Eternal Melody

Chapter 675 If I go crazy

Chapter 675 If I go crazy

  "So, I\'m serious, yeah? Don\'t do that again." Yuhi kissed her eyelids softly after that round of intense kisses.

  "You say that, but-" Yuhi sighed. "Forget it, next time I\'ll come with you. It\'s not that I don\'t trust Shin to have your back. But, you have a habit of rushing off on your own."

  Next time they can be together?

  "But, the media-"

  "It\'s fine."

  "You\'re the one who doesn\'t take safety margins, Yuhi," Sumire exclaimed. "I can\'t cope if you end up in a scandal and it destroys your entire career."

  At those words, Yuhi kissed her again. It was so sudden, and yet it didn\'t take long for her to wrap her arms around his neck, and she rested her face on his b n shoulders.

  "My dear, what was that?"

  "I have decided," Yuhi mumbled. "Whenever you say something stupid. I\'ll shut you up."

  Uh what? Sumire stared at him, speechless. Okay, so maybe what she says is silly in comparison. His career or her safety? Naturally, Yuhi will prioritize the latter since it involves her life. 

  "I think my lips will end up damaged. We already kiss as a greeting; if we add this, we will be kissing all the time, not that I would dislike that."

  "Brat." Yuhi\'s lips curved to a smile. "Well, kissing is all we can really do at the moment anyway. So, increasing it isn\'t bad."

  At those words, she pouted. "Yuhi-san, if I didn\'t get hurt. I would have attacked you!"

  This is so unfair; now, all her planning has gone to waste.

  Yuhi pinched her cheeks. "Behave."

  How unfair; what\'s with his self-control? Wasn\'t he the one who said something along the lines of not having enough of her? 

  "We secured the guns, and I am sure Atsuro and Shin will pass on the message to Aki. So you don\'t have to worry about it anymore."

  Sumire blinked. Does he still think she is thinking about the deal? Since earlier seeing him in that outfit distracted her, and now she really wants to do a bit of touching.

  Still, now that he mentioned it, she is curious. "What about those people?" She was referring to the \'enemies\' she took down.

  "I called for a cleaner."

  Her eyes brightened at those words. "As expected of you, my dearest, you understand me well." She trailed off. "Those people you see were clearly newbies who only just learned to wield a gun. They do not deserve to die."

  "Mm, I am familiar with your fighting style well. Still, I think you should switch tactics when we face core members of the black Alice organization."

  "Are you saying I shouldn\'t show them any mercy?"

  "That\'s right."

  Sumire responded to this by placing light kisses on his neck. 

  "Hey, don\'t try to bribe me. You understand after today, right? Even if you show mercy on the underlings, it will do nothing. The big bosses will just take advantage of it and cause you to drop your guard."

  "I wasn\'t at my best. I would have held back regardless since Shin was with me." 

  Then again, Shin has already seen her fight seriously before, so she supposes it would have been useless. Her thoughts broke off when she felt Yuhi\'s fingers unclasp her bra strap, and she rolled her eyes.

  "Mister, where are you touching?"

  "A nice soft place," Yuhi mumbled. "Really, you scared me too much. I know I said I wouldn\'t, but just tonight. I want to reassure myself that you\'re here."

  Hearing his shaking voice and trembling body, Sumire paused. Ah, that\'s right. Yuhi-san is a huge crybaby. More than anger, the feeling of fear must have been stronger.

  She tightened her hold on him. "I told you previously, Yuhi-san, you can do whatever you want to me, and I will like it regardless of your emotions when you do it."

  "Ha, I don\'t know about that. It feels like I won\'t be able to treat you preciously today."

  "Then, do it already."

  Yuhi pushed her down at those words until she lay on the couch.

  "If I go too crazy, stop me."

  Sumire agreed, but they both knew she wouldn\'t.


  The following morning, Sumire immediately regretted not stopping her dearest crazy rampage. It did feel nice, and she even blacked out, but now she feels all sore. 

  "I told Hino what happened. He said we should rest for a few more days, and then we can go back to school." Yuhi said, breaking her thoughts.

  But still, this situation might be good. Her gaze fell on Yuhi, who was feeding her.


  "Hino said I should do my job as your limiter." Yuhi fed her another spoonful of porridge.

  She woke up this morning with terrible pain in both her arms. She hadn\'t realized that Mirako had aimed at her other shoulder too. Unfortunately, since neither she nor Yuhi noticed, she woke up with an infection. 

  After receiving instructions from Atsuro, Yuhi wrapped bandages around both of her arms and said she couldn\'t use her hands for the next few days.

  "But you know, what about bathing?" Sumire wondered.

  "Well, if you don\'t mind, I can help you there too."

  Sumire stared at him and then clapped her hands. "Just now, you said something shameless so easily, so I am praising you for it."

  "This is an odd thing to be praised about." Yuhi trailed off and put the bowl of porridge on the bedside table. He caressed her cheeks. "Are you feeling alright?"

  "No, I\'m all sore because of a certain someone."

  "Damn," Yuhi grumbled, and she laughed. "You really were pretty yesterday."

  "Just yesterday?"

  "No." Yuhi kissed her lightly. "Every single day since this earth was created."

  "That\'s a bit overboard." Sumire laughed. "Are you getting better at flattery, my dear?"

  "I improved for you. Do you want to lie back down?"

  "Mmm, I was planning on adjusting Jun-kun\'s song a little. Yuhi, could you write down the changes for me while I listen to the melody?"

  "Sure." He sat, adjusted the bed headboard so she could lay down and sit at the same time, and walked over to get her composition book that Tetsuo returned the other day.

  "You know people recorded Tetsuo singing to you that day, and it blew up on the net. Tetsuo was quite upset that his new song was revealed in such a way even though he had plans for the reveal during a huge event."

  Sumire laughed. "But it\'s good; people can hear the song when he is singing it directly for the person he wrote it for."

  "Damn, that bothers me." Yuhi sighed. "Well, I understand by now that Tetsuo is the last one I should worry about."

  "Mm, correct, my dear, your other rivals are improving themselves. You should be careful."

  She was only teasing him but seeing the disturbed expression on his face caused her to stop. Recently, he has reacted sensitively regarding this topic. Is he that worried that somebody will take her away? How foolish. 

  Previously love was a foreign subject to her, and she didn\'t think she deserved to have it. But after she met him, those thoughts changed.

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