Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 210 - Part One: Crimson Hall's Team

At this time,

I yawned, as I woke up from my sleep. Then I gazed at my watch. Seeing the timing, I knew it\'s the second day of travel. Massaging my temples, I decide to brush up first. After adjusting folding the seat in seating position. I headed towards the washroom. There were four small baths in this compartment. I slightly looked around, and found twenty heads in this compartment including me.

For a moment, I forgot the yesterday\'s rush. For our compartment, it\'s okay to have this much of people. Shaking my head, I entered the washroom.

The other hand,

Nick Garner, the co-passenger of Zack is already woke. Now, he is having some tea, While reading his book. Seeing Zack sleepy expression he let out amusing smile, "Interesting Kid!" He thought to himself.

A few minutes later, after brushing up my teeth. I again went to take small shower. Then after having some good bath, I changed my clothes to a bit casual.

After finishing the routine, I sat back in my seat. Then suddenly, Nick Garner poured some tea for me.

"Thanks!" Saying that, I take the tea cup from his hands and begin to sip it slowly.

I felt good, this tea is really refreshing. While, I\'m sipping it, I unconsciously glanced at his book. My eyes flashes in surprise. It\'s about human anatomy. "This Guy is healer or what?" A question rang in my mind.

Now, I felt bad. Earlier, when he introduced himself. I didn\'t listen to him properly. If this guy has healing element. Then his knowledge about healing is very useful for me. Then I decided, next time I will be attentive, If he brings out the same conversation again.

Then Mr. Nick went back to his reading, He immersed in his reading. Seeing that, I don\'t want to disturb him. So, I began to read the latest news.


At the same time, Crimson Hall team of six members, begin to get ready for the journey.

Right now, Rob Williamson already left his home and arrived here. This City is the closest city to West Word City. The team of six people already arrived in the city. But they were in different location, right now. So, they have to gather at one point. Before they travel together to West Word City.

At this time, Rob Williamson eating food in a restaurant, He received call from one of his team member, Darius Case.

"Robb, Where are you? I lazy voice rang in his ears.

Hearing that, He knew his team member wants to gather.

Then Robb answered, "I\'m at this restaurant called Rainbow leaf. Why?"

The other hand, Darius nodded. Then he said, "It\'s nothing, I\'m just asking casually. By the way, When did you arrive?"

Robb replied, "I came here yesterday. Darius, What about rest of them? What are they doing?"

The other hand, Darius answered, "I don\'t know? I\'m going to call them one by one."

Hearing that Robb surprised. He thought he was confident to clear some levels. But looks his friends also have this nonchalant attitude. He smiled wryly thinking about it. After having few conversation. He ended the call.


Inside the Hansen Campus,

Elder Thornton currently checking the attendance. "Seems like all of the students present today." He said to himself.

After suspension was lifted off, He thought it will take quite while for student to return back to the campus. But, now he was happy looking at the attendance. Not only old students came back, there is also admission of some new students.

"Good" He said to himself. After confirming it, He suddenly thought about Zack. "In few days, Star tower challenge is going to start, I don\'t know how many levels he is going to clear?" He thought to himself.

"If he can successfully get past level ten. Then it will be good record." He mumbled under his breath. Because, He knew this event is not only for Zack. But also for the Hansen Campus\'s future.

Elder Thornton has a clear direction now, Before retiring, he wants develop this tiny campus into somewhat middle size campus. If not this possible, at least he have to lay out some base for it.

He is also got the notification about Crimson Hall team. "Six members ah? I don\'t know how many forces they looted for the entry fees. I don\'t believe Crimson Hall is willing to spend from their pocket." He thought to himself.

He promised Sir. Lowell McCain that he will take care of Zack. But so many things changed after that initial conversation. He can\'t leave the office like whenever he wants. Everyone is watching his move, further more he don\'t want to displease the shareholder. Which is also one of the reason, he recommended Zack to participate in the star tower.

In this way, normally forces won\'t target challengers. There is also some record of sudden disappearance of people belong to various forces, after they intercepted and killed some challengers. He believe this must be doing of Star Tower Management. But there is no conclusive evidence for it. After that incident forces began to behave carefully, but also there were some loose heads who doesn\'t believe in this conspiracy theory.

They intercepted the kids on the way. But after the event they also met with same fate.

So, that\'s why he believes that Zack will be quite safe on this trip. And he didn\'t tend to follow him behind because of this.


A faraway place from this location, on a certain wasteland. There is a wide underground prison under this land.

The underground prison is built with special metals. It\'s so hard that it can\'t be broken by simple means.

A certain Prison Guard doing his daily routine rounds. At first, On top of the land, This is where the gate to the underground prison is located. The Prison Guards attire look bit shabby, He appeared like savage. No one from the General Population would believe, this savage looking man is the Prison Guard of this dangerous prison.

The Prison Guard went near the gate. There is huge mechanical lock attached to it. There is no sign of modern technology so far. The Prison Guard uses key to operate several combination to unlock it.

A few moments later, the lock was opened.

Then the prison guard entered inside it, while he was doing it. His Colleague took care of the guarding until he arrives back. There is only one way, going downwards through the spiral stair cases.

The prison guard stepped slowly towards the spiral stair cases. As he walks down the spiral stairs, he lit up the lamps with fire. There is no lighting system here. So, he began to lit up the lamp one by one as he goes downwards. As a result, the spiral stair cases illuminates with bright light.

This underground prion reveals the aura of Medieval era.

Finally, the prison guard descends and touches the land. From here onwards, both from his left and right there were prison cells. There were only ten prison cells here, locking up ten criminals each. There were five cells on his left and five on his right side. This is just first floor.

The Prison Guard moves to do his daily routine. He is going to check the prisoners. At first the room was totally dark. After the Prison Guard descended here. First thing, He does was to lit up the lamp. As a result, entire first floor is illuminates with light.


There is growling sound, resonated from some cells.

"Ahem, Who do we have here?" A crackling voice rang in prison guard ears, without minding it. He began to check it one by one.

Seeing the guard\'s face, a senile old man commented, "It\'s our fellow Prison Guard." After saying that, the senile old man begins to laugh.

Like that, time to time prisoners making some noise.

But the Prison Guard didn\'t get affected by it. He is used to their farce. After checking the ten cell, He decides to descend even further. The Prison Guard moved, He once again descend even further using the same spiral case. As he came in front of the spiral case. To go down once again, he needs to unlock the entrance gate of the second floor.

After following the same procedure as the first gate. The Prison Guard begins to descend further.

A few moments later,

After illuminating the second floor, the Prison Guard follows the same routine, But suddenly he heard loud screaming, "Let me out of here!"

The Screaming is came from the tenth prison cell. The Person\'s face is distorted hair is Dishelved.

Hearing his screaming, the other Prisoner felt dissatisfied. "This vermin! Won\'t you quiet down. " another prisoner shouts at him.

Soon, due to illumination of light, the prisoners began to converse.

"This newbie is such a pu**y!" the prisoner from the first cell said with a laugh.

"What Crime does he commit? " another prisoner inquired.

"I heard he is lackey from Devil Cry.." Another Prisoner interrupts his conversation in midway.

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