500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 66 A Cake Made For You

"Are you done with your complaining?" I asked, palm still pointed at Claire.

"Don\'t spray me again! I don\'t like Undead, and I should be allowed to!" Claire growled, and I narrowed my eyes.

"According to who? The last time that I checked, you were under my watch and supervision. That means that I am going to ask you to do things. Ninety-nine percent of them, you are not going to like, so you had better get used to it," I growled back and then added, "Next time, I will not be using water."

Claire pulled back and crossed her arms, and I took a deep breath in and looked around for Breya.

"Why are there no cakes made? What kind of kitchen is this?!" Breya complained as she stood up from behind the counter.

"If you want cake, come and take this one to go work with the two undead," I ordered, and Breya narrowed her eyes at me, and I returned the look.

"Why? You said you would show me how to make cake!" Breya declared, and I nodded.

"Yes, but this is more important. If you can ensure that this brat cleans and leaves the other two alone, I will have something special for you. It is a type of cake made for an Angel, and it is called Angel Food Cake. I am sure that it is like nothing that you have ever tried before," I explained, but Breya was already coming over to me.

Once, she was standing in front of me, Breya was so close that I could feel her chest pressing up against me. The smell of her sweet breath was coming out heavy as she looked into my eyes, locking them to hers.

"Is it delicious?" Breya asked, leaning even closer to me.

I could feel my blood start to heat up from the sweet scent that was starting to cloud my mind.

"I can\'t tell you, or I am never going to get to make it!" I breathed out, barely able to speak.

Breya smiled and then kissed me slowly before pulling back from me. As she moved back, the hold that her scent eyes had on me let go, and I was able to start breathing normally again.

"Good. Now, come, Claire. If you give the girls a hard time, I will put you over my knee and do as Galio suggested!" Breya snapped, poking at the door that Claire ran towards.

Once Breya was out of the room, I let out a long sigh and turned back to everyone.

They were all staring at me with shock.

"What?" I asked, and Eliza started to laugh.

"You are so strange! As if you just got two Angels to go and work with Undead! The moon is going to be blue tonight for sure!" Eliza teased, and I let out another sigh.

"Don\'t act like this is easy. Do you know how mad that woman will be if I don\'t have the cake ready for her? Do you mind going to watch them? Probably best to do that, Senna with you, and then you can come back if there is a problem," I asked, and Eliza frowned.

"You don\'t think that Breya will keep her in line?" Eliza asked.

"Oh, I think Breya will do just what she is told. I offered her something that she can\'t resist, but nothing is saying that the Undead will be nice either, right?" I asked. "I am sure Undead probably feel the same about Angels, right?"

"You have a point, but I was hoping that I could see you in action cooking! I guess that I will have to wait like the others," Eliza sighed, and I reached out and pulled her into a hug that she returned right away.

"I will be home to sleep in bed with you tomorrow night, I promise," I said and kissed the top of her head.

"I know. It just feels like we have barely spent any time together," Eliza said, and I nodded.

"Yes, but this is only my second day of countless more that I will be spending with you. Once we leave this island, you will be practically glued to my side, so don\'t worry," I smiled, and Eliza nodded, breaking the hug.

"Okay, come on Senna. Let\'s go make sure that the other girls don\'t tear each other apart," Eliza said with a sigh as she left her room.

Senna looked back at Trina, and they shared a smile before Senna turned and left. The two of them were a cute pair, and they reminded me of Renna and Cindy.

I might have to swing by and ensure everything is going alright there and maybe help them with a few things, but I was curious about that. They lived basic to what the people in Northwall did, so maybe they preferred to do things the hard way.

"Galio?" Trina called, and I snapped out of my daze.

"Sorry! I was just thinking about your village," I said, and Trina smiled.

"They are a bit strange there, but everyone that lives there is happy. Eliza made a big stink about taking me because my mother didn\'t want to let me come. Then when I went back to see her, she said it was fine for me to leave," Trina explained as I came over to one of the two stoves.

"Oh? Who is your mother?" I asked as I looked into the pots that were boiling.

"Lily or I guess you know her as Elder Lily," Trina said, and I laughed.

"Really? That is your mother? I guess I can see why she was fine with you staying here!" I laughed, thinking about our last run in.

"Yes, she told me about that and said I should stay here if you were going to stay here. When you leave, will you need someone to look after your meals and laundry? I know you can do them, but you might be busy," Trina suggested, and I looked over at her.

"What if Senna doesn\'t come?" I asked, looking at the boiling potatoes.

"Senna? What does that matter?" Trina asked, but then a light came on. "Oh! You think that we are partners!"

"I mean, that is what it looks like, right?" I asked, and Trina laughed.

"I think she is cute, but it\'s not serious. Senna wants a baby, so we have been trying to do the mating ritual," Trina giggled.

"Trying? Sorry, I don\'t know what human mating rituals are like. I mean, I know how I do it, but I am a special case," I explained, and Trina giggled again.

"Umm, it\'s hard to explain, but if you want to join us sometime, I could show you. You might have better luck than me," Trina said, and my eyes went wide, and my mouth turned down as I nodded.

"Really? You are inviting me to come and join the two of you? I suppose that couldn\'t hurt, and maybe tomorrow after lunch if that works for the two of you?" I asked, feeling like I should get a planner book to write down my mating appointments.

As much of a joke as the thought was, it was also serious. The last thing that I wanted to do was start making commitments and not following through with them.

I was in a world filled with women that seemed to almost spread news telepathically. Minor errors could get embellished quite easily in the game of telephone, and that could lead to problems later on.

"I will ask Senna later and tell you after we are done eating. Speaking of which, don\'t you have a cake to make?" Trina asked with a smile, bumping her hip into me playfully, and I smiled back.

"This is true. Where can I find sugar and flour? I will also need a dozen eggs, tartar, or baking powder, and cornstarch," I explained as I thought of the recipe.

"Tartar? Baking soda? Cornstarch? The flour and sugar are under the island, and eggs in the cold room in the corner, but I don\'t know about the others," Trina said.

I looked at the other two older ladies in the kitchen, but they both shook heads. They were at the other stove boiling vegetables in one pot and some onions in what seemed to be some kind of dark broth.

"Tartaric is a byproduct of making wine and helps to whip egg whites. We could use baking soda, but you probably won\'t have it if you don\'t have the cream of tartar," I explained, and one of the old ladies piped up.

"I know that one! We don\'t know its fancy name, but we call it white yeast. We use it for making white whipped fluffy topping for lemon pies. That should be the same stuff," The lady said, and I nodded.

"Great, can you find me a sifter? I need to add some flour and powdered sugar, but I need cornstarch. What do you use as a thickening agent? Or do you only use flour and water?" I asked.

"I know what you mean, thickening powder. You should have just said that in the first place! We are hired to help, not professionals! You will have to go visit the Peekaans for that kind of cooking!" the thinner of the two old women laughed.

"Well, this is fine then. What are your names? I am Galio, even though I am sure you know, right?" I asked, and they both nodded.

"Have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to not know that. I knew your name the moment you walked into this town!" The thinner of the two said. "My name is Brinda, and this one beside me is Porsha."

"Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you, but I am very excited to see what you create," Porsha said, and I nodded with a smile.

"Make sure that you pay attention, and you will be able to recreate this special cake," I laughed and got started.

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