VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1287: Ghostblade Halberd

Chapter 1287: Ghostblade Halberd

Translator: alyschu

Ghostblade Halberd (Twelve Divine Armaments, Outstanding★★★★★★★★★)

Attack: 13700~17500

Agility: +2750

Stamina: +2700

Strength: +2650

Intelligence: +2400

Tactics: +275

Passive: Increases user’s Attack by 215%

Passive: Increases user\'s splash damage by 65%

Passive: Increases rank of all melee skills by 2, and their damage output by 10%

Slots: 18

Outstanding Property: Ghostblade Strike. Gather the power of ghosts to land a powerful strike that ignores Defense and has 40%-increased damage output.

Ancient: Hundred Ghosts’ Descent. Summons thousands of ghosts to attack all targets within a certain area, dealing massive damage and absorbing their HP.

Effect: Proficiency. Level Requirement is lowered by 10

Effect: Enhanceable

Introduction: Ghostblade Halberd is one of the Twelve Divine Armaments. In ancient times, there was a time where the natural order was disrupted, and the dead were unable to enter the cycle of reincarnation. Countless ghosts were forced to roam the entrance to hell, and the Purgatory God seized the opportunity to eat them and increase their own cultivation. Enraged, the god realm waged war against the Purgatory God and was successful in executing them for their crimes. The wandering ghosts the Purgatory God had consumed gathered within the halberd they used and transformed it into the legendary divine weapon, Ghostblade Halberd. It is said that the Ghostblade Halberd brings death and misfortune to both the wielder and its victims when used. It is without a doubt the most lethal weapon in the entire world.

Level Requirement: 225

Reputation: 700000


I smiled like an idiot as I read the description. The time I dropped the Immortal Blade didn’t count because I had agreed to surrender all the loot to Warsky Alliance, but this time the two Lower Divine Armaments and one of the Twelve Divine Armaments, the Ghostblade Halberd, were all mine. Quality-wise, this was easily the best pile of loot I had ever gotten in this game. It was common sense that the most attractive stat in this game was Attack, and the only way to obtain the ultimate Attack was to obtain the limited edition of Divine Armaments, the Twelve Divine Armaments. For gamers, the desire for the ultimate offense was like the desire for the most beautiful of women. It was eternal, and never-ending.

I examined the Ghostblade Halberd a bit longer before tossing it resolutely into my bag. I wasn’t proficient with pole-type weapons, and He Yi already had the Suppressing Fire Sword. It would cause criticism if I gave it to her. As for Beauty Lin, I loved her very much, but she ultimately wasn’t a member of Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls. There was no way my guild members were going to take it well if I gave her one of the Twelve Divine Armaments. In the end, I could only think of one person to give the Ghostblade Halberd, and it was our resident knight, Gui Guzi. No one was going to object to one of our best profiting from my exploits.

Despite my joy and exhaustion, I didn’t forget the real reason I had come to Dragon God Cave. I continued scouring the ground until finally, I found what I was looking for. Lying beneath Strella’s tail were four bright and crystalline dragon eggs. Not only that, there were small cracks on the surface of the eggs. The little fellows were going to emerge very soon, and I would be the one to choose their masters.

There was a crimson egg, a black egg, a silver egg and a blue egg. I gave each egg a quick scan as I put them in my bag. Their names were Crimson Crystal Dragon, Dark Crystal Dragon, Snow Crystal Dragon and Blue Crystal Dragon. They were all Lower Divine Rank boss mount pet eggs with stats that were almost as good as my Ancient Divine Dragon, which was just perfect. When the eggs hatched for real, they were absolutely going to take the Top 10 spot of the Mount Ranking by storm. Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls would also have their first official dragon knight squad.

Well, kind of. After some serious consideration, I ultimately decided to give Lin Yixin one of the eggs. I chose the Crimson Crystal Dragon because its red color seemed like a perfect fit with her. Lin Yixin loved red armor and red capes, and her in-game appearance resembled a beautiful flame. It was also unwittingly a good fit with her previous ID, "Beautiful Little Pepper”. As for the rest of the eggs, the Dark Crystal Dragon would go to Gui Guzi, the Snow Crystal Dragon would go to He Yi, and the Blue Crystal Dragon would go to Li Chengfeng. If I found more dragon eggs in the future, then I would give them to Chaos Moon, Heaven’s Rain, Xu Yang and so on.

When all was said and done, I checked the time and noted that it was almost 5 am in the morning. He Yi, Lin Yixin, Gui Guzi, and Li Chengfeng had been sleeping for almost 5 hours as well. It was time to wake them all up!

I called them directly from inside the game and told them to meet me at Dark Moon City’s territory hall. I could’ve waited until later to distribute the loot, but I was worried they would affect my sleep quality or even prevent me from falling asleep in the first place.


As I continued picking up the boss\'s loot, I was gifted yet another pleasant surprise. This was probably what people meant when they made up the idiom "lucky streak”. With this item, He Yi could finally have a hidden class—

Stormwind Covenant Token: Players with this token may attempt the trial to change their class to Stormwind Holy Knight and obtain the class’s exclusive skill book. Level Requirement: 200. Class Requirement: Magic Knight, Warrior, Wanderer.


Even if I were to ignore the clear benefits of a hidden class, the exclusive skill book alone would increase He Yi’s strength by leaps and bounds!

I was looking downward when I suddenly noticed Xinran still sleeping in my lap. The sight of her miserable appearance made me realize that I hardly had the time to dawdle around. After I picked up the remaining loot as quickly as I could, I canceled the Fusion Armor, climbed on top of the Ancient Divine Dragon and flew up to the entrance as quickly as I could. Of course, I was attacked by the Blood Hook Dragons on the way, but I wasn’t afraid of them anymore. My Defense was high enough that the damage they dealt was negligible even if I failed to dodge a hit or two.


When I passed through Dragon God Cave’s second floor, I noticed a lot of Chinese, Russian and Indian players grinding Dragonman Blade Devils. I paid them no heed though.

When I passed through the barrier at the entrance, the sudden stab of sunlight nearly blinded my eyes. As I slowly descended at the temporary camp that belonged to the Violet Empire so as not to alarm the NPCs, Queen Sophie and Xue Wei looked in my direction and immediately shuddered in alarm. They ran over as quickly as they could. When Sophie saw how bad Xinran looked, she looked like she could break into tears at any moment. "What… what happened? How did Lady Wind Singer become like this?"

I replied quietly, "This is the price it took to kill Strella. The important thing is, what do we do now?"

Sophie thought for a moment before replying, "We will pass through the teleportation formation we set up earlier and head to Violet City. Once we’re there, I will arrange for the best witch doctors to treat her!"


I entered the teleportation formation first and appeared within the Violet City. Sophie and Xue Wei appeared a second later and led me straight into the royal palace. When I attempted to set Xinran down on a bed, she grabbed my hand tightly and murmured, "Big brother… Please don’t leave Xinran, big brother…"

I felt a twinge in my nose. I returned the grip just as tightly and whispered, "The doctors will treat you, so be good, okay? I’ll come back and accompany you very soon…"

It was enough to make Xinran let go of me and fall asleep again.

Sophie assured me, "Don’t worry, we will bring godlike witch doctors to treat her. We will do everything in our power to treat Lady Wind Singer…"

I nodded. "Yeah. I’ll come back later!"



After I left the royal palace, I teleported straight to Dark Moon City.


It was early in the morning in Dark Moon City. The territory hall had been upgraded to the point where every brick was made from precious metal. As for the undead castle itself, it was cold and unearthly in a way a normal castle could never be. Back to the present, Li Chengfeng, He Yi, Lin Yixin and Gui Guzi were all waiting for me at the entrance already.

Lin Yixin complained with a pout the moment she saw me, "I haven’t had nearly enough sleep, so tell us what Strella dropped as soon as possible so I can get back to bed!"

I shot her a smile and replied, "Well, I’ve gotten the four Holy Giant Dragon mount eggs…"


Everyone chirped in excitement when they heard this.

"Of course not!"

It was hilarious how their complexions went from red-faced happiness to ghastly-white disappointment.

Before they could take out their frustrations at me, I took out the four dragon eggs and said, "Just kidding! Strella did drop four dragon eggs, but it’s up to yourselves to hatch it, understand?"

I gave Lin Yixin the Crimson Crystal Dragon, He Yi the Snow Crystal Dragon, Gui Guzi the Dark Crystal Dragon, and Li Chengfeng the Blue Crystal Dragon.

"You actually got dem eggs, Boss Broken Halberd? Hell yeah! Ohh, I love this Dark Crystal Dragon already! How do I sign a contract with it? Is it blood?" Gui Guzi was so excited he couldn’t stop talking.

Li Chengfeng was already cutting his finger and dripping some blood on the dragon egg. There was a burst of light, and the dragon egg fell away to reveal a cute and tiny blue dragon. It looked at Li Chengfeng and made some cute baby noises.

"Hahaha! It’s so cute!" Lin Yixin laughed while watching Li Chengfeng’s Blue Crystal Dragon.

He Yi also dripped some blood on her Snow Crystal Dragon egg, and soon, a white baby dragon poked out of its shell to greet her. It was clearly overjoyed that its master was a beautiful and gentle woman because it wouldn’t stop being cute in He Yi’s palm.

Each dragon seemed to have their own personality, and Lin Yixin’s Crimson Crystal Dragon was the type that disregarded all barriers. The second it came to life, it immediately climbed up to its master’s 34D-sized mounds and napped there. I could’ve given it a thrashing, but then Lin Yixin would give me a thrashing instead. Plus, it felt like Lin Yixin’s love for the Crimson Crystal Dragon exceeded her love for me for a second there…


Giu Guzi’s Dark Crystal Dragon was the most murderous of them all as it blew fire at Gui Guzi’s face the second it emerged from its shell. Gui Guzi wiped his blackened face and said expressionlessly, "This pipsqueak wants to eat bacon the second it is born. What a dragon."

I let out a laugh before planting the Ghostblade Halberd in front of Gui Guzi. Then, I said, "Take this, Little Gui. I think this weapon is a good fit with you!"

Gui Guzi shuddered when he saw the Ghostblade Halberd. "Holy sh*t! One of the Twelve Divine Armaments!?"


"I love you, Boss Broken Halberd…"

"Sorry, but I only love Eve and Yiyi…"



While Lin Yixin and He Yi were shooting me looks, I fished out the last boss item in my bag, the Stormwind Covenant Token and dropped it in He Yi’s hands. "Eve, this will allow you to change your class to a hidden one. Of course, you can head to bed first and perform the class promotion later. As for me, I’m going to log out. I’m so tired I can black out at any moment."

Lin Yixin nodded and said in a gentle voice, "Yes, you should sleep. I’ll come look for you and Sister Eve at noon, okay?"


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