500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 420 Cat God Vs Destructia

Tallia appeared before me but kissed me fast as she dropped down into a portal, but it looked like a rough entrance as she got halfway through and then folded forward over the edge. The forward momentum had nearly sent her back out of the portal, but she managed to get through. I would be laughing about that after! I was just glad she didn\'t try to open in front of us, shooting us into the house at high speeds!

Now it was just me and Umbra, Tallia\'s shadow cat, who was passing back and forth from shoulder to shoulder. I had activated my Vampanther mode and readied myself to use Dark Mode as well.

As we flew closer to the mass, it grew in size as small purple shoots of light started coming from within its center. I quickly realized that this was Destructia\'s power growing stronger. Then, the monstrous creature shot out black tentacles which hooked onto me like hooks with a strong grip threatening to pull me into her clutches.

Umbra howled loudly before she jumped onto them, biting back at their hold on me; her fangs were now made of darkness, tearing away at those links keeping us apart. I groaned through gritted teeth, but then I roared and bit down, drinking the blood that was like acid, and smelled worse.

Negative Energy started to swirl around me, and then I was flung to the ground, but the energy kept me floating. My body tried to grow, but Umbra suddenly jumped on my face and absorbed into me, and the swirling darkness became bands. They started to constrict my body, preventing me from growing bigger, but more Negative Energy kept coming into my body.

[3rd Person]

The bands of Umbra\'s form bound the darkness within the Cat God as the Negative Energy coalesced inside of him. The creature before him was also changing her form as she knew that things were getting serious. Destructia\'s form began to twist and contort as she readied herself for battle, but before she could move, Cat God lashed out in a fury.

The bands that had constricted around his body and the dark energy now surrounded him like an aura. He howled with rage as he sent a powerful blast of Pure Magic toward her, which pushed her back and caused destruction all around them. Destructia screamed in pain as the power of the Cat God pushed against her, but then suddenly, she stopped his attack.

Destructia looked up at the Cat God and laughed, knowing that he would not be able to defeat her. Then suddenly, a giant tear ripped in the sky, and the hand of Nemoria reached down to touch Destructia.

"Take this power to test my child!" Nemoria\'s voice echoed out of the tear, and Destructia started to shrink down to the same size as the Cat God.

Both being\'s cloaked in burning shadow, Galio burst forward, and the two started to clash at high speeds. Galio\'s claws were met by Destructia\'s dark tentacle-like appendages, and then the two started to clash in hand-to-hand combat.

The fight continued on for what seemed like hours until, eventually, they both stopped as they both realized that neither of them could win. Suddenly Nemoria reached down once more and touched Destructia again, making her scream out as the Cat God felt her power increase.

The creature came at him, but this time the Cat God couldn\'t follow her movements. The creature kicked him around, but slowly, he started to follow her movements. Galio smashed the creature away as she tried to come for him, and he went on the attack again.

He was now ready to end this battle, and he gathered all of his power into one large ball of energy that was directed at Destructia. The energy hit her with such force that it threw her back and created a huge crater in the ground.

The Cat God walked up to the edge of the crater and looked down at Destructia\'s body lying still on the ground. Then she got up and shook herself before screaming out and launching back at the Cat God with a dark blast. However, the Cat God was ready for her this time, and he blocked the attack with his own Negative Energy before blasting her back, but he was done playing.


I opened a portal, and the other end opened up in front of Destructia as she flew in the air. She shot out, and I grabbed her. I opened a portal on either side of me as she hit me, but then I threw the creature into the portal. I whirled around and punched her, knocking her back, and then turned back to hit her again from the other portal. I started to speed bag the shadow creature until it got too fast, and then I smashed her into the ground, shattering the earth and rock around us.

The creature lay in a heap, unable to move, and I jumped on top of her. I channeled pure magic and negative energy into my hand as it glowed with white light.

"You are banished from this plane! Your terror ends now!" My voice was deep and powerful as I slammed my fist into the ground sending shockwaves around us. Everything around us went dark, the air filled with darkness, but then just like that, Destructia disappeared, leaving only dust behind her.

I breathed out slowly before standing up again and looking at what remained of the landscape, and then a portal opened beside me. Tallia walked out, and she gave me a look of worry.

"Are you... in control?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, but I had to kill that one. These ones aren\'t like Xena, and if they are here, they are the worst of the worst. Xena might have a chance for redemption, but the others sealed their fates long ago," I said as the Negative Energy melted off my body and left me.

"Yes, I understand. She was looking to destroy the city that you had worked so hard to fix," Tallia said as Umbra hopped from my shoulder and disappeared into Tallia\'s heart-shaped black necklace as she came over to hug and kiss me.

"I am just glad that I was able to get her out of the city before she could hurt anyone," I said with a sigh after we broke apart.

"It\'s alright; we are all safe now. Come on, you have some fixing to do," Tallia said with a smile before she took my hand and led me back through the portal.

As I stepped out of the portal and into the wreckage of the northeast section of Torrain City, I surveyed the area. There was a lot of destruction around, but nothing I couldn\'t fix, but this fight had burned some of my daylight, and I hadn\'t even finished dealing with Willow Wood yet!

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