The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 361: The Crystallization Of Beauty

Chapter 361: The Crystallization Of Beauty

“He draws terribly.” Delicious Wind Goose commented without hesitation.

Before seeing the Paper Princess in person, Delicious Wind Goose thought highly of that painter.

He could even grasp a hint of magic from the portrait. By just admiring the face and figure of the Paper Princess, Delicious Wind Goose could stare at the portrait for a long time.

Delicious Wind Goose believed that the newspaper’s editor must think so too. That was why it was put on the front page of the newspaper.

However, Delicious Wind Goose finally realized the truth when he saw the Paper Princess with his own eyes.

It turned out that copying the Paper Princess’s appearance already made it a top-notch “magic painting”. Even Delicious Wind Goose’s willpower was utterly defenseless against the real Her.

For some unknown reason, the passers-by around them seemed unable to see him and the Paper Princess. They just walked on the road as usual.

The so-called “famous painter” Nigel Elliott painted the Paper Princess’s portrait “like an ordinary person”.

It might be weird to say that.

Although the drawing struck about 90% similarity to Her appearance, the indescribable beauty and the essence of Her being “the anchor of beauty” were not shown at all.

Not only the Transcended Delicious Wind Goose, but even ordinary people also would never be fascinated by this painting.

It felt like Her quality was beyond “undermined” at this point, like those merchants who sold an inferior product which they would soak the product in water to make it seem bigger in size.

“He had tried his best.” The Paper Princess just gave a gentle chuckle. While feeling Her drawing board with Her backhand from behind, She explained, “He is not a Transcended, and he accidentally saw my face. When he regained consciousness, I had already left.

“His image is recreated with a brief ‘impression’ of me. I have also seen his paintings, and they are quite good. His observation skills are also commendable. After all, he restored the vague impression of me through a short glance. This skill alone is enough to show that his talent is pretty good.”

The Paper Princess defended the painter quite seriously.

Although the painter was not here and could not hear this conversation, the Paper Princess didn’t scold or criticize the painter either.

Delicious Wind Goose suddenly sensed something vaguely.

That seemed to be “love”.

Of course, it was not directed at the painter but the love of all painters.

—The Paper Princess is fond of painters.

Is that why She is called the Paper Princess?

For some reason, Delicious Wind Goose was reluctant to call the deity “She”.

“Let’s forget about that. Take a look at your portrait.” The Paper Princess took out a painting.

She smiled and handed the painting to Delicious Wind Goose.

What’s the worth of my appearance? I’ve seen too much of myself in the mirror. Delicious Wind Goose complained in his heart.

But he was obedient, took over the painting, and politely unfolded the scrolled artwork.

After he saw the painting clearly, he was stunned.

It was indeed his appearance. Delicious Wind Goose recognized it at a glance.

But other than that, everything else was different.

He wore a city guard uniform, but the Paper Princess painted it into a worn but clean red monk robe. He stepped on the snow barefoot, with scars on his feet.

His eyebrows were dyed with white frost marks, and the eyebrows were deeply locked, revealing endless anguish and hesitation. His back was tall and straight; his shoulders were firm and broad. There were subtle scars and abrasions on the top of his head. His expression was silent, and his eyes were determined.

His left arm hung inside the monk’s robe, and his clenched fist showed his troubled state and wavering in his heart. On his right hand was a handful of dark red blood which he placed in front of his mouth, but he did not drink it.

He stared at the rippling pool of blood in his hands, lost in memories and contemplation.

Behind him was the scene of sunset and snow. Shadows hit his profile, framing his chin.

The scene was illusory.

Delicious Wind Goose looked at this “self” and could even vaguely feel “what he was thinking” as if he was the monk of the Cup-holding Lady,

What kind of art is this? Delicious Wind Goose was greatly shaken.

His first reaction was to take a screenshot first.

“How much do I have to pay if I want to buy it?” Then, he asked hesitantly, “Are my feelings so intense?”

“In my rulebook, I give as I pleased. But you only get one chance.” The Paper Princess said softly, “I won’t tell the buyer how much each painting is worth. I’ll only sell you if you give more than it’s worth. But if you can’t, I’m not going to take your money. Instead, I’ll give you a free souvenir worth the price you paid earlier.

“As I said, I’ll give you a 50% discount. You can buy it at half its value, and I’ll sell it. Right now, the painting doesn’t have a name. I’ll give you another 50% discount if you can name it with my approval.

“As for your sentiments here, it’s not exaggerated.

“This is a proper fiction. I will extract, abstract, and purify this conflict of emotion, desire, and will to better display the beauty I have seen. Here’s the outcome. It is the crystallization of your desire and will. If you look at this painting and meditate daily, your willpower will also be improved by feeling this anguish.”

The Paper Princess showed an elegant smile and said calmly, “The so-called painter is a profession that captures the ubiquitous ‘beauty’ in life and then refines and manifests it.

“A work should have a life, at least that’s my opinion.”

“You’re an amazing painter.” Delicious Wind Goose exclaimed sincerely.

This was his first face-to-face conversation with the deity of this world.

The Paper Princess’ airy presence deeply impressed him.

If it weren’t for his complete ignorance of painting, he would be devoted to the Paper Princess by now.

Are the deities of this world such charismatic beings? Delicious Wind Goose thought of the Rotten Man and Silver Sire he had encountered previously.

Needless to say, the Silver Sire had excellent quality too.

Even the Rotten Man who was an enemy and a “mob creep”, Delicious Wind Goose felt the grace, calmness, and amiableness exuding from Him despite being unable to look directly at Him given the tremendous pressure.

“But I don’t have any money.” Delicious Wind Goose said helplessly, “Can I buy on credit? Or exchange it for an item of equivalent value?”

“I don’t accept any delayed payment, but barter is allowed. Under the witness of Silver Sire, I will consider the item on its expected value fairly.”

The Paper Princess said with a smile while urging, “Let’s name it first.”

“I can’t think of a good name.” Delicious Wind Goose was silent for a long time but answered honestly, “All I can give is this—”

He spoke and patted his belt.

There were ten metal bottles the size of lighters.

“Ten bottles of Demon Blood…” The Paper Princess frowned slightly as if She could see through Delicious Wind Goose.

She thought for a while, then asked again, “Why don’t you try to come up with a name first?”

Delicious Wind Goose captured a clue as soon as she said these words.

The value of ten bottles of Demon Blood should be worth more than 25% of this painting but less than 50%. Of course, it was confusing for Goose to calculate it.

The purchase price of Demon Blood was less than 10 pounds, but a bottle of Demon Blood could be sold for 80 pounds in the capital; these ten bottles were given to Delicious Wind Goose as a deduction of pay at the value of 300 pounds.

But in any case, offering a higher price was still a good move.

At the very least, Old Goose could get a gift of equivalent value if he failed to purchase the painting.

Rationally speaking, it was a more rational choice to exchange for a gift rather than a painting of no use.

However, Delicious Wind Goose still wanted to give it a try.

“[The Monk Before the Cliff]. What do you think about this name?” He frowned at the painting, pondered for a long time, and then asked tentatively.

The Paper Princess tilted Her head and thought for a while.

“If someone else gave the painting that title, I wouldn’t sell it.” She narrowed Her eyes, showing a cute smile that reminded Delicious Wind Goose of Annan, and laughed softly, “But since you named, the name itself is another level of contradiction. From this point of view, the value of the painting has been enhanced.

“In the case of equivalent conversion, I will accept the gift you gave,” said the Paper Princess. She reached out to Delicious Wind Goose’s belt.

At the next moment, Delicious Wind Goose felt the bottles inside of his belt suddenly all disappeared.

“I’m leaving, little brother. We may meet again depending on our fate.” The Paper Princess’ voice sounded.

Her figure disappeared as if everything that happened was a dream.

The moment Delicious Wind Goose’s eyes left the Paper Princess, he noticed that his memory of the Paper Princess’s appearance in his mind quickly faded. Not a single bit of it remained in the blink of an eye.

This may be the “defense mechanism” the brain trying to relieve Goose of the deity’s pressure for self-protection.

Delicious Wind Goose was silent. Instead, he carefully rolled the painting into a scroll.

The passers-by around also cast curious glances at Delicious Wind Goose, who was wearing a city guard uniform and holding a painting s.


I should stop patrolling first.

It’s my priority to find Yokai Sensei to get his help in hiding this painting.

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