Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 326 Overload [2]

Although that doesn\'t fit very well because if I\'d blacked out then the demon beasts in front of me would have killed me right after that. But here I was, slowly gaining my consciousness back. 

But the fact that I blacked out was confirmed because there was a gap in my memories. 

Anyway, I was now coming back to my senses. As soon as I regained the sense of touch, I felt a little weird. 

I don\'t know what would be the right way to describe what I was feeling. It\'s like…I was having trouble breathing. Well, rather than trouble, it was more like I was breathing abnormally. 

As if I was breathing mainly through my…mouth I think. That didn\'t really make much sense. I mean, if I was unconscious I should be breathing through my nose and not my mouth. 

Also, the air I was drawing in through my mouth was warm—which again was strange. 

\'What am I—\'

Everything became crystal  clear when I gathered the strength and opened my eyes. 

It turns out I was not actually breathing, but being fed air. 

I saw Req sitting over me, and her face was rather a little way too close to mine and she had her eyes closed. Which was only to be expected. 

After all, she was kissing me. 

I would have very much liked to say that she was giving me CPR, but the way her legs were wrapped around me and how she was kissing me was too passionate to be considered CPR. 

\'Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would get assaulted while unconscious,\' I said inwardly.

I waited a few seconds in hopes that she would notice I\'d regained consciousness and would back off. However…

She pushed further. The grip of her legs tightened around my waist and she held my head with her hands. Till now she was only kissing me passionately, but now I felt her tongue entering my mouth. 

And actually, the fact that during all this my eyes were open made it even more weird. 

It seemed like she was completely enjoying herself, but we were right in between thousands and thousands of demon beasts, plus this was getting troublesome. 

I wanted to go to my parents as soon as possible. 

\'Ah well, here we go…\'

I held her by her waist and turned around, getting myself on the top. After that, I held her arms, although all this girl did was interlock her fingers with mine. 

Then I backed my head and ended the kiss. 

"Req," I said.

She opened her eyes hurriedly, her expression resembled that of a kid who had been caught masturbating by his parents. 

"What were you doing?" I asked. 

"Ah…haha…emmm…well, you had blacked out so I was giving you air through my mouth," she said, clearly flustered. 

"Hmmm, is that so? But as far as I know, you do that to someone who has stopped breathing. And I\'m pretty sure I only blacked out and didn\'t stop breathing," I said. 

"Ahh, w-well…" she struggled to find words. "I didn\'t have a choice you know! You were out cold, I tried to wake up you up but it didn\'t work. I shook you, slapped you, licked your cheek, and screamed in your ears. But no matter what I did, you were not opening your eyes!" she said with a sulking face.

Then suddenly she pulled me close, bringing my face closer to hers. 

"What do you say? Do you want to go at it again? It wasn\'t as enjoyable since you were out," she said with the usual mischievous smile on her face. 

\'Just how quickly can she change her mood and expression...\' I thought to myself.

"No, thanks. I don\'t think we have the time for that," I said as I raised my right hand to the side and fired a shot of Red. It hit a demon beast that was coming for us. 

"Ugh, right. These damned beasts, what a way to spoil the mood," she said while she wiped the blood off my face with her fingers. 

I then stood up and offered her my hand, she took it and stood up as well. 

When I took a look around the area, there were relatively fewer demon beasts compared to when I had blacked out. 

"Just what the hell did you do?" I asked. 

"Hehe, wiped them off," she said, giggling like a child.

Knowing that kind of amazed me a little. I mean, I knew that she was capable of standing on her own against thousands of insanely powerful demon beasts but still, this was a little too much.

"Well, I don\'t think they are gonna let us go that easily though," I said, pointing my finger toward an army of demon beasts—or armies, since they were coming from all directions—that had freshly come out from the portals in the sky. 

I prepared myself and activated [Foresight]. However, just as I did that an unbearable amount of pain flashed in my eyes and brain. 

\'I don\'t think I\'ll be able to use this for a good while,\' I thought. But fighting them without [Foresight] was basically suicide. 

"Damn, I might actually die in this one," I mumbled to myself. 

"Come on now, don\'t be silly," Req said while slapping me on the back. 

"I mean, it\'s not like I want to die. I have my parents and sister waiting for me, and if I die then there\'ll be no one left to protect. But it\'s also true that my body is now starting to break down," I said. 

"Hmmm, that can be a problem. You are right," she mumbled as she took a look at me. 

Then she closed her eyes and held her chin as if she was in deep thought, thinking about something very important. 

A few seconds passed and the ground started to shake due to the enormous army of demon beasts that was coming toward us with the only intent to kill. 

"Okay, I decided," she said as she clapped her hands. "We are going to use the real power of Requiem."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked. 

"Well you see, your body right now is not strong enough to handle the full potential of Requiem, that\'s why I put a limiter on its power so you don\'t die. But seeing this situation, I think we\'ll have to do something about that."

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