Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 60 Failed Expirement And New Class Selection

[You have obtained Partial Completion]

[The Midnight Lightning Eyes have entered a deep slumber]

"Huff… Huff… Huff…"

We panted on the ground, and all of a sudden, my vision began to blur extremely fast, as if somebody was pouring smoke into my eyes.

"Ugh… Shit… Can\'t find it," I muttered as I tried to search for the last large potion, but my vision had been entirely blurred.

But, thankfully, Aisa saved me and handed me the potion, which I immediately chugged, feeling the thick liquid sit in my stomach.

I had the urge to throw up but pushed it down so it could actually do its thing.

"Dammit… Dammit… Dammit… Nothing ever said you needed compatibility," I muttered as my vision soon returned.

Though it did say I was incompatible, I could actually feel a few of the buffs that were supposed to be given when obtaining the Midnight Lightning Eyes.

My depth perception was crazy good now and my eyes which had rotted a bit from how close I read anything, returned to a clean, twenty-twenty vision.

"Orion, this is crazy," I suddenly heard Aisa mutter as she stood up and stumbled back, not yet prepared to handle all the information flooding her brain.

There were four buffs that came with these eyes, but I really only needed three…

First: The increased depth perception, and if you thought mine was insanely good, then hers is godly as this is the main feature most people want.

Second: Your affinity with lightning-related skills can either help you weaken an enemy\'s attack or amplify the power of your own attack.

Third: The ability to process anything you see at a much faster rate.

The signal between your eyes to your brain is high-speed, but these eyes make it instant as if the signals teleport straight into your brain.

This is another buff that most people want.

And finally, the fourth one: the ability to see at night, otherwise known as night vision.

I already had this, so this feature was pretty useless to me… but I was still jealous of Aisa, who obtained these eyes instead of me.

Strangely, the magical and powerful yellow eyes really fit her light blue hair… it was a strange mix of colors, but the result was quite interesting.

Plus, Aisa didn\'t mind them, except for the fact that she could barely stand now due to all the information flooding her mind.

"My head hurts," She groaned as she looked in the full body mirror next to my bed.

"I\'ll get you some painkillers," I said before shuffling through my bag and then popping the top open of one of my meds.

"You narcissistic bastard. Why do you need such a tall mirror in your room… Are you gazing at your body every day?" Aisa groaned, but I just ignored her before giving her a single pill that she swallowed instantly.

After a few more minutes, she surprisingly began to adjust to it.

I expected it to take her a few hours, but I guess she was a genius in adaptability… like myself… but opposite to Cy.

Cy was terrible at adjusting and adapting, so I was worried if something ever bad happened to him, he would most likely… just… well, die.

"But let\'s not think about that now," I muttered as I glanced up at the heavenly panels above me.


[You have completed the Side Quest: Create the Midnight Storm Eyes]

[Time remaining: Infinite]

[Reward has been granted]


[You have leveled up]

[You reached the max level]

[You can now upgrade your class]


Exactly like last time, the few panels split into three more panels that revealed all the needed class information.

And this time, the choices were so interesting that I couldn\'t suppress my smile.

But first…

"Aisa, do you have a class yet?" I asked as I wanted to gauge something.

"Uhhhh… Of course not. I\'m still level one," She replied.

You can still level up your stats from intensive training like what Cy does, and like how I continuously used my skills whenever I had the chance to raise my magic stat… but it\'s just that it takes tons of dedication and time, so acquiring a class and classing up is the best way to increase your stats.

"Are your stats good?" I asked.

"Very good. I was born pretty gifted," She said while puffing her chest out a bit.

And then… there are the naturally gifted like Aisa and Findir.


[Class: War Spearsman]

[Description: The spearsman side of you calls out for more blood, whether that be human or monster blood. Your bloodlust will be a deadly weapon that can work with you or be the beginning of your demise.]

[Requirements: Proficiency with the Spear | Lust for War | 20 Strength | 20 Speed]

[Class Bonus: +5 Speed | +5 Strength | Increased Damage With Spear Related Skills]


[Class: War Strategist]

[Description: You have become so proficient at creating plans that even the system doesn\'t want to give up on you choosing the path of physical and brute combat. Your mind will become clearer in stressful situations, and your adaptability will be pushed to its max. You won\'t even feel anything when you make a sacrificial decision.]

[Requirements: Proficiency in Strategizing]

[Class Bonus: Addition of New Neurons | Clear Mind | Cold Heart | Strategy Related Skills]


And finally, we have the last class… which is… strange, to say the least.


[Class: Puppeteer]

[Decription: You have successfully manipulated not only the others around you but the situation itself. This class gives you a chance to head in a different direction and go down the path of manipulation. Your mind will become clearer, and your influence when manipulating somebody becomes much greater.]

[Requirements: Proficiency in Manipulation]

[Class Bonus: Increased Influence on Targets | Cold Heart | Manipulation Related Skills]

[Class Drawbacks: -1 Strength | -2 Speed]


Wow… I feel flattered that they gave me such interesting options…

But, there\'s only one obvious answer.

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