Eternal Melody

Chapter 365 - Treasure

"It is?" She raised her eyebrow.

"No it isn\'t, but--"

Sumire laughed when she saw him panic. "Alright, I understand it I won\'t immediately say it. Do you think I am that cruel?"

"I think you are the cruelest person I know, but if I say anymore, I fear for my life."

A memory from a long time ago came back to her, and she paused. She said something similar to Yuhi in the past, and he questioned why she said it.

"I won\'t say it directly, but do you understand? The current me, who is struggling to sing even now, can only do so when I am around Yuhi. I told you before that singing is similar to breathing for me. After Ru passed away, it was painful for me to sing. It was hard to breathe every day since I could no longer sing. But since I came to Tokyo, step by step, I have been gradually singing again."

"I see. Then I guess, for now, I have to stay away."

Her eyes widened when she heard his response. She thought he would say something different.

"Since you left to go to Tokyo, I have watched over you silently. So it is not like I don\'t understand. Even though things are still painful for you, when you are with him, you can smile, right?"


"Then that is enough."

Nobody said anything else, and they gradually got closer to the top. How odd for him to react reasonably like this. She thought he would say that he would carry on watching over her. But if he has this entire time, then he must know. As each day goes by, she falls even more in love with Yuhi.

When they reached the top, she immediately spotted black hair. For a moment, it felt like her heart stopped when she saw him.


Although they agreed to meet up here after she spoke with Arashi, she did not think she would meet up with him so soon.

"You\'re slow. Or rather," Yuhi waltzed over to her and hit her head. "What the hell were you doing getting embarrassed for."

"Eh? We had to come over from the other side, and I can\'t help but get embarrassed when Arashi says cheesy things with a smile." A faint tint of red on her cheeks. "Wah, don\'t make me explain it-" Her sentence fell short when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

She felt a familiar warmth as he held her tightly. Her gaze softened as she realized something. Was he worried?

"But, if you do that. I\'ll get jealous."

It took her a moment to digest those words.

"Wait-wait, you\'re jealous?"

"Stupid, I just said I am."

He is holding on to her. It is comforting being in Yuhi\'s arms like this.

"Rei." A familiar voice snapped her out of her trance.

Wah, that\'s right, Arashi still around. Sumire somehow managed to turn around despite Yuhi\'s hold on her.

"If it\'s you, the stage you want to perform in the most is already clear, isn\'t it?"

At that comment, her violet-colored orbs went wide.

"I\'d like to see it, your performance on that stage." Arashi smiled tenderly.

"Oh, me too, but make sure you don\'t make any mistakes as you did during practice." Yuhi interjected before he could say anything."

"H--hey! What do you mean by that?" She exclaimed.

"You want me to repeat your beginner-like mistakes in front of your dear senpai?"

Sumire hits his chest. "Don\'t you dare reveal my secrets?"

"Terashima." Arashi suddenly called out. "Take care of her."

"I will."

After Arashi left, they didn\'t move from that spot. No, not because they were watching the fireworks but because he wouldn\'t let her go.

"Yuhi um, will you let me go anytime soon?" Sumire questioned. It\'s already been over twenty minutes since Arashi left, and yet he is still holding her so very tightly.

"You want me to?"

"T--that\'s not it. I\'m just really embarrassed, and if possible, I\'d like to see your face." She stammered. Since he was burying his head on the nape of her neck, she struggled to see his expression.

At that, Yuhi lifted his head up, and she brushed her fingers on his face; seeing the deep red scar, she frowned slightly. "Yuhi?" She didn\'t notice it earlier but now that she has.

"It\'s alright. As long as I can help you, then it\'s fine. Besides, I got what you wanted." Yuhi dove into his pocket, revealing a familiar stone.

"This is?" Sumire said, stunned.

It looks like the one Yumi-senpai has. Yuhi reached over and placed it on one of the slots on the charm bracelet she wore on her left arm.

"Where is my thank you?"

He must have searched long and hard for it. After all, Yumi-senpai said the stones have scattered in different areas, not necessarily in Japan either. The ones that are in Japan, according to her senpai, are hidden and protected carefully. That must be where he got his injury from, the brunette wrapped her arms around his neck, and their lips made contact.

Yuhi, whenever they kiss each other, she becomes dizzy with happiness. More and more, she wants to get closer to this person. Closer than before. It feels too good.

After a while, she lost her balance, and Yuhi caught her immediately. "Whoops, my bad. I got carried away, your cute Sumire. I can\'t help but lose control when it comes to you."

"Even if I don\'t do anything, you lose control anyway." She murmurs, causing Yuhi to laugh lightly. Although Arashi\'s laugh sends her heart pounding, with Yuhi, there is a different sort of feeling. She wants to treasure this smile of his.

"What is it?"

"Nothing." Sumire trailed off. "Yuhi, what do you think I should do?"

Yuhi brushed his fingers on her hand that was touching his face.

"I believe you should go for it."

Eh? His answer was so simple that it stunned her.

"Right now, I know you\'re still afraid. But Sumire, you said it before, that the place you treasured the most is over there. You picked Iro Road, Tokyo over Tsukuhara, and Moonlight academy over here. If it\'s that place for you, then you\'ll be just fine."

But that\'s even more so the reason why. If she fails in that precious place, the damage would be even worse. She would lose not only her voice but also the last remaining connection she has with him. Sumire is scared, and she doesn\'t want that to happen.

Yuhi, she doesn\'t want to lose the connection between the two of them. She felt the tears stream down from her eyes Yuhi bends over and kisses her eyelids.

"Sumire, you\'ll be fine," He murmurs against the nape of her neck, trailing deep kisses. Before he gently stroked her cheek. "You\'ll be fine. Because I love you, and that is something that will never change."

She wants to respond to him and to tell him that she believes in his words. But it\'s difficult. It\'s so painful, and it feels like she\'s about to suffocate. She can\'t get any words out. All she can do is kiss you deeply like this.

"Sumire, you\'re really beautiful. Hey, doing it in a place like this is dangerous, but. ."

Sumire laughed at his words, and Yuhi awkwardly scratched his face. "On second thoughts, hugging is fine."

"Isn\'t that too dull?"

"Surely you didn\'t dress up so I could destroy your outfit?"

When she is with him, it feels like all those dark thoughts and feelings are nothing. It seems like she needs to stop hiding; she has escaped for too long.

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