Young Master Damien's Pet

Chapter 79 - Snap of a twig- Part 2

"I didn\'t know you were a-"

"A pureblooded vampire? Or the fact that you told me to get out, hmm?" Damien let out his signature smile, the one like as if he was the most notorious vampire in this land that he walked on, "Bad children should be punished, don\'t you think? What do you think, Penny?" Damien asked Penny who had only been watching until now without speaking a word.

Penelope had only planned to watch the show but had no plans to take part in it until Damien had decided to pull her from the shadows. She stepped forward, just one step that let the light touch her body.

When the magistrate\'s eyes fell on Penny, he looked surprised by her presence as if he hadn\'t expected her to be here.

"Penelope," said the magistrate, her name rolling on his tongue made her feel disgusted. She tried not to stand in his full view and instead stood behind him.

"You know her?" asked Damien, intrigue in his eyes as he found the man looking at Penny with fascination, "It looks like you are well acquainted with my slave," the word \'my\' was spoken with a little more pressure which made the magistrate snap his eyes back at the pureblooded vampire.

"Slave?" asked Mr. Linguin shocked at the revelation.

Penny had dreaded when Damien had first asked her about the magistrate and his office. Since the time she could remember, this man had done nothing but leeched on to her and her mother when it came to leaving shameful remarks. Not to forget that particular day where he had done no justice at all.

She still remembered that day as if the memory was brightly burned into her mind. It was noon that was cloudy with the ground wet with slippery mud. Penny was on her way back home when she was caught amidst two drunk men who had tried to misbehave with her. While she had only tried to leave the place as quick as possible, a woman who was passing by only accused of wrongdoings, turning all the fault to her.

"Burn her! Kill her!"

"Trying to lure men in broad light, shame on the girl for dragging our villages name down!"

"She\'s a witch and so is her mother! Look at the way they look!"

"Stake them!" a man screamed in the crowd.

"Put her and her mother away!"?The voices still resonated in her ears like it was still going on as they were now in the very same village. The magistrate back then and even now hadn\'t changed much. He had offered to \'council\' her as it wouldn\'t be right to throw two females out of the village, he had called her to this very cabin.

She could still feel his disgusting hands that had touched her thigh to move up. Penny had been too shocked before she realized and pushed him away. His hands trying to touch her where she had screamed to only be slapped before being sent out. Things had turned even far worse after last year with what had taken place. The only thankful thing was that she worked in the theatre which was part of the next two towns away, where the villagers here didn\'t go.

While Penny was drowned with the memories she had tried to forget, the magistrate was in his own thoughts as he looked at the pale looking girl. Her beautiful green eyes that looked like liquid glass shining across from where she stood.

Many men and women claimed that the daughter and the mother were witches with their unusual jade-like green eyes that stood out when compared to the rest of the people who lived in the village with brown and black eyes, with only a few different colors. But that wasn\'t what stood out the most, it was their feature and daunting features which even made the magistrate doubt but the man knew better than the illiterate peasants who knew nothing about the world outside than their own village.

The magistrate could have been considered to her father\'s age but he didn\'t find it wrong to make his moves on the poor girl when she used to live here. Wanting to take advantage of her and her body. It was unfortunate that after her mother\'s death he had already started to devise a plan on what he wanted and how he would approach the girl again.

He had readied himself to get Penelope\'s mother\'s body to be burnt in front of everyone in the village which would weaken her soul and would need a comforting touch that he himself could provide. But what the magistrate didn\'t know was that the girl had another family who would take her from here.

To make sure she would have a reason to return back, he had got her mother buried in here with the rest of them even though many of the villagers didn\'t like the idea of it. And she finally did come near the village but she had turned to a slave? If he knew it he would have brought her from the slavery himself! The magistrate couldn\'t believe his bad luck.

With the two people, the magistrate, and Penny who were thinking about each other, Damien heard and noticed every movement as well as the beat of the hearts that passed like a ticking watch. He didn\'t need Penny to tell him that something was wrong. He had guessed it right away when she had stopped from stepping on the stairs of the magistrate\'s office.?Damien caught sight of every single emotion that came to pass like weather that was changing every few seconds- shock, disappointment, l.u.s.t. L.u.s.t, Damien thought to himself before his fingers squished the other man\'s index finger before a pop was heard which was due to the top bone of the finger which had turned to a powder.

"Ah!" the man screamed in the anguish of pain.

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