Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 236 - Part 1: Ella Appears On 15th Floor

Except for large towns, There is no major cities at the eastern border. Yet the Warriors from City Lord\'s Patrol Team are quite active all around the border of West Word City.

They have yet to investigate the reports of other forces. Meanwhile, they need to settle down first. After quickly arranging everyone\'s room. Captain Miles requested a quick meeting.

Inside the Mansion\'s meeting hall,

Ten warriors stood in front of Captain Miles to discuss their mission.

Before starting discussion, Captain Miles looked at everyone and said, "We begin our mission tomorrow morning. There are activities of other forces along the border. So, it\'s not speculation but real deal. We will act against them tomorrow when we find their traces."

Remaining warriors didn\'t refute his words. As they came here to fulfill their mission, they didn\'t want to drag it any longer. They only wanted to complete it as soon as possible.

Then they talked about a few other things before Captain Miles dispersed everyone.


Next morning,

"Palmer, is there any movement seen around the mansion?" The team leader from Steel Dart force inquires about it to his Vice Leader.

Palmer began to sweat hearing his question. He was already aware of the movements from a small government mansion in the town. He actually wanted to talk to him before confirming the identities.

But right now he has to inform him about the intel in their hands.

Palmer nervously answered, "Captain, There are indeed some movements that can be seen along the Government mansion. But we weren\'t able to confirm their identity at this point of time."

"Waste!" The Captain yells at him in frustration.

The Captain feels something bad from the information. If they are really sent by the City Lord. Then it would be troublesome. It will be a matter of time before they begin to investigate. When it happens then they really have to change their hideout and move to some other place.

"Damn, what a mess? I don\'t know what other forces are doing right now."  He whispered to himself. It\'s been several days since they occupied a small hideout near the eastern border.

But right now, they are not the only forces behind the dark. There were several known and unknown forces beginning to occupy the border. At this time, his minds telling him that it\'s too early for City Lord to dispatch the team.

He thought since the competition is going to occur for a month. There is still plenty of time in their hands to change their strategy. There is less probability for City Lord\'s notice their presence.

He let out a deep sigh thinking about it. He felt as long as they didn\'t show their presence for the time being. They won\'t reveal any traces behind and eventually they will find about those unknown people inside the mansion.

Then he looked at Palmer and instructed him and his men to stay low for a while. Until his next order comes no one can operate privately.  The Vice Captain, Palmer left the room after hearing his words.

Seeing that his men left his room, " Looks like the chances of my team is slim compared to others." He thought to himself. To kill one talented seed of their enemy forces. Their organization dispatched four elite teams including them. If one team misses then the other team can intercept and kill the target.

" Martin Dyers hope you will choose eastern border to exit." He said in his heart.


Inside the Mansion\'s meeting hall,

Beginning of the mission,

Captain Miles and his team slightly disguised their appearance for this mission. If they walk around with their official uniform. Then it will rattle the snakes hiding behind the border.

"You can split into two teams of five members, Once you reach the border line then begin the mission. Don\'t cause any disturbance to civilians and others. Do missions secretly without revealing your identity. " He instructed his team.

Then he added, " First try to find out about their exact location and inform me. Do not follow them on your own."

Then they talked about other necessary details before leaving the meeting hall for their mission.

Captain Miles is not in a hurry as long as they don\'t cross the border and enter inside the town. Then there won\'t be any problem for him and he can easily command his team from sitting in one place. Finally he can interfere during the fights between two forces. After making up his mind, He begins to read other intel.

Sometime later,

The team reaches the border line in secret. After arriving at the location they split into two teams to begin their investigation. The eastern border line is situated near the border town with population of 50,000.

There is still a stream of people crossing the border between the two cities. The emergency law placed here is not so stringent, as there is no person present here to monitor the situation. But still people dare not to disobey the law and follow it completely.

There is also huge billboards of Star Tower can be seen alongside the streets of the town. The commercial play beside the billboard, time to time reveals the news about Star Tower event and it\'s leaderboard ranking with current status. Because of it people are quite aware of it, even though their town is quite distance from the main city.

Since there is an emergency law in place, it becomes easy for two teams to do their mission. One team began to collect intel from local stalls at the street. And another team begins to observe body language and dress code of the people. They knew the opposing forces wouldn\'t reveal their identity.

They must be in disguise. If the other faction members cross the border, they can easily find them.

As the time progresses, their activities get noticed by some forces. Even the forces who decided to cross the border earlier, now retract back their decision and now want to find out about these two teams\' real identity.

From time to time the information is passed to Captain Miles. For him the mission can be successful as long as he prevents them from entering inside the city. He doesn\'t have to personally seek and kill them one by one. He can sit back and relax. He can defend against them until the end of the competition. Which can also be considered a successful mission.


Inside the Star Tower,

Ella Downs appears on the 15th floor successfully. So, far with assistance from Power of her Bloodline. She somehow able to reach this floor by defeating also those monsters.

Right now, her expression is a bit condensed. There is no look of disdain on her face. Earlier indifference is replaced by seriousness.

Five Mid level Class 1 Monsters besiege her instantly out of thin air.

Silver Spike Centipede Monsters- Class 1- Mid level.

"Clang" "Clang" "Clang" "Clang"

Numerous legs of those centipede monsters make metallic sounds while walking. Their giant body blocks Ella downs from slipping away. Unusually, these Centipede monsters begin to cooperate instead of fighting with each other.

Sensing that she releases her blood line power to overpower them.  A small tattoo of a snake can be seen on her forehead. Which appears instantly due to release of her bloodline power.

If it were an ordinary monster an immediate effect can be seen from the suppression of her bloodline power. But as she realizes these were elemental monsters. She gritted her teeth in anger.

Suddenly, The centipede monster begins to attack her.

Ella clenched her fist to slam it\'s head heavily. As her fist technique executed with the power of a Special Trainee. It alone causes opposite monsters to halt for a moment.

Using that opportunity she directly punched her first against its head.


The collision occurs, the monster backs away due to the attack. Yet it didn\'t suffer any injury. It\'s defense is a bit stronger due to its metallic attribute. Unlike Darius, Ella understands the severity of the situation. She can\'t drag it any longer. Instead it only drains her energy further.

Biting her lips, she made a huge decision at this moment. She is ready to use her life saving trump card. It\'s too expensive to use it in this way. But she has no choice, if it\'s next level she can win one to one against Peak Monster.

But these Five Mid Level elemental monsters is powerful than single Peak level monsters. "I will slap the person whoever design this stupid challenge" She scolded the person behind this idea.

At this time, somewhere inside the Star Tower Hall Master\'s residence.. "Achoo" a sneezing sound can be heard.

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