Eternal Melody

Chapter 1001 My Beautiful Monster Part 102

Chapter 1001 My Beautiful Monster Part 102

"Even in this state, you\'re trying to flirt with me?"

Nanaka laughs weakly. "Mm, that\'s right."

Silly girl. Sora felt Nanaka trying to move closer and he leaned down and hugged her. "Ssh, stay still. We can fool around after this."

"I-I had plans, for the wedding night. Do you know what I am wearing under this dress?"

Sora sighs deeply. "I know, you\'re wearing some really scandalous looking lace."

Nanaka laughs. "So, you knew?" Her gaze softens. "Thank you very much Sora, I know we weren\'t a couple for long. But the past two centuries with you by my side has made me very happy. Because of you, I never felt lonely."

"Be quiet, save your pretty voice."

"Sora, this is it. I used to be the goddess of life and because of the curse I became the goddess of death. This is my seventh life too, I know when it\'s the end."

Sora kept shaking his head as he continued to write more words on the scroll.

He can do this, how many times has he been summoned for a job to heal a life threatening wound? 

"I love you." Nanaka said softly. 

At those words he froze. It\'s not the first time for him hearing those words. She has told him before, but he always found it hard to believe.

"I really love you Sora, so you have to let me go okay? I know you can survive this. My siblings, I used the last of my magic to teleport them outside. Help them, because our parents are gone now. Please, only you will be able to take care of them."

Sora felt fat droplets falling from his eyes and Nanaka extends her hand out weakly to wipe his tears. "Husband." Nanaka said softly. "In the next life, you will find me again won\'t you? In the next life, we will marry and have children. Oh, remember you promised me a large house with a large garden."

"Yeah, and I promised to build you a better place so you can paint. We can paint together. You always said you liked my pictures."

"Mm, you\'re so talented."

Feeling her pulse weaken, Sora felt like his own heart would stop. It was getting difficult to heal her and push the flames back. He knew he would have to stop one of them eventually. But just a bit more, if he can just have a few extra seconds with her.

"I want you to find me, please. I still haven\'t given you anything. I haven\'t repaid the love, friendship and kindness you gave me. I wish we had more time."

"Nanaka, please you can\'t-" His sentence fell short when he felt her weak arms around his neck. The girl was using her last amount of strength to kiss him deeply. 

Sora groaned. Every time she kisses him, he gets really turned on.

"Sora, listen to me. I know your secret. I know you\'re also a god. I know the reason why you have only had two reincarnations. Gods don\'t die unless they step into the wheel of reincarnation."

His eyes widened.

"Nanaka, I\'m sorry."

Nanaka shakes her head. "When I discovered the truth I felt relieved. Because of the curse, I am unable to live an unlimited life. That\'s why I keep reincarnating. However, it\'s different with you. You are born with unlimited time and life. Living an immortal existence is lonely, and I can only imagine what you went through."

"If you know all that, don\'t leave me."

"Mm, I really would like to stay but I can\'t. T-the next life." Nanaka coughed. "I will try every means to return to your side, so I can give you the happiness you deserve. So, would you wait for me? Phoenix God, Yi."

Sora\'s eyes widened hearing her words. She really does know everything. How long? Since when did she know? Her hands slipped and Sora knew it was time.

"I promise, I will find you."

Nanaka smiled and whispered three words before closing her eyes. He knew even without feeling her pulse that she was gone. The soul bond was quiet, and the marks that marked them as partners faded. She was gone, the other half of his soul. 

The pain he felt was something he couldn\'t even describe.

It\'s empty.

The place that she filled with her brightness, laughter and love. It\'s all gone. Any emotion he felt since meeting her has vanished. 

He simply stayed there, holding the dead Nanaka in his arms. He didn\'t know what to do. She asked him to look after her siblings. But he can\'t. He can\'t do anything without her. 

Catching movement, no shadows getting closer. Sora paused. Right, before he blacked out. There was that darkness got in the way of him reaching Nanaka. 

That black creature...

\'He has the most beautiful blue coloured eyes. They remind me of the ocean.\'

"Alexander?" Sora spoke the name Nanaka often repeated.

He flinched.

"It\'s you right?"

The shadow nodded. 

"Listen." Sora started and coughed. Droplets of blood fell on the ground.

"I-I don\'t really have time." Sora mumbled.

Because he had been holding Nanaka when he was trying to heal her, he ended up caught in the healing circle too. But, it seemed he suffered more wounds from falling than he realized. Nanaka wasn\'t the one who was in the balcony earlier, it was him. Because he was too focused on finding her, he didn\'t realize how injured he was. 

\'I used too much magic. I am sure Atsu is still around, and if I call for him. He could save me on time. But-\' His gaze fell on the girl in his arms. He can\'t do it, he can\'t live without her being here.

"You won\'t be able to follow her in that state and since I\'m not her original partner neither will I. Do you understand? Work with me on this, otherwise she will be alone. Forever."

The shadow spoke. "Do you love her?"

Sora weakly nodded. "Yeah, I really love her and in the end. I don\'t think it was because of the bond. Actually when I learned about the bond, I tried to push her away. But she made it so dammed hard."

Alexander didn\'t say anything.

Sora caressed Nanaka\'s face. "You\'re so pale. I\'m so sorry. I didn\'t realize that you were just putting up with the wedding."

At those words Alex growled and he raised his eyebrow. "Let me have my moment with her."

\'He really is easy to anger, just like Nanaka said.\'

Sora changed the brush he was using to the one Nanaka gifted him, and pulled out some new scrolls. It was hard for him to write and he occasionally dropped the brush, only for shadows to wrap around his arm.

"Use my power."

Sora nodded and mumbled thank you.

" for me that much I can tell but you still love him more and the idea of marriage. Marrying someone else was too painful for you. I knew that, I knew but I still pushed through with it. You told me you didn\'t give me anything. But you did, and yet I repaid you with my selfishness."

He leans down and kisses her lips softly as a bright light wrapped around the three of them.

"When we meet again in the next life, I\'ll make sure to give you a choice."

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