Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 408 Part Two: Recovering From The Exhaustion

Recalling the recent events, Ricardo Compton sighed to himself. "I hadn\'t expected the changes to be this severe," He said to himself.

He had underestimated the changes in the trunulesia forest. Before coming here, he had assumed apart from the high concentration of mutation energy, there is not much change.

But after coming here, he came to know that his assumption was wrong. Mutated monsters are rampaging in broad daylight. Which is something that has not happened since the ruin\'s discovery.

Fortunately, he had managed to bring his team safe and soundly. He can\'t imagine what would happen if they had stayed there longer.

He has a vague feeling that the monster will be more bloodthirsty and cruel during nighttime. His expression couldn\'t help but turn solemn when he thinks about it.

Now onwards, he has to act more carefully. He decided to drop his previous plans and arrangements. According to the previous arrangement, the exploration team will research the ruin and Zack Lockwood will train at Trunulesia forest.

But now the situation is different. He decided to bring Zack with him to the ruin. Then Ricardo Compton thought about another mess. The behaviour of Erik Lloyd pissed him off.

But he believes that after the recent fight against the monster. Erik Lloyd perhaps dropped the idea of offending Zack Lockwood.

He also remembers his conversation with Thornton, presumably, there is a big man behind the kid Zack Lockwood.

Compton had promised that he will protect Zack Lockwood. Now the situation demands even more attention from him. He secretly made up his mind not to let go of Zack from his sight.


(From MC\'s perspective)

The following day,

I woke up early. Then immediately I felt the weight of the armour. This was the first time I had slept wearing armour. It feels weird.

Then dispelling the thoughts, I examined internally using my perception. Now my both essence and body strength had recovered to a peak state.

Thanks to all those blood essence pills that I had consumed last night. Otherwise, It will be impossible for me to reach this peak state.

Then I got up from the ground and walked out of the tent. Then my gaze immediately fell on other tents. The rest of the tents were closed except the middle one.

Seeing that, my eyes gleamed with a twinkle.

"Looks like elder is awake," I grumbled.

Then I walked towards the large tent. I don\'t know what he has planned today.

Shaking my head, I entered his tent.

On the other hand, Ricardo Compton already perceived the presence of Zack Lockwood. When he saw him walking into the tent, he revealed a bright smile.

"Zack, come here and sit," Compton pointed his finger at the nearby chair, saying that.

Hearing that, I smiled and walked up to the chair to sit.

Looking at the bright smile on Elder\'s face, I bet he is in good mood. Then I watched him sit in the opposite chair.

"Do you have any doubts?" Compton asked.

"Hmmm," I\'m stunned for a moment. Then I calmed down in my heart and thought about the question.

"Elder, do we have to wear this gear all the time?" I asked.

Hearing that, Elder Compton chuckled before saying, "Don\'t worry, there is a small base near the ruin. We can remove our gear then."

I sighed in relief after hearing his words.

Then thinking about the trunulesia forest my expression turned solemn.


"I want to go back to the forest," When I said the atmosphere turned into pin-drop silent.

I saw Elder Compton\'s expression change drastically. What happened? I didn\'t say anything wrong.

"Zack, there is a change of plans," Compton said with a sigh.

Then looking at Zack, he further added, "As you saw yesterday, monsters are running through the forest in broad daylight."

"I don\'t know if there are other changes in the forest. So it\'s safe for you to stay here." Saying that Compton looked at Zack for an answer.

"This?" The elder\'s words shocked me. I had never thought he would backtrack at the last moment.

Changes inside the trunulesia forest are indeed scary. But I\'m not stupid enough to go deep into the woods.

"Elder, I want to fight against the mutated monsters. Otherwise, my trip here would be wasted," I replied in a solemn tone.

Ricardo Compton didn\'t reply to Zack. But he began to ponder deeply.

"Alright, you can go to the forest. But you have to return to this base before dawn," Compton said.

Then he thought about something and added, "One more thing Zack, just practise around the outer area, don\'t go deep into the woods."

Hearing that I nodded in relief. After speaking with him about a few other topics, I left the tent.

On the other hand, seeing disappearing back of Zack. Compton let out a small sigh. He understands it\'s impossible to control Zack Lockwood. He also doesn\'t offend this person.

Since Zack is going to the trunulesia forest, he thought about sending one of the team members as a protector.

He immediately omitted Erik Lloyd from his mind. He also neglected Garrett Marsh. He knows Marsh is a good friend of Erik. So he doesn\'t have a good opinion of both of them.

Then the image of Terrell Boyd comes to his mind.

Compton shook his head in denial. Even though, Terrell Boyd doesn\'t have any ill intentions towards Zack. But he won\'t know whether Terrell would risk his life to save Zack.

Then once again he shook his head in denial.

Terrell is not the best man for the job. Which left him only two options. "Valerie and Robles."

These two will listen to him. After pondering for a moment, he decided to send Valerie Lyons as protector. She is the vice leader of the team. He believes she will risk her life to save Zack.

Then he summoned Valerie Lyons to his room to instruct her.

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