The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



MEANWHILE, on a few floors below, Astrid was also having a video call. It\'s just that he\'s not talking to only one person but to three people - his whole family, to be exact. It was easy to guess the reason why.

After he got back to his apartment, articles about the launch party were posted on [Cyberspace] and [StarNet]. Most of them had mentioned the appearance of Duke Grimaldi and Cassius Grimaldi, as well as how they both showed goodwill towards him. That was enough for his whole family to worry about and call him.

"Did nothing really happen after you met them?" his mother asked. "They didn\'t suspect anything?"

There was a serious expression on his mother\'s face. Astrid could also see the slight trembling of her eyes. It was evident that the news of him accidentally meeting the duke and Casey had her shaken. But she was acting tough, probably so she wouldn\'t worry her husband and children.

"That\'s right. Tell us everything. Don\'t leave a single detail out," his father quickly added.

"Nothing really happened. We barely talked," Astrid said, trying to assure them. "My conversation with them didn\'t even last for five minutes."

And that\'s not a lie. Although Casey showed great appreciation for him, most of it was just because he saved Nicol. And he could bet that the duke was the same. The other probably only attended that launch party so he could meet one of the people who saved his grandson.

The goodwill that he showed and the praises that he gave him were most likely his way of saying \'thank you\'. After all, such words of appreciation from a high-ranking noble duke could help better his image to the public.

Yes, it\'s a bit stupid. But they were currently living in an era where aristocratic nobles still held the majority of power in the Empire. Whether it\'s political or military, they held most of the top positions. That\'s why their influence just couldn\'t be ignored. At least in the entertainment industry, this influence could boost one\'s reputation.

Looking at his parents and Reas, Astrid simply told them all the details of what happened. Starting from when the duke and Casey arrived until the conversation ended. And that was it. Because after that, none of them tried to speak to one another again. The duke and Casey also left much early. Even earlier than him. So, there\'s really no time, and reason, for them to interact again.

It took a good while before he managed to calm down everyone. But still, the look of worry on their faces, mostly his parents, barely lessened. Astrid was starting to consider whether to tell them the promise that Wulfric made about helping him keep this secret. But then, that would just open another set of problems. Which he would rather not go through right now.

"Mom, Dad, everything\'s fine. Trust me," he said.

He used his facial expression to convey his sincerity and conviction. It seemed to have worked because he slowly saw the tight muscles on their faces starting to relax.

And he was right. Emma finally felt a bit relieved. But also, a bit complicated. She didn\'t know if she should be happy or disappointed that her father didn\'t even feel some kind of connection after seeing his grandson. Although it\'s understandable that he wouldn\'t, but still. Did he not even feel just a tiny bit of blood connection?

She shook her head, feeling like a fool for even pondering such a thing. In fact, that was not all she was curious about. She also wanted to ask Astrid how her father was doing. But she held herself back. A question like that would just make her husband and children worry.

If her father could appear at a party like that, then he must be living well. That was enough.

After a few more conversations, Astrid\'s parents ended the call on their side. Only Reas remained.

"Is everything really okay?" Reas asked to make sure.

"Yes, little brother," Astrid said.

The other probably just wanted to make sure that he didn\'t say what he said just to alleviate their parent\'s concern.

"Did something else happen? You seem to be worried about something," Reas commented.

Being brothers, and very close twins at that, it was easy for him to notice if the other had problems. And vice versa. So, he could tell that something else must have happened that caused him to worry.

Astrid was slightly surprised that Reas would ask him that. When he heard it, he thought of denying it. Because what else could he have a problem with? But as he was about to do that, something, or rather, someone, suddenly crossed his mind.

Yeah, that guy was definitely a problem.

"I have a problem concerning the heart."

Reas furrowed his brows when he heard that. "A heart problem? Is it serious? Should I accompany you to the hospital?"

Astrid chuckled. "It\'s not that kind of problem, silly."

Reas scrunched up his nose. His face clearing saying, \'what other kind of problem is there?\'.

"I\'m in the process of figuring out the degree of my feelings for someone," he only added.

He now had an answer to the \'second question\', of whether a certain white-haired, golden-eyes Wulf was someone special to him. And now, he\'s in the process of answering the \'third question\'.

About why Wulfric was special and what he wanted the other to be in his life. And once he was able to answer that, then he would have a clear grasp on his feelings for the other.


While Astrid was discovering the answer to these questions, the Wulf living in the apartment building\'s suite was also having troubles of his own. His problem was the same, and yet also slightly different from that of Astrid.

Wulfric couldn\'t help but go back to his conversation with Hildred. Particularly at the last part after the \'sadistic\' comment he made. When the other had this expression, as if he wanted to shoot him.

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