500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 282 Cat God Bath 2.1 Plus Ultra!

It took about ten minutes of moving things around, but none of the women seemed to mind, and all the inn\'s staff helped out. Soon we had the center of the in completely clear, and all the women standing up. I raised myself with some growth magic that made the wooden floor grow up, and I looked around the room of waiting women.

This was crazy, but I pulled in the magic and started to surround each woman in a bubble of air, but before I summoned forty three water dragons, I did a few tailoring spells that would restore all the woman\'s clothing to its original condition when made. I also took the leg hair blade spells out but left the peach. I was sure that would be okay.

"Okay! Here we go!" I said in the completely silent room, save for Elfinia breathing beside me.

"They can\'t hear you," Elfinia said plainly, and I grinned and blinked, activating my mana rune in my eyelids, and the entire room of people changed in my view as I could see all their Mana in their bodies.

"Sure, but they can read my lips!" I laughed as water dragons appeared in all the bubbles of air, splashing into the women. I was going to be busy for a little while, but this was fine.

A few minutes later, I had all the water drained from the dragons and started hitting each woman with hurricane-force winds that would remove any lingering moisture. After that, I released them all from their air bubbles, making sure they could move around before flying back down myself.

The looks on everyone\'s faces were priceless as they touched themselves everywhere, feeling how soft their skin now was, along with their clothing and hair being in better condition than it had been in months or years even. The women also smelled much better since I had added a light floral scent to the water as well as some other things like silkier nails and such.

"How much do we owe you?" A tall woman with long black hair asked, and I shook my head.

"No need! This was on me!" I said as the women started to filter out, some going upstairs while others went back to their original tables or even left the inn entirely.

I turned to look at Elfinia, who had a content look on her face as she leaned against me. "That was amazing," she breathed out in a whisper, and I grinned at her before kissing her lightly.

"All in a day\'s work, my dear," I said playfully, but then she pulled away from me and scowled. "Oh, come on, god dammit! You were being so cute!" I whined, and Elfinia just stood there with her arms crossed.

"What? I am not allowed to have a bad mood?" Elfinia asked innocently, making me groan as I leaned my head back.

"Fine! Be that way!" I said childishly before stalking off toward our table, where the other girls were sitting and waiting for us.


"So, what happened to you three?" I asked as we all sat down, and the women started to tell their stories.

It seemed that they had gotten lost in the maze and had run into a few bad situations. The first was when they were beset by some large snakes that Listenia took care of quickly with her fire magic. They then got turned around again and ran into a group of bandits who thought that the girls would be easy pickings since they looked like royalty.

The bandits had been dealt with harshly by Goldy\'s wind magic, but it seemed that one had gotten away since he was too quick for either of them. After that, they found themselves at a dead end in front of a door with no doorknob or anything else indicating how to open it. There was an inscription on the door itself written in an ancient language none of them could read even with their knowledge runes active which said \'those who enter must face seven trials.\'

"WAIT!" I demanded. "I sent you to a house outside of town! How did you end up in a maze?! What about the Lethargy Trap?!"

The girls looked at each other for a minute before Elfinia finally answered. "We... erm... may have taken a wrong turn," Elfinia said sheepishly, making me want to face-palm.

"You mean you got lost on purpose, didn\'t you?" I asked skeptically, and the girls all started to get fidgety in their seats before finally nodding slowly. "Okay then, continue."

For now, I would hear them out since this could be interesting at least, and food had been delivered to our table. It seemed that they were able to get the Lethargy Trap taken care of, but Claire had sensed something deeper in the woods and then walked off on her own. Elfinia wanted to leave her, but Goldy forced them to chase after her, leaving their guide. This was starting to sound like a story of all the things not to do when you step outside.

Listenia used her scrying magic to find where Claire had gone and found that she was in a dark place but couldn\'t see much else. Goldy could track her, but that is when they got to the maze. For Claire\'s part, she said there was something that was pulling her to the maze, but she didn\'t know what it was, but it felt really important.

I was trying to think of what it could be, but nothing came to mind as the story continued. Once inside the maze, they got separated quickly and ended up in different places until they found each other again.

"That is when we heard your voice," Claire said quietly, making me tilt my head since I didn\'t remember ever speaking in there. "You said you would come to save us, so we kept moving."

"It wasn\'t me," I muttered absently as I thought about this new information taking a bite from my roast beef sandwich that everyone else had as well. Something was definitely off here if they were hearing things that weren\'t there, or at least not from me.

"Yeah, we figured that out after, but not before we ran into the snakes that the Elf killed, but then we ran into bandits that were using the place for a hideout," Goldy said in a tired voice. "I hate killing people, but they tried attacking us without talking."

"They attacked Claire first," Listenia muttered, and I nodded. "She was the one who yelled for help then we all came out of hiding to help her."

Claire looked down at the table sadly. "I stopped them, but one of them had already thrown a knife at me, and I had to stop it, but I let go of them. It was a really big mess."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked slowly, and Claire looked up at me with a pained look.

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