The Legacy System

Chapter 346 - 346: Traitor Rumors

It had been quite some time from the last time that he made contact with the outside, and he was curious to know how his plans were faring until now.

After what happened at the storerooms, Eric could feel that he had matured quite a bit and that now his plans would have to alter a bit.

Just altering though, as he had no intention of completely changing his plans, as he didn\'t think that he was walking the wrong route.

With those thoughts in mind, he quickly set up a small antenna right at the exit at the underwater rock, and firstly made contact with his beauties.

The first one he contacted was Takeshiba Aika, even though this girl wasn\'t his first conquer, she was one of the most obedient, and helpful ones.

She acted just like a faithful maid in his presence, always taking into consideration his interests, and his happiness, which had made him quite appreciative of her.

The moment that the call connected, he said with a teasing voice,

"Hello beauty, have you missed me!?"

"Who the… Master!?"


It was clear that the beauty wasn\'t happy at the teasing, as her mood seemed to be quite terrible as well. But the next moment as a realization came upon her, her voice made a 180-degree reverse.

"I thought that you had forgotten about me, little beauty!"

"How could I forget about you, Master!? You are the sun shining in my world, it is impossible for me to ever forget about you!

It\'s just that these pesky flies have been acting more and more lately, not allowing me a moment of relaxation.

As if that wasn\'t enough, my father, my mother, my sister, and those three idiots have been pushing me in different directions, that could fulfill their own ambitions.

I am tired of them Master, can\'t you take me away from her!?"

"Don\'t worry really soon, I will take you away from there little beauty!

Tell me is there any other news from your side!?"

"Well, the common point is that none of them wants me to have any connection with you anymore Master, especially father, he even said that you might be a traitor of our own Country!"

Hearing that Eric couldn\'t help but get a bit startled as he didn\'t expect these guys to go so far, as they learned about his new intentions.

But that was to be expected, after all, the pie that was supposed to be only theirs seemed to have fallen on the ground and was free for everyone.

That was certainly something that they didn\'t want to see happening, and they might make their own moves soon.

If it weren\'t for the fact that none of them knew where he was, or where his \'master\' was, they might have already acted against him or his people.

What made him curious now, was what stance would the Yakuza take after rumors of him being a traitor spread throughout the country.

This was a good test for them, to see if they were truly considering of attaching themselves to his war chariot, or if they were just trying for momentary benefits.

Still, as long as no one knew where he was, or what he was doing, no one would dare to make a move and turn into the center of the attention.

Coming to such a conclusion, he decided to tease a bit this beauty he had subdued and said,

"Oh!? And what do you plan to do about it, if I truly am a traitor of the country!?"

"Huh!? Why should I care about that Master!? No matter what, I will be supporting you with all I can! I don\'t care about the country or other people, I only care about you!"

These words managed to surprise even Eric himself, as he didn\'t expect her to be so decisive, and partial to him, as he couldn\'t help but chuckle, as he continued,

"Hum! It seems like my little beauty is truly obedient, and clear. I will make sure to reward you well when we have the opportunity!"

Hearing that, the beauty on the other side of the phone didn\'t say anything, as her breathing became a bit rougher, and it was a clear sign of expectation.

Chuckling a bit inside, Eric decided to change the topic a bit, as he said,

"What about your mission, how is it going!?"

"I have all the information I could gather Master, we can start whenever you want! You will be surprised to know how talkative we ladies are when we hate another woman! Hhaha~!"

"Hum! I can\'t wait to find that out! I have to go now, I will contact you later!"

With that Eric closed the call with Takeshiba Aika, as he decided to contact another beauty, Fujiwara Amane,

"Did you miss me, my little slave!?"


"Hahaa~! You recognized me immediately, did you miss me that much!?"

"Yes, extremely Master! But let\'s talk about that later Master, now where are you!? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am! Why!?"

"The underworld and the country, in general, has been boiling these days, as there is news of you and your Master being traitors!

People of the \'hidden government\' are saying that you have stolen important secret information of the country and are planning to sell them to the foreign countries.

They have placed moles, agents, and spies all over your properties, and people related to you. Even our Yakuza has been unable to escape their grasp.

Most probably even our current call is being registered!

The situation in the Yakuza family isn\'t good either, as many people who had hidden their displeasure until now started jumping, against me.

My father isn\'t helping me either, as he is taking a wait-and-see approach! You better not come out at the moment Master!"

Eric had already expected something like this, so he wasn\'t that worried, so he just said with a calm and natural voice,

"I understand! You be careful these days! I will deal with the other problems!"

Saying that he closed the call, and quickly destroyed the pre-paid card so that it didn\'t allow those guys to track him down.

But the problem was that his call with Takeshiba Aika was most probably recorded as well, and news of that would reach his \'father-in-law\'.

Not to mention that the bastard half-brother of his was there too, and he might take advantage of the situation.

His brother was exactly like a damn chameleon snake, he was extremely poisonous and capable of adapting to any situation.

He was already dangerous without having opportunities, now that a golden opportunity would show its head for him, he was certain to not let it go.

It seemed like he would need to speed up his plans a little bit, otherwise, he would be forced to stay in the passive.

He didn\'t know whether Shiro\'s phone was tapped as well, but he couldn\'t take the risk right now.

The only person and the only place where he would receive clear and secure information was his enemy.

Thinking like that, he quickly made up his mind to go outside and arrange everything by himself, as he didn\'t want to have unnecessary troubles.

Making his decision he waited for Ren Jia to wake up, have another pleasing battle, and then giving her a new general cultivation Art, he told her to stay there and cultivate, while making a control of the city.

He also gave her the satellite phone in order to contact him later, for when she finished her job, or any other emergency, and didn\'t forget to order her to call him and only him.

Even though he was almost certain that Ren Jia wouldn\'t do anything to harm him, he still needed to be cautious, as this wasn\'t a game.

The moment that he made a wrong step there would be plenty of beasts waiting to jump over his head, as they already were.

Most probably now, the big families would cancel, or at least freeze the agreement for sending their descendants to the Senkaku Islands, as they might even send their own spies.

It was certainly going to be boisterous in the islands these days, but he didn\'t care much about it. After all, in his eyes, these guys were just extra SP and Exp points for him to harvest later.

Another thing he had understood these days was that his Legacy System and the beauty inside had an extreme need for herbs or treasures with a high spiritual power, and vitality.

So, he had to start gathering quite a bit of them, so he would most certainly need to make a few rides to the Auction Houses all over the world.

He had always loved a world tour and it seemed like it was the perfect time to have one. After all, Japan wasn\'t the best place for him at the moment.

After taking care of any possible loose ends inside the Nightless Stone City, as he even orders the Real 2 Puppet to not allow Ren Jia to leave the place, he walked towards the entrance.

The moment he reached the entrance, he made sure that there was no one around the underwater rock, before finally getting out, and swimming away from the entrance.

He swam more than 300 meters away, before finally revealing himself, and finally climbing the rocky side of one of the islands.

It wasn\'t like he couldn\'t swim away to leave this place, but that before leaving there were a few guys\' that he needed to return his greetings to, and he couldn\'t wait for it…

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