sound, Lucifer could not turn back time or bring the dead back to life.

Even the Soul Record which was the true ruler of the universe was not capable of such things let alone Lucifer who was just another piece on the great game board.

The Lord of the Demonic Army searched the surroundings among his ranks looking for someone in particular until his eyes easily found the one he was looking for.

Lucifer floated lazily towards a certain area where there were only a few people chatting quietly and when these demons saw him pass by they quickly moved out of the way as they looked at him with respect.

It had to be said that the revelation as well as today\'s performance of this usually lazy and even embarrassing Demon Lord had left every single member of the Demon Army very satisfied. All the Higher Existences present began to see Lucifer in a new light and the members of the Demonic Army were especially pleased as they observed the stares of the angels of the Army of Heaven change from past mockery to respect and even some fear as they looked at Lucifer now.

"Bloody Succubus, it really is easy to find you even in a crowd of a few hundred of thousands. That is appreciated as it saves me a lot of trouble and I also save large amounts of Stamina." Lucifer said as he arrived in front of Lilith.

Lilith was mixed among the various demons of the Demonic Army but her beauty was simply too dazzling to go unnoticed regardless of the numbers. She was like a beautiful scarlet swan in the middle of a flock of white hens; it was just impossible not to look at her even if you didn\'t want to.

She looked at Lucifer calmly and waited for his next words.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow and said lazily, "You know, I think you\'re the first existence I\'ve met that values her words more than I do.... Or maybe you\'re also secretly a lover of sleeping all the time? Could it be that you really want to save as much Stamina as possible?"

Even though Lilith tried her best, she didn\'t manage to completely control her expression and after hearing Lucifer\'s comment the corner of her mouth trembled slightly for a second before returning to normal.

"Oh well, never mind." Lucifer waved his hand slowly as if suddenly a great wave of sleep had hit him. He yawned with narrowed eyes and two large tears immediately appeared on his eyelids as he said in between his yawn, "Bwy thwe wwayy.... What do you plan to do next, Bloody Succubus?"

A puzzling glint flashed for a split second in Lilith\'s ruby-colored eyes before disappearing without a trace. Even Lucifer didn\'t notice it.

"I guess I\'ll return with the rest to Your Majesty\'s castle in Kram World if Your Majesty allows it." Lilith replied calmly.

".... Eh?" Lucifer suddenly froze and as his arms stretched upwards since he was destressing earlier, he looked at Lilith with eyes full of surprise as if he had just heard something he didn\'t expect to hear.

"Is something wrong?" Lilith looked at him as if she was really confused by Lucifer\'s sudden changing attitude. Inwardly, however, she scoffed at him.

Lucifer was smart, of course. But Lilith was no fool; in fact, she was a really smart woman. Therefore, she managed to see through Lucifer easily this time thanks to the fact that she had been quietly studying him all this time.

"Something wrong...? No?" Lucifer scratched his head and muttered in a low voice that only he could hear, "Weird. I thought she\'d leave right away, And there go my plans to follow her."

In fact, Lucifer thought that Lilith was hiding something else; something different from what she was already hiding per se. Therefore, he planned to hide and follow her silently as Lucifer trusted heavily on his space magic to avoid being detected. However, Lilith\'s reply shook him completely and left him not knowing how to respond to her.

"Bloody Succubus, are you sure you want to come to Kram World?" Lucifer asked as if to make sure he wasn\'t missing something.

"Of course." Lilith replied with a casual smile. Suddenly, she thought of something and as she looked at Lucifer she asked curiously, "I\'ve been thinking about it for a while but, if Your Majesty allows it, I\'d like to ask you a question."

"Mm?" Lucifer looked at her still surprised and subconsciously nodded, "Just ask then."

Lilith frowned slightly and asked something that had been bothering her for quite a few years now, "If I\'m not mistaken, the first time I introduced myself to Your Majesty, I called out my name. However, at that time you never referred to me by that name and simply looked for some other way to call me. Even now, you only call me by the alias the other demons gave me but you never called me \'Lilith\'. May I ask if there is any particular reason?"

It was just an insignificant question but it had always been making Lilith uncomfortable for some mysterious reason.

Regardless of whether it was Valiant, Fire Sorrow, Crow, Hellscar, or any other Higher Existence of the Demonic Army; they all referred to Lilith as "Bloody Succubus Lilith" or merely "Lilith". But none of them referred to her only by the alias "Bloody Succubus" except Lucifer.

So, now that the opportunity had lent itself, Lilith decided to take it and ask if it was just out of caprice and habit or if there was another reason she was unaware of.

The emerald eyes of Lucifer flashed weirdly as he looked at Lilith and his lips curved slightly upward: "You know... I don\'t quite understand what you want but I don\'t care either since I\'m sure you\'re not aiming to hurt me or my faction. But I always found it curious and so far I can\'t understand the reason why you would choose the name \'Lilith\' out of so many possible ones."

Lilith\'s little red mouth opened slightly as her eyes sparkled with surprise and she looked at Lucifer without saying anything.

Lucifer turned to leave but just before leaving he turned to look over his shoulder at her and said lazily, "By the way, all leaders of Higher Existences have access to a window that allows us to see the name and origin of our members, as well as some other details, such as life status and current Order of power. But for the first time in countless years, an existence which seems to have no origin showed up in front of me..... Don\'t you think that\'s interesting, \'Lilith\'?"

Lucifer took one last look at her and after seeing her eyes flinch for a moment he walked away satisfied as he said aloud, "Alright you bastards, we\'re going to the hell.... Bloody shit, this father is getting better and better at cursing. I even do it without realizing it."

As everyone looked at Lucifer speechless, Lilith was dazed for several seconds before chuckling and shaking her head.

"A status window revealing personal information? Isn\'t that cheating?" she muttered to herself as she thought about how Bai Zemin would react if he was in her place.

"That little scoundrel would definitely shout something like \'Hey, no one told me about this!\' He might even complain about the moderator\'s poor service for hiding vital information from the players." Lilith chuckled to herself as she imagined the scene as if it was happening right now.

Since Lucifer knew she was hiding big things but he wasn\'t pushing her too hard, then Lilith didn\'t have to worry other than to be a little more cautious. But in fact, Lucifer was right; Lilith had no malicious intent.... There would only be two people who would suffer a little here.

She sighed and looked up at the stars hanging in the wide sky above her head.

Lilith only hoped that her decision turned out to be the right one.... Because she was slowly beginning to change her mind about her final goal.

"It\'s okay." She said to herself as she gave herself courage, "There are still a few more years to go."

In the distance, Lucifer looked at Lilith and saw her gazing at the heavenly firmament towering over infinity. That beautiful sea of seemingly limitless stars that in reality concealed the truths of the universe and despite its real darkness attracted the gazes of all under its warm radiance.

"When one lives too long the life becomes monotonous to the point where even the food you once loved gets insipid," Lucifer whispered to himself. "When we reach that point, even if we know we are walking toward our own destruction, we will gladly take the dangerous path that will bring us the most emotional agitation."

No one knew how terrifying eternal life was more than the Higher Existences.

Countless had taken their own lives in the past. Non-paragon geniuses who once led a race and saved worlds decided to bestow eternal rest upon themselves because they were unable to find a reason for which to continue breathing.

The passage of time might not be able to erode the fleshly body of those like Lucifer, however, time was undoubtedly the most terrifying law that existed as it could not only give life but also take it. One way or another, time was always victorious. Even the Higher Existences were not exempt from this fact. For even if they were physically safe, their aging souls began to search for simple things they could no longer reach.

Family, friends, acquaintances, loved ones, etc. Lucifer had seen with his own eyes how they all perished while he continued moving forward. A few years ago, after several eras had passed, the feared and respected Demon Lord felt it was time to rest..... But he could not seek eternal rest as doing so would be irresponsible of him toward those who trusted him with their lives at stake.

Therefore, Lucifer spent most of his time during the last hundred thousand years sleeping.

\'Out of sight out of mind\'; this was a saying that expressed it perfectly well. With his eyes closed and his consciousness shut down, Lucifer could defer that desire for a longer period of time.

Until a decade ago, someone who made Lucifer see a new path opening up before his eyes showed up.

That path was being opened apparently by Lilith.

As to whether that path would lead to salvation or destruction; Lucifer did not know. However, he did not care too much about this.

"After all, this universe will soon come to an end unless something big happens." Lucifer withdrew his gaze from Lilith and copied her as well, looking at the sky above his head, "Let\'s see what destiny has in store for us. Victory or defeat? Death or life? Destruction or creation? Annihilation or preservation?.... Be that as it may, this daddy here will definitely see the end result with his own eyes and if something comes my way.... Then that something does not need to continue existing."


Medes didn\'t say much and after giving Lilith a glance as he now seemed interested in her, he simply took all the angels of the Army of Heaven with him.

As for the Demonic Army, they didn\'t stay long in this area either.

Lilith took one last look at the blue planet behind her before going into the portal and disappearing.

However, she would be back very soon. A few more days just to distract them was all she needed.

There were so many things she needed to tell Bai Zemin and so many questions she wanted to ask him ..... Lilith felt anxious like a little girl despite her life experience.

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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