Confess System: Picking Up Girls After Girls, Try Not to Get Killed!

Chapter 228 Those Under The Moonlight

〖Prison Star Calendar〗

〖Year 187, June 4〗

〖0:12 AM〗

〖Countdown to Confession Death: 15 days〗

〖Countdown to Heloise 100% infection: 2~3 days〗


Tyler\'s attempts to rouse the girl proved futile as she had already succumbed to slumber.

Once asleep, this chunyobio young girl transformed into a picture of innocence, her chest rising and falling gently with her breath, reminiscent of a slumbering kitten. 

Tyler observed her for a moment before attempting to wake her by shaking her shoulder, only to have her slump onto the ground, continuing her deep slumber.

(It seems that the \'Parasitic Blood Serpent\' not only increases hunger but also induces fatigue and sleepiness.)

Unable to wake Heloise, Tyler didn\'t press further. 

Instead, he lifted her by the waist and placed her on the back of Moto-chan. 

He then mounted the horse himself, asked Moto-chan if he could handle the additional weight, to which Moto-chan replied with two light neighs, as if to say, that handling ten more people wouldn\'t be an issue.

And so, with Heloise in tow, Tyler continued his journey to Delis Town through the night. 

Every minute saved on the journey increased Heloise\'s chances of survival.

As for the impending confrontation with the Earthly Ghost, it wasn\'t something Tyler could accomplish alone. 

To force the Earthly Ghost out into the open, Tyler would need to continue persuading Heloise.


Under the luminous moonlight, another group was also making their way along the dirt road. Inside the white carriage, the Second Young Miss of the Snowy Hart family, Vanessa, had just been awakened from her slumber by a Steel Owl.

The so-called Steel Owls were a breed of tamed avian demons, known for their excellent navigation skills and the ability to fly day and night. 

They were commonly used by the royal families, nobles, and armies for communication. 

This particular Steel Owl, named "Blacktail," was able to locate Vanessa because she always carried a unique black cat\'s eye stone in her bag. 

The cat\'s eye stone was a special form of magic crystal. It contained little magic but possessed a unique magic wavelength capable of spreading its magic signal over a great distance. 

Once the user infused it with their magic, the stone\'s wavelength would become unique, transforming it into the user\'s exclusive cat\'s eye stone. 

Blacktail had memorized the magic wavelength of Vanessa\'s cat\'s eye stone, which allowed it to find her accurately.

"Rest well, Blacktail," Vanessa said, removing the message tube tied to Blacktail\'s leg before letting it rest on the seat next to her.

She then opened the tube and carefully unfolded the message inside. 

As she read the contents, her heart started to race. 

The only people who would send a message via Blacktail were from that covert "organization." 

Receiving a message from the organization meant that Vanessa might be about to receive her own "Dragon Shadow" to pledge allegiance to.

The thought of this made Vanessa\'s hands tremble. She carefully unfolded the parchment, holding her breath as she took in each word written on it. Once she finished, she fell back onto the backrest of the chair in a state of utter shock.

— (How could this be... They sent a letter for such a matter?)

Unable to believe what she had just read, Vanessa picked up the letter again, scrutinizing it once, twice, thrice... until the words blurred before her eyes. Only then did she cease this fruitless endeavor.

She hadn\'t misread it. The message wasn\'t sent exclusively to her. 

It was a general notice to all members of the organization. Everyone would receive a copy.

The message stated that there had been unusual activities from the "Singular Demon God" recently, and the high-ranking officials of the five great nations were also frequently moving about. 

All members of the organization, regardless of their status, were ordered to act low-key. If anyone got into trouble, the organization would not carry out any form of rescue.

However, Vanessa didn\'t care about these "big picture" issues. All she wanted was to have her own "Dragon Shadow" to pledge allegiance to. 

Otherwise, her efforts to join the "organization" would be meaningless.

"Don\'t be discouraged... the \'great one\' is still young. There will always be opportunities," Vanessa whispered to herself. This was something she said to comfort herself.

No matter what, she had to gain power, escape the fate of being a "Child of Exchange," return to the Snowy Hart family, and reclaim what was rightfully hers.

"Doe Spirits, help pull the carriage," Vanessa woke the three Doe Spirits and then took out a silver flute, playing a melodious tune.

The enhanced Doe Spirits willingly hitched themselves to the carriage, joining the horses. This significantly increased the carriage\'s speed.

The disappointment in the "Organization" made Vanessa determined to achieve results in this labyrinth raid. Reaching Delis Town earlier would certainly help her secure a good position in the team.


As the night wore on, Tyler noted that Moto-chan\'s endurance had significantly depleted, prompting him to seek a spacious terrain where they could recuperate. 

Heloise remained fast asleep. Her sleep quality is truly extraordinary, undisturbed even by the loudest thunder.

Seizing this rare moment of tranquility, Tyler seated himself and began to ponder once again on the "Precognitive Death Scene". 

To differentiate between the two timelines, he referred to himself in the present as "Current Me" and the one who had perished in the "Precognitive Death Scene" as the "Future Me".

As for the information within the "Future Death Scene", these were objective facts that had been analyzed extensively, pending further information. 

Beyond the "Scene" itself, there were also "Hidden Information" which primarily consisted of commonalities and differences between the "Current Me" and the "Future Me".

Tyler attempted to draw comparisons, hoping to uncover new clues.

Firstly, the "Future Me" was oblivious to his impending demise on July 8th, while the "Current Me" was aware of it. 

This difference had a significant impact on decision-making.

Secondly, based on the aforementioned difference, the "Future Me" would likely proceed to Delis Town. Under the presumption of not knowing about his impending death, it was indeed the most logical choice. 

Since the "Future Me" would go to Delis Town, it was inevitable that he would encounter Vanessa.

Would the "Future Me" engage with Vanessa? Tyler thought it improbable. 

Given the pressing countdown to his confession death, it was unlikely that he would court such a significant nuisance along the way. 

Therefore, after avoiding Vanessa, the "Future Me" would then encounter Heloise...

(Would the "Future Me" choose to travel with Heloise?) 

Tyler realized that he had arrived at the most crucial question in his contemplation.

Whether the "Future Me" chose to accompany Heloise or not would determine the truth behind his death in the "Future Death Scene". Moreover, it could potentially hold the key to saving Heloise.

Tyler closed his eyes, activated "Calculation Boost", and applied his full strength to deduce what choice the "Future Me" had made.

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