To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 230. The End of the Expedition

Though Bogle and Airi had recovered some of their vitality thanks to Mamiya, their injuries still needed tending, and all the expedition team members were hurt in different ways. Thus, they all needed to return as fast as possible. Thankfully, they didn’t encounter any monsters during the several days long trip, including Botis’ army that they had worried so much about, and the expedition team was able to travel without stopping. It was as if they were rewarded for their recent suffering.


After marching without rest, the expedition team came to a momentary stop. Under the twilight, they saw a structure that cast a great shadow onto the ground. It was the city Shalyh. Like usual, there were a couple of people around the gates. Most of them were heading in since it was near dusk, and the closer they got to the city gates, the more eyes the team attracted because of how ragged their condition was. Even so, the team walked confidently since they were coming back after accomplishing their goal.

The team stopped after passing the gates and entering the city’s inner parts. Nobody moved for a while. They simply closed their eyes, inhaled deeply, and enjoyed the moment. They had returned to the city Shalyh. They could say that the expedition was over now.

“…Good work, you all,” Dalgil said while looking behind them. “Good job. It’s really a job well done, everyone.” Filled with indescribable emotions, Dalgil repeated the same lines. They had entered Narsha Haram from mythical times and came back alive. Though they weren’t in good shape, the fact that they had all returned alive was most important. Thus, they were overjoyed.

“Congratulations,” Ru Amuh said while smiling. Chi-Woo also gave his congratulations. If both Bogle and Airi or even one of the pair weren’t with them, they would’ve had to give their condolences instead. But there was no need to worry about that now, and Chi-Woo was especially happy about this fact.

“Thank you, everyone…” Dalgil made a shy smile. Though they had come back from a successful trip, it wasn’t time for them to be standing around here. “I would like to rent a bar and drink all night in celebration if I could…but it will be difficult to do that in our current condition.”

“There will be nothing more regretful than us dying from drinking after coming back from this expedition alive,” Ru Amuh joked, and the rest of the expedition team agreed. They needed stamina to even eat, drink, and have a good time. Furthermore, there were many in their team who needed immediate treatment.

“Everyone, have a good rest. I will send someone after I get things organized,” Dalgil said. He was about to turn around when Chi-Woo stopped him.

“Captain Dalgil,” Chi-Woo said. “I was able to learn a lot thanks to this expedition.”

“Hm? Ah…no, it’s me who should say that.”

“You really were a great captain, Mr. Dalgil.” Chi-Woo gave Dalgil a thumbs-up and smiled.

Dalgil looked at this gesture blankly before breaking into a wide smile. “Ha. Well, let’s see each other next time!” He ran off while clutching Bogle and Airi tightly in his arms. After separating from Dalgil, the rest of the team went to their zone and quickly returned to their respective homes. Chi-Woo’s place was quiet when he got there; it appeared that Evelyn had gone out.

One of the merits of Shalyh City was that it was no longer necessary for the residents to go out to wash themselves. The plumbing system was surprisingly well-established, and naturally, there were bathrooms in homes. Thus, after filling a bucket with water, Chi-Woo cleaned his body thoroughly. Dirt and filth that he couldn’t wash away throughout the entire expedition flowed down to the floor; and after thoroughly washing himself, Chi-Woo immediately headed for the bed. His already fatigued body felt even more tired after soaking in water.

“I…” The blankets felt like clouds when Chi-Woo buried his face into it and closed his eyes. “Came back alive…” In mere seconds, he lost consciousness.


When Chi-Woo opened his eyes again, he saw a calm and peaceful sky. The sun was slowly setting, and it appeared that after returning to the city, he had slept a whole day. Chi-Woo wondered whether he should sleep more or wake up when he felt a gaze upon him. She was observing and smiling at him with her hand cupping her jaw.

“Lady Evelyn?”

“Did you have a good sleep?” Evelyn asked with a cheery expression.

“You should’ve woken me up…”

“You were so deeply asleep. Just like a baby. You reminded me of my younger brother in his baby days, so I couldn’t help but stare,” Evelyn chuckled and stretched out her arms. “Besides, it’s good to see that you came back alive. It didn’t seem like it would be an easy expedition.”

“Yes, it certainly wasn’t. You wouldn’t believe how much I missed you, Lady Evelyn.”

“Of course. Although I’m not officially a priest yet, it’s not an easy task finding a healer like me.” Evelyn nodded with self-importance. ‘Hm, hm.’

“Did anything happen while I was gone?”

“Hm—many things happened in your absence.”

“Really, what happened?”

“There’s the bothersome issue with people flocking to me whenever I step outside because I’m supposed to be a hero now and—” Evelyn placed her index finger on her chin and smiled while glancing at Chi-Woo. “But that’s not even the real problem. Are you curious about what that is?”


“You really want to hear it?”

Chi-Woo wondered what in the world happened that Evelyn would be stalling like this, and Evelyn began in a confident voice.

“Fufu. Don’t be too surprised when you hear it. I got a disciple—”

Evelyn’s sentence was cut short because of the abrupt commotion outside.

“Hey!” A middle-aged man with a thick beard burst through the door.

“Sir Mangil?”

“Thank you! Thank you!” Mangil hugged Chi-Woo as soon as he came in. It seemed he was here to personally pick up Chi-Woo even though Dalgil had said he would send somebody. As Mangil muttered how he had made the right decision in choosing Chi-Woo, and that Dalgil’s fame had grown all over the city thanks to him, he dragged Chi-Woo to Ru Amuh’s residence. Everyone was already gathered on the first floor. Mangil thanked everyone again and placed a large lump of money on the table as a reward for the success, but he didn’t end things there.

“Okay! Everyone quickly come out! I rented out a place for you all!” Mangil dragged the expedition team to a blacksmith’s workshop. Though everyone else looked confused, Chi-Woo alone smiled. It seemed Mangil was keeping his promise.

“So! For whom do I need to prepare equipment for?” Mangil shouted, and Chi-Woo silently pushed Ru Amuh on the back.

“T-Teacher?” Ru Amuh looked stunned, but a couple of buhguhbus approached him. And soon afterward, Ru Amuh was transformed into an impressive knight fully armored with a metal helmet, breastplate, and even a pair of greaves. Though he wasn’t covered in thick steel armor all over his body like Dalgil, Ru Amuh had the look of a formidable adventurer now. The way Ru Amuh’s armor gleamed made it clear that the pieces were made of high quality material.

“You look good! Really good!” Mangil chuckled and patted Ru Amuh on the back.

“Although it’s manufactured, don’t think worse of it because of that! Our buhguhbus’ blacksmith skills are the best on Liber!”

Ru Amuh looked at Chi-Woo in astonishment. “Teacher…” Though he seemed to be asking Chi-Woo if he could really accept this gift instead of Chi-Woo, Chi-Woo shook his head with a satisfied smile. Chi-Woo always thought it was pitiful that Ru Amuh went around with only leather clothes even though he was a warrior; now that Ru Amuh was all dressed up like this, he appeared like the perfect embodiment of one. Chi-Woo felt just like a parent buying new clothes for his kid.

In the meantime, they reached the end of the settlement, Mangil didn’t let the expedition team go easily. While saying that this was just the beginning, he brought the team to a restaurant.

“I rented out this restaurant in celebration! You’re not going home on two legs today!” Mangil said. The restaurant was already filled with numerous food, alcohol, and buhguhbus who came to join the celebration. Unfortunately, Bogle and Airi were unable to attend because of their condition, but Dalgil was able to come. He appeared heavily bandaged all over his body.

“Don’t you also have to be careful, Mr. Dalgil?” Chi-Woo asked Dalgil.

“That’s why I came after I took my medicine.”

Dalgil and Chi-Woo laughed while clinking glasses. That was the beginning of the party. Chi-Woo enjoyed the meat and alcohol, which he hadn’t been able to enjoy for a long time, and saw Mangil staggering toward him.

“So, a-are you enjoying yourself?” Mangil stuttered like he was very drunk.

“Thanks to you, sir. What about you?”

“I’m certainly enjoying myself. There are few opportunities to do this considering the circumstances,” Mangil laughed and said that Chi-Woo should do the same when he could.

“By the way…” Mangil put a pipe to his lips, lit it up, and said in a soft voice. “I heard from Dalgil that you got yourself a very rare item.”

Chi-Woo’s eyes sparkled. He knew Mangil was talking about the reliquia and had been wanting to ask Mangil about it since the buhguhbus were the greatest blacksmith among the Cassiubia League.

“Yes, do you perhaps—”

“I can’t.” Mangil cut Chi-Woo off before he could even finish.


“Even we can’t handle that metal. If it’s really reliquia, that is,” Mangil said while inhaling a heap of smoke. “Reliquia is god’s metal; it’s not something that should be in the Middle World.” It was something only mentioned in records, and none of the buhguhbus had seen it personally or touched it. Mangil even expressed his doubts about whether the item was the real deal.

“Although I have my pride as a blacksmith…reliquia is another matter. Even the greatest blacksmith from Liber wouldn’t dare work with it.”


“What do you mean? It’s a god’s metal. Then there’s only one kind of existence that can deal with it,” Mangil said and pointed up with his index finger. Chi-Woo took this gesture to mean that only a god could manipulate this metal. Chi-Woo was about to ask in more detail, but Mangil quickly got up from his seat as many voices called him elsewhere. Chi-Woo looked as Mangil left and saw two familiar faces on the way.

“You are going to go on a quest again?”

“Yes, we have to keep making money, and seeing you reach Platinum rank, I also…”

“Well, if it’s you, I’m sure you will quickly…”

Chi-Woo heard the back and forth between Dalgil and Ru Amuh and thought, ‘Ranks…’ Now that the expedition was over, he needed to analyze what had happened and organize what he had learned from it. From the Zepar expedition, Chi-Woo learned about the fundamentals of an expedition; and from this expedition, Chi-Woo learned a couple of things about fulfilling one’s role in a team. Chi-Woo’s thoughts about the direction in which he would progress had therefore changed. Chi-Woo thought deeply about these matters when a presence suddenly made him flinch. He didn’t know when she had appeared, but Hawa was praying on her knees toward him.

“Ms. Hawa?”

Hawa didn’t respond. Chi-Woo thought worriedly that she might be drunk or asleep, but then she raised her head and opened her eyes, meeting his gaze.

“…What are you doing?” Chi-Woo asked.

“I rose to Bronze rank.”

Chi-Woo eyes widened. “You got promoted?”


“Then, just now…”

“I was meeting Goddess La Bella,” Hawa spoke coolly, but she seemed happy. It was clear she was looking at her stats by the way she stared intently into the space in front of her. But it was surprising that she rose in rank in one-go like this. Passing a promotion test wasn’t an easy task. One needed to overcome great adversaries that even a god would acknowledge.

‘Well, Ms. Hawa did a lot during this expedition…’ For someone who was a native and just began to use the growth system, she displayed splendid skills. As expected of a 3-star, Hawa had outstanding growth potential.

‘Since she rose in ranks, I’m sure she will become stronger.’ Chi-Woo licked his lips. For some reason, it felt like he alone was stuck in one place. He knew there were methods that could make him stronger, and he was simply not using them because of his obstinacy. But after coming back from this expedition, Chi-Woo thought it was time for him to let go of his stubbornness a bit.

‘I don’t know.’ Chi-Woo thought he should think about this later. He was about to take a big bite of his meat skewer when he spotted a figure slowly rising. ‘Ms. Ru Hiana?’

While everyone was enjoying the party happily, Ru Hiana appeared despondent. She even got up quietly to leave the restaurant.

‘What? Did something happen to her?’ Chi-Woo wondered whether he should go after her when another person stopped him in his tracks.

“What are you doing?” Evelyn approached him, red-faced and both hands occupied with glasses. “Drink, Drink—If you came to celebrate, you must driiink…”

“You are very drunk, Lady Evelyn.”

“No, I’m not drunk! I! Came to hear your storyyy!”

“…What story?”

“Your expedition~ When are you going to tell me about it~” Evelyn whined, and Chi-Woo had no choice but to take her drinks.


His return to Shalyh City from the expedition was followed by a whole day of sleeping, and the next day was a blur for Chi-Woo. Chi-Woo remembered drinking a lot, and when he regained his senses, he was on his bed. Since he didn’t remember walking to his room, he supposed someone must have moved him there. Thus, Chi-Woo finally remembered his brother two days after his return. Writhing uncomfortably from a hangover, Chi-Woo struggled to turn on his device and sent a message. A reply came within a second, telling him to quickly bring himself over. Thus, Chi-Woo ran off to see his brother without even washing up. He had many things to consult with and request from his brother this time, and Chi-Woo didn’t go empty-handed. He took two bags of chips he had safely stored in his bag all along with him.

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