The Legacy System

Chapter 201 - 201: Prostration & Solution

Eric didn\'t seem to be angry at this moment, no he seemed to be more surprised, confused, and startled!

A truly strange mix, especially for someone who was being grabbed by the jacket! Shouldn\'t he be really angry right now!?


Not one of the people present in the party venue was able to understand that look on his face, but he just dropped another bomb with his words,

"Young Master, I don\'t know you, and what you are doing is really rude! But it seems like I have offended you without understanding how?

Exactly how were you offended by my words Young Master!? I just said that tonight there were too many dogs barking!

It couldn\'t be that you consider yourself one of them, could it!?"

Once again everyone in there was completely stupefied by his words. He had managed to play so well with his words, throwing the ball towards his opponent once again.

This whole scene looked like some grown-up man was stealing a kid\'s candy, and then making fun of him. The poor kid couldn\'t think straight for a moment and calm down even as his elder was behind him.

In fact, even the poor kid understood that he had jumped the gun a bit with what he had just done, and especially with his reaction, considering the people in the hall, but now it was too late.

Before he could even react to Eric\'s last taunt, he felt something cut the air from behind him, whooshing down, and then followed by a sharp burning pain on the neck.

The next moment his eyes shut down with a blink, and he lost conscience and at the same time the grip on Eric\'s jacket, as he fell on the floor with a noisy bang!

"You ungrateful bastard, just what the fu*ck do you think you are doing!?"

The scream woke up the crowd from the stupor, as everyone was now looking at some middle-aged man, who seemed to have aged by more than 10 years in a single moment, bow down to Master Takeshiba.

He had been the one to bring the Young Master that was grabbing Eric by the jacket down and was also the father of that guy.

He had been able to recollect himself a bit just as his son was about to continue with this madness, so he didn\'t care about controlling his power, as he knocked him down, and then bowed while screaming,

"Please forgive me, and my son older brother please! He is just young and hot-blooded, and I am sure he didn\'t mean bad.


It is my fault for his bad upbringing older brother, please don\'t punish him too much, please!"

Even though his screams seemed pitiful, and his actions seemed too exaggerated, no one in there dared to think lowly of him.

They all knew what kind of demon the family-head of the Takeshiba family truly was, and none of them would dare to stand against him without reason, as even then their life was his to play with.

And now, not only was he standing in front of the demon himself, but he was also the one at fault, or his son was, but that didn\'t make much of a difference.

Master Takeshiba had been truly angry a moment ago, as he was ready to intervene himself and send this kid to meet with his ancestors, but with his father\'s intrusion, he was a bit calmer.

The problem was now that this matter depended on his son-in-law, Eric. And to make matters worse this guy wasn\'t apologizing to Eric, but to him only.

Seeing the matter like this, he gave the guy a kid on his nose, clearly crushing his nose, as he said in a loud and disappointed voice,

"You piece of trash, why are you apologizing only to me? Why aren\'t you apologizing to my son-in-law!?

He was the one your cheap, good-for-nothing of a son offended the most! This is the morals of my Takeshiba family?

Why aren\'t you still prostrating in front of him and beg for forgiveness you failure!?"

Most of the people in the venue weren\'t really surprised seeing Master Takeshiba\'s violent conduct but were shocked hearing his words.

After all, not only was he punishing the man in front of him for the disrespect his son showed in front of him, but also for offending Eric.

And he was asking the old man to prostrate in front of Eric and beg for forgiveness too. This was something that they would have never thought possible.

Leaving aside the fact of the big age difference between them, that old man was a member of the Takeshiba family, and at the same time representing it.

If he did prostrate in front of Eric and begged for forgiveness, wouldn\'t that be the same as if the whole Takeshiba family did such a thing!?

Even the old man who had his nose crushed a moment ago didn\'t seem bothered by it, even as blood flowed freely from his nose, but he seemed to have a huge reluctance to prostrate in front of Eric.

This was a matter of honor and dignity! Prostrating in front of the family head was one thing, and doing that in front of a weak nobody kid was something totally different.

At that moment, even the other people in the room didn\'t seem to be able to bear it, as Takeshiba Tomoya couldn\'t let this opportunity slide,

"Dear nephew, don\'t you think you are overreacting, and exaggerating it a bit!? After all, the kid isn\'t a member of our family, and…"

But he wasn\'t able to continue, as Master Takeshiba seemed to get angry at him, and said in a dark cold voice,

"First of all, I am the family head to all of you. You should start placing more respect on my name, as apparently, I have allowed you too much freedom in acting with me!

Secondly, the kid you are talking about is my son-in-law and part of my family. Are you saying that you are taking me and my family out of the Takeshiba family now!?

Since when do you have the right to question, and banish the family head, oldest uncle!?"

Takeshiba Tomoya had never expected such an answer, he had thought that Master Takeshiba would rethink about it, and calm down, but it had happened exactly the opposite.

His plan of earning points with the family members, and making Master Takeshiba lose some seemed to have gone down the drain, as he didn\'t dare to continue with the debate.

This was one of those rare opportunities that he had seen him like that and was a harbinger of dark times for whoever continued with this.

He lost a lot of points with the other family members with his retreat, but he didn\'t care about it, his life, and wellbeing were more important.

He knew he had no chances in a fair battle with his nephew of his, so he could only aim at him in the dark, and he would surely do so, just not now.

Seeing him retreat like that, each and every one of the family members seemed to pull back too, none of them wanted to face such a Master Takeshiba.

And even the old man whose son had caused all this to happen didn\'t dare to do it, he just lowered his head, aging another 10 years, as he prostrated in front of Eric and said,

"Young Eric is chivalrous, and has a big heart I am sure that you will find it in your heart to forgive my son, and me for not educating him properly!"

All this time Eric had been completely silent, and keeping his position, he hadn\'t even spoken a word.

It wasn\'t that he wasn\'t angry, in fact, he was raging right now, but now wasn\'t the time to show his anger.

This was enemy territory, and no matter how much Master Takeshiba kept his side, he would still end up on the losing side if he went too far, so he had decided to bear it now, and release his anger later.

For that reason, he went ahead, and pulled the old man up, as he said,

"Please don\'t do it, old man. I am a member of the younger generation, and I don\'t deserve such a bow from you!

I am sure that as long as you offer me a proper explanation, later on, we will be able to make the rivers turn into spurts, and spurts into nothing!

Furthermore, we are gathered here tonight in order to celebrate and introduce ourselves to each other, so we shouldn\'t let things like these bother us!

Please father-in-law, for my sake, let us forget what happened until now!"

His words came like a shock to everyone in the hall, they had never thought that he would be able to keep his calm in such a situation, and furthermore say those words.

Of course, there were people who took his calmness as weakness, as most of these guys were the Young generation of the family.

They all just thought that Eric was afraid of their family\'s retaliation, and for that reason, he was left with no other choice but to get satisfied with what happened.

In their view, they would be able to easily deal with this coward, as long as he was outside of the family head\'s view, he was nothing more than a scared ant in front of them.

But certainly, only the brainless fools thought like that, as Master Takeshiba had a completely different view on his son-in-law\'s actions, and words.

Not only had Eric kept his calm, but he had also saved his face, arranged for an \'apology\' from the old man later, and at the same time had kept the party going by putting off a fire, he started in the first place!

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