Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 450 450- Hell’s Spirit

Chapter 450 Chapter 450- Hell\'s Spirit

The swirling vortex of the portal slowly closed behind Zach as he stepped out of Aria\'s domain. He turned to look back at the portal, his heart heavy with concern for Asmodeus. He knew that leaving her there was the safest option for now, but it didn\'t ease the worry he felt for his sister.

As soon as his feet touched the ground in Hell, he was met with the arrogant presence of the spirit of hell. The malevolent entity stood before him, a sinister grin playing on its shadowy features.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to come back for more," the spirit taunted, its voice dripping with malice.

Zach raised an eyebrow, refusing to let the spirit\'s mocking get to him. He knew he couldn\'t afford to show weakness in the face of such a powerful adversary. A smile formed on his face, slowly morphing into an arrogant smirk.

"You thought you had me, didn\'t you?" Zach retorted, his voice steady and defiant. "But I\'m not so easily defeated. And besides, I have unfinished business to take care of."

The spirit of hell seemed taken aback by Zach\'s response, its dark presence flickering slightly. "You should have run away while you had the chance," it hissed, attempting to regain its composure.

Zach chuckled, a newfound confidence surging through him. "I don\'t run from a challenge," he declared, his voice resonating with determination. "I just took a short piss break."

The spirit of hell narrowed its eyes, its malevolence intensifying. "You think you\'re clever, don\'t you? We\'ll see how long that arrogance lasts," it sneered.

With an unyielding gaze, Zach met the spirit\'s eyes. "You can taunt all you want, but I won\'t back down," he said, his tone firm and resolute. "I\'ll face whatever you throw at me and emerge victorious."

The spirit of hell seemed to seethe with anger at Zach\'s defiance, but it also appeared intrigued by his newfound confidence. It floated closer, its dark presence enveloping him.

"We shall see," it hissed, its voice echoing through the abyss. "But know this — your destiny is intertwined with darkness, and it will consume you in the end."

Zach\'s smirk remained unyielding, his eyes unwavering. "We\'ll see about that," he replied, his voice filled with conviction.

As Zach stood in the dark and foreboding realm of Hell, the spirit of the hell noticed the absence of Asmodeus by Zach\'s side. With a wicked grin, it floated closer, taunting him once again.

"Ah, I see you left your precious sister behind. But don\'t think you\'re safe from my influence just because she\'s not with you," the spirit hissed, its voice laced with malevolence.

Zach smirked, refusing to let the spirit\'s words unnerve him. "Oh, I\'m not worried at all," he retorted, his voice filled with confidence. "In fact, it\'s quite liberating to be free from the aphrodisiac effect for a while."

The spirit of hell seemed puzzled by Zach\'s response. "Liberating? What do you mean?" it asked, its dark presence wavering.

Zach chuckled, enjoying the spirit\'s confusion. "Well, you see," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye, "Asmodeus and I had some fun because of you. And without your meddling, we made intense love."

The spirit of hell scowled, not quite understanding Zach\'s cryptic words. "What are you talking about?" it demanded.

Zach shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Oh, just some fun between siblings that they normally can\'t do," he replied with a sly smile.

The spirit of hell seemed baffled by Zach\'s response, unable to comprehend his nonchalant attitude. "You dare mock me?" it growled, its dark aura flaring.

Zach\'s smirk only widened. "I\'m not mocking you, just thanking you for inadvertently giving me this opportunity," he said, his tone playfully taunting.

The spirit of hell seemed taken aback, its malevolence faltering for a moment. "I don\'t understand your game," it said, its voice uncertain.

Zach laughed, enjoying the spirit\'s confusion. "Oh, it\'s quite simple, really," he replied. "You think you have power over us, but in truth, you\'ve only given me a chance to do what I wanted with Asmodeus without your interference. So, thank you."

After a brief silence, the spirit said, "Wait, are you perhaps saying that you actually committed sexual intercourse with your sister?


"But she was your sister! And you resisted her earlier!"

"Of course I did. As I said, I didn\'t want to do anything in front of you. And I had to pretend to resist for the sake of acting innocent, you know. Now, when she wakes up and remembers everything, I can comfort her and tell her that it wasn\'t her fault."

"I… don\'t believe you! You are bluffing!"

"I don\'t care if you believe me or not," Zach shrugged his shoulders with an arrogant scoff. "It wouldn\'t change the truth. I am truly thankful to you for making this possible."


"You see, when I laid my eyes on her for the first time, she struck me as a fuckable material. I wanted to seduce her and fuck her. Of course I didn\'t know she was my sister at that time, and I was disappointed when I found out the truth.

I wish I had never forced her to reveal the truth. That way, I could have managed to seduce her. But thanks to you, I got a perfect excuse and opportunity. And now that we have done it once, I can do it again and again.

I just have to convince her that doing it a hundred times is the same as doing it a thousand times. So yeah, I will spare your life for making the impossible possible for me."

"Hah?! Spare my life? You are in no condition to spare my life!"

"Oh?" Zach raised his brow. "Are you breaking your promise?"

"What promise?"

"You said that if I fuck Asmodeus, you will allow me to proceed further into the hell."

"I didn\'t say that."

"You did."

"I didn\'t!" It shouted. "And even if I did, there is no proof that you had sexual intercourse with your sister."

Zach\'s lips formed a smirk as he successfully managed to trap the hell\'s spirit with his bluff."

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