Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Chapter 6 06. Djinn (2)

Even knowing it was hopeless, the Djinn didn\'t give up. A berserk look flashed in its eyes as it fought against Albert and the other members of the revolutionary army with reckless abandon.

Unfortunately, some things just couldn\'t be overcome with force and ferocity.

In front of Lucius\' shameless ambush and gang tactics, the Djinn couldn\'t last and was beaten like a dog!

"Hey.. ahh! Oof! Please stop, not the face!"

The warriors of the revolutionary army didn\'t hold back and beat up the now subdued Djinn with everything they had.

Even with the bloody show, Lucius didn\'t stop them.

This wretched demon deserved every last beating!

Maybe it\'s because it originally thought that it was destined to die and this had nothing to lose, but as the Demon was ambushed and fighting for its life, its mouth didn\'t stop and hurled out insults and curses so vile, it made Lucius, a modern man who had seen the worst places like Twitter had to offer, gasp in shock.

The demon spared nobody.

Mothers, Fathers, children, everything, even down to the next-door neighbour\'s dog was viciously slandered and cursed.

If the Revolutionary warriors weren\'t allowed to beat this Djinn black and blue then their hearts wouldn\'t be reconciled!

Lucius may have been despicable for setting up such a shameless ambush but this Djinn was not wronged by the beating it received.

Walking up to the Djinn, Lucius saw its bruised and swollen face and couldn\'t help but shake just a head

"Tut tut tut! This is why your parents always tell you to watch what you say."

Seeing Lucius, the mastermind behind this whole ordeal, Djinn\'s eyes went red with rage!

"Human, unhand me otherwise your mother is a ****** that ****** a ****

Originally, Lucius wanted to negotiate civilly with the demon but when he heard those foul words he was so angry that he kicked the demon\'s head in!

What did he do wrong that he ended up summoning such a wretched demon in the first place?

Before the Djinn could open up its vile mouth once again, Lucius spoke up directly

"Listen here, demon. I want to form a contract with you, one in which you can grant me a new talent."

As the Djinn heard his words a wide smile appeared ok it\'s face it\'s only that now with its battered bruised appearance, his smile was utterly revolting looking like a twisted raisin causing Lucius to grimace in disgust.

But this didn\'t stop the Djinn\'s enthusiasm at all

While the Djinn was all smile on the outside, internally he was sneering

Contracts with demons were all based on the principle of equivalent exchange.

To gain something you must always pay the price.

Naturally, something as ridiculous as gaining or improving a talent would come at an extremely high price.

With a request like this, it wouldn\'t be too hard to turn Lucius into his obedient puppet.

"Haha! It would be a pleasure to form a contract with the young lord." Said the Djinn flatteringly

"So now, what would be your desire?"I think you should take a look at

Said the Demon with an eerie smile.

Just by looking at it, Lucius could feel chills down his spine

\'Trap! This is just one big trap!\'

In his previous life, he had seen one of the students on campus recommend a get-rich crypto scheme and he had the exact same smile on his face. Naturally, the poor individuals that believed him were robbed clean with the man in question going ghost.

Fortunately, Lucius wasn\'t naive enough to place his trust in a crypto scammer and he wasn\'t naive enough to do it with a demon either.

After a short while, Lucius decided on the talent he wanted.

There was no need to say the words aloud so Lucius just thought up the conditions in his head

[ Supreme Student ]

Under the ardent guidance and teaching of a qualified tutor, you will show supernatural levels of learning and aptitude. The stronger your desire to learn and the stronger the teacher\'s desire to teach the faster you will learn.

A talent that pushes the boundary of learning to the limits

The talent he chose couldn\'t be too eye-catching but it still had to be enough to land him in Hero Class.

Besides, The Sanctuary was an academy at the end of the day, a place of learning.

No matter what teacher they were, everyone could appreciate and love an excellent student.

With this talent it would be easy to gain favour with the teachers in the academy, he was a perfect teacher\'s pet!

As soon as Lucius confirmed his request the demon began to laugh wildly as a ray of fire shot forward before Lucius forming a strange magic circle


There was the faint sound of burning as the magic circle burnt a small hole through Lucius\'s clothes forming a small mark on his lower waist.

Seeing this the once humble Djinn stood straight up again, his arrogance swiftly returning.

My part of the contract is complete so now you should also pay the price and the price I want- I want your life!"

As the Demon spoke, he lunged forward at blinding speeds his hand reached forward trying to stab straight through Lucius\'s chest.

Unfortunately for the Djinn, its fingers could only pierce through Lucius\'s skin causing a few drops of blood to fall to the floor

"w..what is this.." muttered the Djinn in disbelief

For a few seconds, there was just an awkward silence as the two parties, one man and one demon looked at each other.

Looking at the Djinn in front of him Lucius just sneered.

Ask for a talent from a demon? How could Lucius be so stupid?

Besides, were talents something a mere Djinn could grant? What a joke!

If Djinns could grant talents like that, wouldn\'t the whole concept of talents in this world be redundant?

The whole idea that demons could grant talents was just a scam spread amongst the common people by the very same Djinns in the first place.

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