Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 302 - Demonstration. Part 2

"Ack" the man groaned and many of the spectators called out in amusement.

Clearly they were enjoying the show.

The monster had surprised them sufficiently by being capable of moving at such high speeds.

It was definitely a plus.

Hal had his hands clasped in front of his mouth as now he was no longer watching the monster because he felt there was nothing more to see, however, the broken young man on the ground was a different matter altogether.

The monster moved towards his prey slowly in no rush whatsoever which told Hal that even without the ability to think rationally, the monster could still be complacent.

When close to the man, the monster grabbed his neck and pulled him up to view his face with his eyes closed and breathing slowly and weakly.


The Monster breathed into the man\'s face when said man\'s eyes opened and he summoned his spear Cosmic armament in a second and stabbed upward into his assailant\'s eye.

"Roarrrr!!!" The monster let loose an angry sound and released the man from his grip but before the man could even think to rejoice, the monster was kicking him in the back...



... and thus snapped his vertebrae. Leaving him alive but in perpetual agony.

The monster raised his leg and stomped his prey\'s head so that it burst and flooded the area with blood and brain matter.

"Ohhhhh!" Exclaimed those in the crowd but not in a disgusted manner. 

The sound was made out of enjoyment of what had happened and it was followed by their loud applause while their eyes glowed with the possible implications of such a technique in a controlled situation.

If they had the complete versions then the possibilities of hegemony were practically endless.

Of course, none of them had it in mind to go after the imperial family because even with the technique, that would still be suicide.

However, success in their chosen fields was well within reason.

Lucile however shook her head at how they were all practically salivating. Although she admitted the technique was impressive, however, she felt they were all neglecting one key matter which was the continent\'s hatred for this sort of means since they told of Dystopian origins.

She looked over to Hal again and found he was looking in her direction as well with a smirk before he mimed the words, 

"You just can\'t get enough of me, can you"

Lucile rolled her eyes and mimed, 

"Get over yourself" then she stood up and addressed the Sheik, 

"My lord, I will like to take my leave now. I find that I am tired and would rather spend the rest of the night cultivating" she said with a low bow that teased the Sheik with a view of her cleavage.

It was not clear if it was intentional or not.

The Sheik smiled widely, 

"Of course, we will continue our conversation tomorrow" he said.

Hal saw Lucile make a slight gesture of disbelief but cover it up with a smile before she left the arena.

Or at least she made to leave when the monster roaring inside the domed combatting area leaped upward and slammed against the Dome, only to be smacked back down.

But it did not stop and slammed against it again...


... and again...


... and again.

Now that his prey was dead, he was picking the next obvious target which was the first person he could see clearly which was Lucile who was now standing.

"Sorry about that" The Sheik said and deactivated the dome to take care of the monster now harming itself against the dome to get to her.

It was actually making progress and the Dome\'s integrity was lessening the longer the self-harming went on.

Once the Dome was deactivated and the Sheik made to attempt quelling or putting down the beast, Lucile turned around and stretched her hand to the monster just as it leaped up towards the seating area.

Her amber eyes glowed and her multi-colored Aurora was summoned with the unmistakable sound of a cat\'s meow before it slammed against the monster\'s chest as fast as lightning and soft as a cat\'s landing.

The attack seemed to have no effect for a second before...


... the monster imploded and every part of it was incinerated into ashes.

Not just Hal but everyone on the scene including the Sheik\'s eyes widened at the swift execution.

From the Sheik\'s expression, it could be surmised that he either did not know Lucile was stronger than him or that he had known but had not suspected it was by that much.

Hal\'s eyes widening however had nothing to do with her strength, even though it was undeniably impressive. It had more to do with the cat\'s meow he had heard and had definitely amplified the attack.

He reevaluated her battle prowess to be much more than he had earlier thought.

"I\'ll leave now" Lucile said with a light and satisfied smile which showed how much she had enjoyed destroying the monster.

She left soon after to the stunned silence of the audience.


Eventually, the effect of Lucile\'s act wore off and they all returned to the party hall where many began to plan their bid for tomorrow.

Even though once in a while, conversations still broke out about that impressive act of hers.

Hal was trying not to be disappointed by the fact that he had not been able to get things over with in regards to the supplier.

However, the good news was that in his annoyance, he had downed so much alcohol infused with cultivation resources that he could finally feel an impending breakthrough.

While he knew he could not have it done right now, he knew another orgy with his ladies would get him over the edge.

It looked like tonight would be another marathon.

The Sheik took him around the party which seemed to be a sort of projection of his attention since Lucile was now gone.

He took Hal around and usually introduced him as Master Klint, a genius Runemaster who can put on a good show.

When Hal asked him casually why he did not introduce him as \'Master Hal\', the Sheik replied that it was an attempt to make his last name famous.

Hal nodded appreciatively while rolling his eyes mentally.

Any attempt to leave the party early was futile as the Sheik always kept him close.

It was only past midnight before Hal managed to finally exit the hall after a goodbye to the Sheik and make his way to his hotel.

However, before he could even make it past the courtyard, he met someone waiting for him with her arms crossed beneath her large breasts.

"Lady Lucile, were you waiting for me all this while. You could have just come inside the hall and with there, you know." He told the amber-eyed lady.

Lucile snorted,

"Don\'t be ridiculous, I wasn\'t waiting for you. At least not out here. I live here so it wasn\'t difficult to know when you were leaving." She said.

Glossing over the fact that she just admitted living with the Sheik must have invited her as a further attempt to woo her,

Hal smiled, 

"Impressive perceptive range" he said.

"Thank you for the compliment, now come with me" she said and turned away towards an inner part of the residence.

"Wait what?" 

Lucile turned back with her brow raised, 

"What, Does it make you feel embarrassed to be invited into a room by a lady?" She asked with a smile.

Hal\'s eyes widened mockingly, 

"Oh, we\'re going into a room? No, no, No, I\'ve heard what goes on in such places and I don\'t want to lose my virtue. I\'m not going anywhere with you."

"Your virtue? *snort* I suspect it\'s too late for that. Now come along, I don\'t have all day"

Hal chuckled and hurried to walk to her side, 

"It\'s just past midnight, so technically, you do have all day."

"Ugh, just keep quiet and walk" 

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