Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 29 – Burial of the Dragon Tomb Case

Chapter 29 – Burial of the Dragon Tomb Case

Su Yun\'s face was solemn. It was true that Jiao Shu\'Ao was saved by the spirit of the Divine Dragon, but what he took from the Dragon\'s Tomb might not necessarily be the Dragon Spirit. It was very likely that the foreign object was pretending to be the Dragon Spirit and deceived Jiao Shu\'Ao, letting him take it away from there.

"The whole village is going to Shuofang City for a meal. They say they might meet again in Shuofang. Shuofang is a big city with people everywhere. If this foreign object is evil..."

"Then he will surely die," Su Yun relaxed.

In his heart, there were even people like Mr. Shuijing in Shuofang City, which was naturally a remarkable place with many strong people.

After resting for a while, Su Yun threw the Immortal Rope and slid down the cliff with the four fox spirits.

In the moonlight of the night, Su Yun and the four fox spirits walked through the mountains and forests. When they passed by Niujiacun, they saw that there was a funeral banquet in the village, and the monsters were dancing wildly.

Some of the monsters were full of food and drink and said goodbye to the host. They walked back shoulder to shoulder, talking loudly and noisily on the way, creating a lively atmosphere.

Su Yun and his group were not lonely on the way. Hu Buping and Li Xiaofan went to steal the vegetable garden of Niujiacun at night.

However, when the monsters who were traveling with them saw them enter Tianmen Town, those drunken monsters couldn\'t help but become clever. They sobered up and bowed in the direction of Tianmen Town, or cursed a few words before leaving in a hurry.

In the eyes of the monsters in the no-man\'s land of Tian Shi Yuan, Tianmen Town was an evil and ominous place.

The lights of Tianmen Town were scattered, and it was obvious that many of the townspeople had already fallen asleep. Only the barking of dogs was heard when Su Yun and his group came.

They quietly returned to the courtyard, lit the oil lamp, and Su Yun and the three little foxes prepared dinner, while Hua Hu read a book by the light.

"The book says that they saw the traces of the battle and speculated that the foreign object that came with the dragon was the enemy of the dragon. It was a great battle where both sides were injured, and the foreign object died in the battle. So, they tried to summon the spirit of the dragon to ask what happened," Hua Hu flipped through the book and told the others the contents.

"After they summoned the spirit of the dragon, a scholar named Ying had an extraordinary sense of perception towards the spirit. She noticed something strange. She said that while they were summoning the spirit of the dragon, they might have also summoned another spirit."

It was a thrilling story.

After the scholars of Tian Dao Yuan summoned the spirit of the dragon, strange things began to happen.

Ying warned everyone that the spirit was full of evil and that the one who might perish with the dragon was a demon. When the dragon and the demon perished together, they might have banished their spirits to other worlds, but now they were summoned here.

However, not many people believed Ying\'s words.

It was a snowy day in Shuofang, and the weather had become somewhat strange. There was usually no such heavy snow, but the thick snow covered the mountains, and the snow was several feet deep. In the thick parts of the mountains, it was bottomless and cut off their connection with the outside world.

The next morning, the scholars of Tian Dao Yuan found Ying\'s body.The leader of the scholars was very nervous. He immediately summoned everyone to set up the Spirit Prisoning Heaven Cage together, trapping the dragon spirits and the human demons in the Zonglong Tomb, preventing them from leaving.

If the spirits of the human demons were to leave, it would cause great slaughter and countless people would be devoured by them!

Beside the stove, the light flickered. Su Yun and three little foxes listened nervously as Hua Hu recounted the story that happened in the heavy snow 150 years ago. The three little foxes trembled, holding their tails tightly.

"Spirit Prisoning Heaven Cage?" Su Yun suddenly asked, startling the three little foxes. They jumped up and huddled together in the corner, looking terrified.

Hua Hu flipped through the book and said, "Based on the context, it should be the stone tablets we saw when we first entered the valley. After the leader of the scholars set up the Spirit Prisoning Heaven Cage, they gathered together to summarize what they knew about the characteristics of human demons."

He continued reading.

Human demons are good at possessing and can attach themselves to others, imitating them.

The spiritual strength of human demons is not strong, but after they possess someone, they become very powerful. They will choose someone with a weak personality to possess and control them, ultimately devouring them.

As long as there is a slight flaw in their mind, the spiritual power of the human demon can take advantage of it and take control!

What\'s even more terrifying is that human demons can even transform their bodies into the form of a weapon!

The more people they devour, the stronger they become!

In this valley sealed by heavy snow, a battle of humanity and wisdom began.

The scholars, who were originally close friends, gradually began to suspect each other and split into two factions, one living at the head of the dragon and the other at the tail.

The pure white snow made people feel hopeless, and when the snow was stained with the red of blood, this despair turned into the distortion of humanity.

Another person died, and the body was found in the belly of the dragon. Both sides suspected each other, believing that the human demon was among them.

Then there was a third and fourth victim.

The shadow of death hung over the entire valley, and finally drove people to the brink of collapse. The two factions almost simultaneously thought of one solution: to eliminate the other!

Because, once they confirmed that the human demon was not hiding among their own, they didn\'t care which person on the other side was the human demon. As long as they eliminated the other side, they could eliminate the human demon!

When both sides held this idea, a bloody battle was inevitable.

In the end, the scholars from the dragon\'s head faction won, and the leader of the scholars was among them.

They returned to their house at the dragon\'s head and waited to leave after the snow melted.

They lit a bonfire and sat beside it, the atmosphere heavy. They talked about how to explain what happened here to the outside world and how to take care of the parents of the dead scholars in the future.

Hua Hu looked through the book and said, "Afterwards, they went back to their rooms to sleep. The next morning, they found that one of the stone tablets of the Spirit Prisoning Heaven Cage had been destroyed."

Su Yun suddenly shuddered. "The human demon didn\'t die, it\'s still hiding among them!"Hua Hu\'s face looked strange. He flipped through the last two pages a few times, seeming not to understand. After a moment, he organized the contents of the last two pages and continued speaking.

The scholars returned to their room in Dragon Head and each fell into their own doubts, extremely guarded against anyone else.

At this time, the leader of the scholars found the scholar who wrote this book and said to him, "We cannot find the demonic person among us, so there is only one way: kill everyone."

He said that the demonic person cannot destroy the Spirit Imprisoning Heaven Cage with their own power, they can only bewitch others and use them to destroy it. Anyone who is alive could potentially become an object used by the demonic person.

If the demonic person escapes, it will definitely cause chaos in the world, and countless living beings will suffer.

They can only sacrifice themselves and die here to ensure that the demonic person will not escape.

"So, how can I determine that you are not the demonic person?" the scholar who wrote the book asked.

The leader of the scholars said, "Han Jun, after killing everyone else, only you and I will remain. If I am the demonic person, then I must bewitch you to destroy the Spirit Imprisoning Heaven Cage. You only need to commit suicide to trap me here. If you are the demonic person, I will commit suicide and you will be trapped here."

He agreed.

The killing began.

The leader was the first to act.

His arm turned into a huge weapon and cut off his companion\'s limbs. The scholar who wrote the book watched in horror as the leader killed the other scholars like a possessed demon. He was afraid and ran away.

"The leader is the demonic person!" he wrote in the book.

In the snow, he left footprints, and in the end, the leader found him.

In the room at the Dragon Tail, he looked out the window and saw the leader\'s hands and feet turn into huge blades, crawling on all fours in the snow in a strange posture.

"Junior brother, only you and I are left!"

The leader\'s voice came from outside, "I still haven\'t found the demonic person!"

He quickly wrote down the leader\'s appearance, which would be an excellent note for future generations to study demonic people.

"Senior brother, aren\'t you the demonic person?" he shouted angrily out the window while writing.

"I am not a demonic person. I am borrowing the spirit of the dragon to strengthen my body and transform it into a dragon, enhancing my strength." The leader outside explained.

He looked out the window and saw the leader\'s limbs turn into dragon claws. He realized that he had wrongly accused his senior brother.

"Since senior brother is not the demonic person, then who is it?"

Hua Hu\'s face became even more strange as he read the last paragraph. "My consciousness gradually became blurred, and darkness invaded my mind. I seemed to see my left arm slowly turning into a huge blade... Hmm, that\'s it."

Hua Hu closed the book.

Su Yun and the three little foxes were listening attentively and couldn\'t help but become anxious when they heard, "That\'s it? This story has no beginning or end!"

Hu Buping scratched his head and shouted, "What happened next? Who was the demonic person? Who won the battle between him and senior brother?"Hua Hu helplessly said, "The records in the book only go up to this point, and it doesn\'t say what happened afterwards. Plus, this isn\'t my story, it\'s a true event that happened 150 years ago on a snowy day."

The little foxes were dissatisfied and demanded that he give the story an accurate ending.

Hua Hu helplessly said, "He and the team leader, Xue Ge, died together..."

"This ending is terrible!"

Qing Qiuyue quickly said, "The human and demon side won, and they killed Xue Ge, but he couldn\'t escape from the Spirit Prison Sky Trap, and ultimately died in the Zang Long Tomb, until the whole village arrived for dinner! This ending is better!"

Li Xiaofan quickly said, "The human and demon side died in Xue Ge\'s hands, but at the crucial moment, Xue Ge couldn\'t be sure if he was possessed by the demon, so he chose to die alone in the Zang Long Tomb. I think this ending is better!"

Hu Buping raised his paw and said, "Perhaps after Xue Ge killed the demon, he left the Zang Long Tomb! That would be a perfect ending!"

The little foxes argued with each other, each with their own ending.

Hua Hu put the book aside and saw Su Yun lost in thought, curious, he asked, "Xiao Yun, what are you thinking about?"

Su Yun was in a daze and suddenly said, "I\'m thinking, was it really the Dragon Spirit who saved the whole village that night?"

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