Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 323 Reunion [1]

Knowing the situation they were in caused more chaos than it solved. Only a minor amount of students were able to act rationally, the majority was still mumbling about how they are all going to die. 

Leon and the group were kind of in the middle. 

"Aggh gosh, is this seriously happening," Ellyn said in an exasperated tone.

"Well, it seems like it. I guess we are in for big trouble," Leon replied.

"Right Anya?" he looked in Anya\'s direction but she did not notice. She was spacing out, staring into nothingness. After all, Zero was still not there. 

Now that she knew about the demons added with the fact that he was still out there between those monsters…it was making her think back on when she was about to go and find him. 

She began to doubt her decision. Maybe it would have been better if she didn\'t follow what was written in the letter and went to find him anyway. 

She was doubting her actions, probably regretting them too. But more than anything, she was worried about her brother\'s safety. 

"Anya?" Leon called again, patting her on the shoulder. 

"Hm? Oh! Yeah, you are right," she responded hurriedly. 

"Are you okay?" Ellyn asked since her behavior felt a little weird. 

"Yeah, I\'m fine…"

Ellyn was going to ask again but at that moment they heard a loud noise, looking back they saw that the metallic wall behind them was slowly opening like a sliding door.

Once the doors were completely opened the staff members started guiding the students through. 

Leon, Elly, and Anya moved as well. As they went through the gate and out they were in a tunnel-like structure that was made completely with metal and had magic light attached to the ceiling. 

After walking for a few minutes they reached a dead end. However, that changed when the wall in front of them opened just like before and revealed the rest of the way. 

From there they entered another hall-like area. It was mostly the same as the one they had been teleported into, but bigger. 

And just like in the previous hall, there were people here as well who seemed to have arrived here via teleportation the same as the students did. This could be determined from the fact that there was a magic circle engraved on the floor of this hall too.

This was done and there were two halls because the magic circle to teleport the students was slightly different from the ones used to transport the civilians—they were more optimized and developed. 

There were many kinds of people, but a good majority of them looked rich and were higher-class noble—which was pretty obvious from their attire. 

Since there was no place to sit the people present were either standing or sitting on the ground near the walls. 

It was a little weird since they could have sat on their luggage, but there was a silly little problem with it—that they didn\'t have any luggage, to begin with.I think you should take a look at

Everyone had teleported here in a desperate situation—whether it be a high-class noble or middle-class—and it was obvious that they didn\'t have any time to grab their luggage. The same was true for the students as well. 

The students were passing through the hall and were headed straight toward another door. They passed through the middle of the hall in a line while the staff members cleared the way. 

There was no talking or any sort of interaction between the students and the people present in the hall. Leave the students aside, the people in the hall weren\'t even talking amongst themselves—not even among their families. 

This was not unexpected. After all, the casualties amongst the normal civilians were way too much compared to the students of the academy since there were no incredibly strong teachers to protect them. 

Many families had lost their sons, fathers, mothers, or siblings. Worst of all, they had been killed right in front of the eyes of their loved ones.

Up until now, the world was a peaceful place far away from war and death, which slowly made the people foreign to scenes like this. And now witnessing the cruel fate of death unfold before them had left quite an impact. 

Among the students, Anya was walking on the side of the line while she continued to think about Zero. 

As her eyes wandered and saw the civilians and the misery on their faces, the thought of losing Zero forever and the same misery clouding her face appeared in her mind. 

She didn\'t want to think about it and was on the verge of tears. To take her mind off of this she looked in the other direction, however, what she saw there made those tears finally flow down her cheeks.

No, it was not her brother that she saw there. But her parents. It was really easy to spot them among the other civilians due to their simple and normal-looking clothes. 

Both of them were sitting near the wall on the right side, holding each other\'s hands while staring down at the ground. Just like everyone else present in the hall, they were also stunned. 

Seeing them here came as a shock to Anya as well, and that made her stop in her tracks. 

"Anya what happen—HEY WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!" Leon said—or screamed—when he turned toward her. 

"Anya? What happened? Why are you crying?" Ellyn asked as she put her arms on Anya\'s shoulders. 

However, they got no response from her. Suddenly she started moving toward Ron and Ainge.

"Where are you—?" Leon tried to ask and stop her but failed. 

She separated from the line of students and was soon sprinting toward her parents. Tears were continuously coming down her face as she ran and there was a desperate look on her face. 

The hall was big thus it took her a few minutes to reach the place where her parents were. But she did reach there. She stopped at a distance of a few steps, took a moment to catch her breath, and then looked at them. 

"Mom…Dad…" she said. They were still staring down at the ground when she reached there, but once she called them they looked up. 

As soon as they saw their daughter\'s face… 

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