500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 571 Surviving: The Battle Of Hellfire Sea

I quickly raised my hands, gathering energy from the air around me and summoning a torrent of lightning and fire that snaked across the sky and slammed into both monsters. The fire hydra screeched in pain and sent up a wave of heat and flame, causing the lava to begin bubbling around us. Lexi reacted quickly and flew up into the air, wrapping her snake tail protectively around her body while shooting spikes of electricity at the beasts, pushing them back with every blast.

I let out a roar of my own and summoned two giant pillars of ice that shot high into the sky, blocking the wave of fire and protecting us as we continued our desperate fight. The Fire Hydra snapped its multiple heads in different directions, trying to get us, but with my new power, I was able to contain it with streams of plasma energy that cut through the beast like a hot knife through butter.

Lexi followed suit, using her Angel wings to encircle the Eternal Flame Leviathan and shooting a continuous stream of electric force at it. Its massive form shuddered and shook under the onslaught of her attacks, and soon it too began to weaken.

With one final push, we were able to break through the monster\'s defense and send it sprawling onto the ground. It didn\'t take long for the creature to succumb to its wounds, expiring in a cloud of smoke and ash.

The Fire Hydra, driven by desperation and anger, reared on its hind legs and roared, calling forth a raging wave of pure heat and fire that threatened to boil up the entire area. But before the wave could touch us, I released an icy breeze from my palms, creating a powerful barrier of ice that blocked the wave altogether.

We won. Or that is what we thought.

The Fire Hydra, driven by desperation and anger, reared on its hind legs and roared, calling forth a much larger and more powerful creature from the depths of the lava. The monster was huge and imposing, with several heads and long tentacles that lashed out in all directions.

I glanced at Lexi, who nodded and leaped into action, wrapping her snake tail protectively around her body while shooting spikes of electricity at the beasts, pushing them back with every blast. I summoned two giant pillars of ice, which rose high into the sky, blocking the wave of fire and protecting us from the searing heat.

Gathering energy from the air around me, I released a jet of water magic, creating water dragons that roared bubbly roars as they crashed into the monstrous beast, making it stumble back slightly. Lexi followed suit, using her Angel wings to encircle the Eternal Flame Leviathan and shooting a continuous stream of electric force at it. I unleashed a wave of ice magic, which quickly froze one of the Fire Hydra\'s heads solid.

"We have to keep going!" I shouted to Lexi over the roar of the monster.

"Ready when you are!" she replied.

In a desperate attempt to stop the beast, I gathered more energy from the air around me and unleashed a massive wave of ice magic. The wave quickly spread across the area, freezing the lava as well as the monster in its tracks. Then it started to crack.

"It isn\'t working!" I shouted as the monster started to break free from its icy prison.

"Quick, grab onto me!" Lexi yelled.

I reached out and grabbed onto her tail, and with a burst of wings, she lifted us up into the air just as the monster was about to reach us. We watched in awe as it finally cracked apart and exploded into fragments, sending a booming shockwave across the sky.

The monster seemed to be reforming, gathering dark energy from the air around it and morphing into an even more terrifying form. Its tentacles stretched out further, and its many heads morphed together to become one more enormous beast with razor-sharp claws and jagged teeth. It began to move at an incredible speed as it flew through the sky toward us, shooting powerful beams of fire from its eyes.

Lexi acted quickly, swooping down and slicing off one of the monster\'s tentacles with her electrified wings. I followed suit by using my ice magic to freeze another one of its limbs and then throwing a massive ball of electricity that blasted it back. Despite our efforts, the creature kept coming faster than ever before.

We had to think fast or risk becoming its dinner. Lexi flew up higher in the air to give me a better angle while I gathered every bit of energy I could find and released it in one mighty blast of ice and lightning that struck the monster full-force. The force propelled the monster back, sending it tumbling through the air until it finally crashed onto the ground in an explosion of smoke.

Finally, the battle was over. I exhaled deeply, releasing all the tension I had been holding in. Lexi flew over and hugged me tightly, relieved that we were still alive and in one piece.

"That was intense!" she exclaimed, beaming with pride as I could see a shoreline coming up.

I smiled and hugged her back, kissing the top of her head. "It certainly was. We don\'t want to leave this place anytime soon, though, so let\'s keep moving."

We made our way further down the shoreline of the Hellfire Sea, heading towards the entrance of the second layer of the Underworld. As we moved forward, I couldn\'t help but marvel at the beauty of the Underworld. Although it was dark and harsh, there was something strangely calming about it.

Eventually, after hours of flying, we arrived at the gates of the ninth layer. Two imposing figures stood guard, giant swords gripped in their hands and armor glinting in the unnatural light. Knowing that we wouldn\'t be able to simply pass by, I squared my shoulders and stepped forward.

"Greetings," I said calmly, knowing that if I gave any hint of weakness, these two guards would likely try to turn us away without a second thought.

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