Eternal Melody

Chapter 619 I want it all to go away

Chapter 619 I want it all to go away

So it\'s a setup. Hino is here because he is Yuhi\'s guardian; it looks like he is giving his blessings to these two being a couple.

So this is why Yuhi-san acted all affectionate when he saw her. He wants to change the contents of the report. But she does not like this method at all.

"Sumire?" A familiar voice called out to her.

Her thoughts broke off once she saw a man with blonde colored hair. Ah, "San."

"Sumire." Sano\'s gaze brightened. "I didn\'t think I would see you here. Are you taking a break from work today?"

"Mmm, what about you?"

"I had a conference nearby; it\'s time for lunch, so I was going to get something to eat."

"It\'s good you remember to eat your meals."

"That\'s because I promised you."

Look at his flustered face. It is truly easy for her to use Sano. Sumire quickly stood up and clung to Sano\'s arm. "Then as a reward for keeping that promise. Why don\'t we go on a walk?"

She heard the sound of shuttering at a closer range. If they want her to act like a cruel woman, then so be it. Do they want to get a picture of Yuhi and his childhood friend? Then do so, but she won\'t look like a loser.

"W-we can go together?" Sano asked nervously.

"Mm, let\'s go."

Sumire heard Yuhi protest, but she cut him off and continued to walk away with Sano. Even though Yuhi-san said, he would handle this situation on his own. She does not like this method. The ones who called those reporters and set this situation up is most likely the company.

Yuhi-san said earlier that he was going to call her over. It\'s easy to see what he was planning. By calling her over and acting affectionate, it would show that they have a better relationship with one another.

"Sumire..uh.." Sumire realized why Sano was flustered. So her chest is touching his arm a little; why is he acting like this? Sano has had countless relationships before. Something like this should not phase him.

"Sorry about that, San."

"I--I don\'t mind. So you\'re free right now?"

"I suppose."

"C--can I treat you to a meal?"


\'Ah, look at that happy expression. Unfortunately, I have no energy to deal with Sano right now. I\'ll cut the meal short and say I have somewhere to be.\'

Looking at him, he truly looks like a man in love. How exhausting to think he would have this type of expression on his face. This man swore he loved her no matter the age difference. Also, the same one who cruelly broke her heart and called her a psychobitch. The same man who cheated on her and justified his cheating.

It made her sick whenever she thought back to it. \'I don\'t necessarily have to string him along anymore.\' She already had somebody infiltrate D entertainment. Eli\'s information will surely be better than Sano\'s in terms of information quality.

This guy is useless for information. His connections, however, will keep the pesky media at bay for a while. So perhaps she can still use him for awhile longer.

Her thoughts broke off when somebody grabbed her arm. It was Yuhi; she looked at him, surprised for a moment. But she quickly regained her composure.

\'He came after me?\'

"Sumire, are you really going to go?"

"What do you think?" Sumire said coldly. "Isn\'t it fine for me to go? I don\'t want to continue destroying the harmonious atmosphere between you and your childhood friend."

Ah, what on earth is she doing? Why is she behaving so strangely?

"Sumire, don\'t misunderstand-- we--"

Yuhi-san looks so desperate right now. He is trying to search for the right words, but he is failing. Of course, he will fail. Her current behaviour does not make any sense right now.

Sumire harshly yanked her arm away.

\'If I\'m going to become second eventually. It\'s better to make him hate me.\'

"I think you can go back. If you leave her waiting too long, she may hate you."

Wrong, she doesn\'t want it to be like this.

What on earth is she doing?

Oh, her vision is becoming blurry again. "I shouldn\'t have come here." She could barely say those words before she felt her entire body lose balance. But before she could hit the ground, somebody caught her.

"Why do you make a ruckus wherever you go?"


How rare to see him in a place like this. Soujiro scanned the cafe and exhaled deeply.

"My dear, your imagination is as wild as ever."

Hey, is he making fun of her! It\'s true when they were younger; her imagination was one of her strongest points. But he doesn\'t have to bring it up now.

"Do not worry; there is nothing between them. If there is, I will tear him limb by limb."

Her sweat fell when she saw the dark aura surrounding Soujiro. She wanted to say something else but felt a wincing pain in her chest. Oh, it\'s this strange sensation again. This sharp pain is similar to somebody piercing a blade through her chest.

It hurts so much; she just wants to close her eyes for a short while.

If she closes her eyes, then perhaps the pain will go away.


Makoto Family Mansion

When she woke up in a grand-looking room that looked like it would belong to a castle from the past. Sumire immediately knew where she was. This is the room she stayed in the last time she was here. Sumire placed her hand on her chest. The pain seems to have stopped? How odd; normally, she would have to suffer for at least half a day.

Oh, she is thirsty; she wants some water. Sumire glanced around and saw a judge and a cup by her bedside.

Did Soujiro prepare this? He is as thoughtful as ever.

Sumire quickly poured herself a glass of water. To think she ended up in that condition. It is a good thing Hino was there. He is probably trying to fix the situation. Her fainting was not in the plan.

But that reporter would surely write something like \'Ibuki stumbling onto her boyfriend\'s date, and faking sick.\' It\'s true her behavior back in the cafe wasn\'t good when Sano showed up. But before then, Yuhi-san was treating her so kindly.

That kindness was fake; it\'s the first time Yuhi-san has pretended to be kind in front of her, even if it is part of the plan, her heartaches.

Forget it; she ought to see what happened. Did Yuhi-san take that person home? Surely he didn\'t stay here. Sumire quickly stood up and proceeded to open the door, but the door opened when she was about to turn the handle.

She thought it was Soujiro and was about to thank him, but the person standing in front of her was Yuhi.

"Um- this is a surprise."

"A surprise?"

"I thought you brought Miss Hasegawa home." Sumire trailed off when she saw the dark gaze in his eyes. Gah, he looks so scary! Is he going to scold her for fainting? The last time she fainted, he was quite upset because she fainted due to lacking of eating.

This time she didn\'t do it deliberately! But how can she explain when he looks so frightening?

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