Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 439 - The Miserable Fate Of The Once Arrogant Bai Jian

Although the war had ended with the overwhelming victory of their faction, a victory in which the opposing camp could barely do anything about, the truth was that there were still a lot of things to be accomplished.

While the power of the base seemed to have fallen firmly in the hands of Bai Zemin, the reality was very different from what outward appearances suggested. All it took was a little push from anyone with some prestige within the army of soldiers or soul evolvers who had surrendered; a small flame to start a forest fire.

The only real reason why these people were acting so obediently at this moment was solely because of the overwhelming power displayed by Bai Zemin since the only two times he personally made a move, on both occasions chaos spread throughout the entire war zone; one of those times he even put the lives of each and every living being in the area in danger.

Therefore, if Bai Zemin disappeared just now without first establishing his rule better and despite the fact that there were several modern firearms among which were included devastating machines such as IFVs and war tanks, there was some probability that some minor problems would arise; problems that while minor, would in no way benefit the Transcendent faction considering that ironically or not this was not their territory even though they had already conquered the lands.

"Don\'t worry. I don\'t think these people are foolish enough to try anything funny." Bai Zemin said calmly as he looked Wu Yijun in the eyes.

The woman in love found herself lost in those deep black eyes, practically letting her soul be sucked into those two black holes that she never wanted to escape from.

"Besides." Bai Zemin continued, "With you here, even if someone tries to do something I doubt they can raise waves. But mostly I can go quietly and leave you in charge since I know what you are capable of."

Bai Zemin was not joking with what he said. While he really trusted the power of his subordinates to keep the situation at bay, the real reason he could go off to do his business was because he trusted Wu Yijun\'s intelligence; he trusted that she would find a way to keep each cat in its cage in an orderly fashion and without allowing them to fight each other.

Wu Yijun felt sweet as if she had eaten honey when she heard the words of recognition from the man she was in love with; her first love and the only man to whom she was willing to give her all.

In the past, she was the proud second greatest beauty of the prestigious Beijing University, the favorite of the heavens belonging to one of the most influential and powerful families of a world superpower like China, the chosen one of the heavens endowed not only with innocent beauty and seductive body but also with enough intelligence to make her stand out among thousands with ease. Whenever she walked the streets or the university campus, she was the focus of attention in most cases and her gooseneck was always straight as her head was raised confidently before the world.

Little did she expect that at some point in her life, a few words from a man would be able to decide and rule over her heart and her mood. At this point in her life, Wu Yijun had no choice but to be realistic and accept the reality; to accept that a single sentence from Bai Zemin had the ability to make her heart pound and her smile blossom or cause her heart to die like a wilted flower in the middle of winter and her tears to fall disconsolately from her beautiful shining eyes.

"Leave it to me." She said unwilling to disappoint the trust he had given her. "I\'ll see to it that there\'s not even a shot between us and that when you come back everything will be easier for you."

Since he trusted her so much, Wu Yijun felt she should reciprocate accordingly. After all, a man such as Bai Zemin was destined to be surrounded by women of all kinds among whom there would definitely be no shortage of outstanding ones. If Wu Yijun ever wanted to break through his heart that was surrounded by a stone wall and earn a place next to him, then she will have to work hard to achieve it or else it would all end up in nothing more than a pretty friendship.

"In that case, I feel more at ease." Bai Zemin chuckled before putting on a serious expression on his face and saying, "I\'ll go hunt down that fellow named Jin Shun."

Then, as if thinking about something, he looked at some specific people and noticing the complicated look in the eyes of these few Bai Zemin sighed in his heart.

There were a few soldiers who joined his faction together with Fu Qigang and became soul evolvers. These soldiers were probably the ones who were suffering the most emotionally as they had not only seen some of their comrades fall in today\'s war but many of them killed many soldiers with whom they had fought side by side on the battlefield in the past carrying out different missions.

For better or for worse, left behind or not, betrayal or no betrayal; the truth was that Jin Shun and the rest of the soldiers had once been the family of these men. Therefore, even though they knew they were doing the right thing since they were taking revenge on people who betrayed them like dogs, it still did not help to make them feel better.

Bai Zemin was about to leave without saying much more, but just then, a person came out of the crowd dragging a wagon.

The wagon was quite large, about four meters high and approximately ten meters long and wide. There were four wheels that had been forged using the bones of some mutant beasts at the bottom and around the wagon were many thick bones that acted like bars harder than steel which sealed the wagon as if it were a prison.

There were many of these types of wagons in Bai Zemin\'s faction, some tougher than others as they were built with better materials but at the end of the day they only had one purpose; to trap mutant beasts or any other creature alive.

Mainly, the reason why Bai Zemin and the others were interested in trapping mutant beasts, zombies, goblins, or any other mutated living being, was because in that way they might be able to study the specialties of different races, understand weaknesses, strengths, they might even be able to use these creatures to train soldiers and future soul evolvers in combat to slowly take away their fear of war.

However, this particular wagon looked too large to contain the one living being that lay sprawled on the platform made of bone.

This living being was a human, a man. His hair was a mess and instead of hair it looked like straw from a wild bird\'s nest, his eyes were bloodshot and the dark circles under his eyes made it clear that this person had not slept well for the last few days. His face was covered with dirt and his limbs were completely crushed as if a heavy machine had run over them.

This person\'s condition was so miserable that it was a miracle he was still alive.

"Legion Leader, what should we do with this guy?" Zhong De gestured towards the wagon with his head while using his right hand to pull the string made of mutant bear tendons.

Bai Zemin approached the wagon without saying a word and observed the captive person with indifferent eyes. A slight smirk adorned his face and after several seconds of silence, he calmly said, "Do you remember what I told you a couple of days ago? Or maybe I should refresh your memory?"

The young man raised his head slightly but even that seemingly insignificant movement caused his face to contort in pain as a slight grunt escaped from his mouth along with the air in his lungs.

After taking a deep breath for several seconds, the young man used his bloodshot eyes to look at Bai Zemin with a gaze of hatred but mostly horror and disbelief.

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Bai Zemin said in a manner that was neither too fast nor too slow: "Bai Jian. I told you that I would destroy before your eyes the Baiquan Camp and crush the forces of your uncle and that traitor surnamed Jin, do you remember? Do you remember I told you that before me, your arrogance and pride were nothing but the jokes of a worthless brat?"

Right. This young man was none other than young master Bai Jian, who had lived a life of luxury and pampering since birth. Unfortunately, Bai Jian believed that because his uncle Bai Yong was one of the supreme leaders of a large survivor camp he could still continue to act rampantly even after the world changed and the old rules fell.

This led to Bai Jian offending Bai Zemin without return, so Bai Jian was forced to experience the bad way that this new world had truly ceased to be what it once was. Bai Jian was forced to realize how stupid he had been to blindly believe in the modern weaponry created by mankind of the past, he was forced to open his eyes to the power of evolving humans absorbing large amounts of Soul Power.

For the past four or five days, Bai Jian lived a life worse than hell and many times tried to commit suicide, but in the end, he did not have the courage to do such a thing no matter how much pain he experienced. With his broken limbs and open wounds, Bai Jian did not receive any medical or magical treatment so his body slowly began to fill with maggots and other foul looking larvae that slowly wriggled and ate away at his rotting flesh.

The pain was so great that often Bai Jian would roar in pain to the point where his throat would often begin to bleed. If anyone who knew him in the past saw him at this moment, they would undoubtedly refuse to believe that the ever arrogant and proud Bai Jian who abused his family\'s power to do as he pleased and take advantage of beautiful young girls had fallen to such a miserable state as this.

However, one thing was certain; those people who had suffered at the hands of Bai Jian, those innocent victims who were forced to live through hell because of his inhumanity, would definitely be more than grateful to the person who unwittingly avenged them.

"Shangguan Bing Xue went to hunt your uncle. I think you know what that means, don\'t you?"

Bai Jian\'s eyes trembled when he heard this and his heart finally died completely; all hope had disappeared in its entirety. He had seen the power of the woman named Shangguan Bing Xue during the past few days while she was hunting beasts or zombies and was terrified to discover that this woman he had lusted actually possessed such terrifying skills.

If she had gone after his uncle and his family, then there was really no hope for him anymore.

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Really thank you very much to all who give gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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