Blood Elf Monarch

Chapter 149 - Complicated

After an entire twenty four hours of ardent passion and a few hours of sleep, Tristan woke up with such a distinct glee etched on his face. 

Tristan darted his eyes over to the balcony and smiled faintly as he bathed in the morning atmosphere of Vanyar. 

The gentle yet enthusiastic chirping of the birds that could be heard from outside, the view of falling snow in the azure sky, and the soft comfortable bed with a beautiful figure seen on it. 

The lascivious yet innocent curves of her coupled with her flawless white skin was the dream of any man without exception, and such a dream was currently laying beside him. This could be defined as heavenly as it could get. Hence, it was natural he was gleeful.

The last six weeks have certainly been a very bizzare weeks in Tristan\'s life. From being captured by a crazy green creature, being operated on and somehow receiving a new body, being chased upon, and ended up participating in a bloodbath battle - something he never thought he would participate in.

At the end of it all, Tristan found himself being introduced to this new culture that he discovered to be quite amazing. It was a completely different feeling as he interacted with these people called elves.

Accustomed to the distasteful nature of humans, Tristan was caught off guard when he got to know them. The elves were proud but sincere. Rather dull but determined. They appreciated little things and enjoyed them; something that Tristan, as a human, couldn\'t understand at first.

And then, he was suddenly fated to marry the princess of these elves.

Marriage, a constitution that he couldn\'t comprehend and probably never will.

For him, it was never about the title nor the tradition. It was the person.

The woman that currently lay asleep beside him was a person he would be responsible to. He vowed that he would take care of her as long as she stayed true to him.

Once again, Tristan took a glance at the sleeping beauty; her curly eyelashes, her delicate lips, her rosy cheeks. He could feel something inside him resurface, the long-forgotten piece that he had thrown away during the harsh and brutal life in prison; the boy, or rather, the innocence in him.

Slowly getting out of bed so as not to wake Serene, Tristan was thinking about what he wanted to do now. He didn\'t know what the elves would do in the morning after getting laid, but for a decent American man such as him, he probably should try to make breakfast for the woman.

After making sure Serene was still asleep, he proceeded to explore the residence given for them in his endeavor to find the kitchen. Moments later, he arrived at what should have been the kitchen.

There was also a food storage room situated beside the kitchen, which Tristan had wisely ransacked by grabbing any piece of food he could recognize. After feeling that what he took was enough, he started his effort to make a nice breakfast for his new wife.

Alas, reality struck him hard like a truck as Tristan discovered that cooking wasn\'t easier than blacksmithing. Heck, he even felt the former was many times harder.

The kitchen of their residence became the silent witness of Tristan\'s continuous streak of failures. He taste multiple kinds of ingredients in his venture just to understand what they are and then hope to produce a satisfying meal. Unfortunately, all he received was failure as the food was completely unpalatable.

After an hour of disaster and chaos in the kitchen, Tristan came out with a simple bread with some sort of cheese and vegetables and a blue fruit juice that tastes like oranges.

Tristan had set up the food he had prepared nicely on the table. Looking at the orderly setup of cutlery, he was amazed with himself for a moment as he never thought he would be capable of doing such a thing.

Tristan saw Serene had risen from the soft bed, but it seemed she was still half awake.

He let out his trademark grin as he swooped up Serene\'s body, causing her to let out a surprise yelp, and carried her to the table before setting her down on the chair.

Receiving the confused gaze from Serene, Tristan kept his smile and said, "I made breakfast. Please do try."

Tristan then walked over to the chair opposite of her and sat down. He quickly put the food he made into his mouth and started filling his empty stomach. On the other hand, Serene stared at the man in front of her in silence.

A minute later, Tristan finally realized that Serene didn\'t touch her food yet. Thus, he asked.

"You Still sleepy?"

Serene kept quiet as she shifted her gaze to the food on the table. Tristan thought that the girl must be so moved by the breakfast he prepared that she was lost for words. But then, he was surprised when he saw she was frowning.

Serene closed her eyes for a moment before staring at him with her usual gaze.

"I need to set something straight.. Yesterday…" 

"Yesterday was great!" Tristan interrupted as he looked at her eyes.

Their eyes met each other as Serene said, "Yesterday... I was not myself... I… did what I have to do... Consummating marriage is a must... It was our culture… our way... That was all, nothing more"

Serene\'s words confused Tristan greatly. He wondered what she was trying to say.

"I really don\'t get what you mean here. So.. you don\'t like it?! It can\'t possibly be!. Last night, you were definitely… wild!"

It was apparent that Tristan\'s choice of words was incorrect as Serene lost her absentminded look and became annoyed.

"You... You uncultured swine!"

Her irritation, however, swiftly subsided as this time Serene had no wish to duke it out with Tristan. She once again looked at Tristan with a serious expression on her face.

"Yesterday was a once in a lifetime thing for us... It was all my duty to my people. Just like you said before, this marriage is a necessity for both of us."

She then abruptly stood from her seat, startling Tristan and causing the bread in his mouth to fall.

"I am now your partner. I will follow you and help you... But you… are not my Venti!."

After saying that, Serene immediately left the room, leaving Tristan, who was dumbfounded, alone.

Several moments later, Tristan shook his head and muttered to himself, "Crazy confusing bitch!"

It was honestly a lie if Tristan was not bothered by what he just heard.

Serene\'s words made him lose his appetite as he threw the bread into the wall without care, making a mess.

"FUCK! What the hell is Venti anyway?! It sounds like one of those vitamin candies!" Tristan shouted.

Being neglected since birth had made Tristan used to being unwanted. It also caused him to never really care about what people think or feel towards him. 

Well, every once a time there was an exception.

The girl Serene, somehow had managed to sneak up on him, just like one of those lotteries that were so hard to come by. Her words had somehow affected him.

Even so, this would not make Tristan beg for her affection. Never.

True, Tristan had promised to take care of her. However, if the other part didn\'t want him to do that, then it was her loss. 

In the end, Tristan let out a long sigh, which contained complex emotions.

It seemed his marriage had become like all marriages in the world. Complicated.

Tristan was about to go to the bathroom to clean himself up when a thought suddenly popped into his mind, which made his face contort once more.

"Does this mean that no more sex between us? Dammit!"


"Last night was great, though... What a shame.."

Another sigh reverberated through the bedroom when a sound of door knocking was heard. 

Still annoyed by what had transpired, Tristan opened the door grumpily and saw the person he didn\'t expect. It was Raika, the Kingsblade Captain.

Tristan learned that the Arcadian King had been waiting for him for two days. Therefore, she was ordered to immediately summon him.

"The king wants to see me? Of course, Yes I will meet him... But please wait for me.. Don\'t worry, I will be fast." Tristan said with a smile as he closed the door.

Tristan said he would get ready quickly, when in fact he was taking his sweet ass time to finish his breakfast, take a shower, and groom himself.

From outside Tristan could clearly hear Raika\'s annoyed shouted.

"Hurry up! Quickly!"

Even so, he didn\'t care.

Well, he\'s now a royalty as well, isn\'t he? Just let that annoying king wait.


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

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