Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 414 414: The Bandit Outpost IV

Chapter 414 414: The Bandit Outpost IV

There was a loud crash from the impact as Cole was pushed back, his feet digging into the ground to create furrows as the bandits pushed him even harder. But it was a hard enough effort on their path, Cole wasn\'t really moved as they were both thrown backwards. But in a move of pure athleticism, Cole watched them twist their bodies in the air and use the inertia from being thrown back to go over the wall.

Cole raised an eyebrow at that, to say he wasn\'t impressed would be a lie, but at the same time he was disappointed. It seems they were always planning to escape, they had come back to find a way to throw Cole off guard, if not he would have shot them down or any other one of his soldiers would have done that. Cole scoffed as he started making his way to the entrance of the outpost.

"You guys should finish up here in 15 minutes. Make sure there are no survivors. Put the bodies in a pile in the middle of the outpost and burn everything else. Meet back at the rendezvous point and stay out of trouble or you all will have to answer to me. Is that understood?"

"SIR YES SIR!!" they all called out as Cole nodded his head in satisfaction. Then he leaped, with a single squat. His body left a massive crater as his jumped took him over 200 feet into the air, exposing the forest to his sight and senses. He found his targets quickly enough as he gave himself to the pull of the shadows and felt it respond as the distance between him and them shrunk in a second.

Both individuals were crossing past a tree when Cole reappeared out of its trunk, Black Malakai pointed towards the neck of the female who had been cut off guard. The male Bandit used a teleportation move to appear in front of Cole to defend against his strike, and they were all mid air. His crystal lightning axe clashed against the black and red blade of Black Malakai as a loud sound was heard across the entire forest.


The Shockwave blasted the woman away, but the force from the strike was much too powerful as the male with the bear fur was blasted back through multiple trees, bringing down a significant part of the forest. When the man finally came to a stop his body had already smashed a massive oak tree in half. He was left impaled in the remnants of the tree, massive wood spikes and chips stuck into his body as his blood dribbled down into what was left of the tree.

Cole heard the woman scream, but she did not attack him or even attempt to go back for the man, instead she kept running. Obviously her life was a little bit more important to her than whatever relationship the two of them shared. But be that as it may, Cole was not going to let her escape. The man wasn\'t dead yet though, and even if he did not have any of his stats in the diamond rank, he was still a gold ranker. Given enough time he would heal from getting his head smashed.

[Umbra Sword Garden]

A split second decision as black swords joined the ripped up spikes of the tree to stab into the man\'s body. Still he lived, but that was okay, Cole was not yet done with him as both [Sin Eater] and [Sin Reaper] were used. Cole did not even wait for the stream of energy flowing from the man\'s rapidly desiccating corpse to stop before he turned and used [Spectral Rover] fusing the trans-dimensional skill with another in the form of [Shadow Dance]

This was something that Cole had never done before, but the moment he did so, it was as if his eyes were open to a multitude of possibilities. To him he felt as if he has been using both skills wrongly and never really understood the synergy that they had and the heights of power they could bring to bear with proper understanding.

What he discovered from the usage of both skills was so powerful that it prompted even the system itself to intervene as a notification popped into his face even as time slowed.

[Overwhelming Synergy Between The Skills Shadow Dance and Spectral Rover Has Been Detected! Combine both skills Into Spectral Shadow Mastery]

Cole did not have much time to pay attention to the description of the skill or the subsequent notification about his gains from killing the the bear man with the lightning crystal axe. He continued chasing after the woman, his focus sharpened as he felt every shadow in a way he has never felt.

But more than that he became aware of both realms. The realm of shadow and the realm of the unseen,,, the Spectral realm. The land of gray black and white that is home to the ghosts, spirits, and nightmares of the waking world. And the shadow realm, the refection realm, the pathway realm that connects every other metaphysical realm to the waking world, a fundamental realm that\'s the same for every universe...and it was now a realm Cole could potentially command.

Cole literally speed out of mid air in front of the woman, his hand grabbing her by the neck as he arrested her own momentum and raised her into the air before smashing her down into the ground in a massive choke hold. She cried out in pain, blood staining her lips as Cole kept her pinned and stabbed Black Malakai straight through her chest. Her screaming was worse after that….whether she though if she screamed loud enough help would come.

Or perhaps seeing a black sword sticking out of your chest was extremely traumatic. But regardless this was the end, and Cole let her understand it. [Sin Eater] he watched impassively as the light left her eyes and her power became his. That was one thing dealt with...it was time to move on to the next target….these damn Animechs better be worth it.

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