VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1258: Oathbreaker Lin Qian

Chapter 1258: Oathbreaker Lin Qian

Translator: alyschu


Lin Qian’s face bulged with violence as he split flesh, bone, earth and rock into pieces with the Dragonslaying Sword. It didn’t take long at all for a ton of players to join the corpse hill the prince was standing on a moment ago. Moreover, Lin Qian was a dual cultivator, so he could stab a magic knight in the chest, and make five other players nearby shudder in terror shouting “Blazing Fireball!”


The fireball struck an archer who was running back and forth and taking potshots at him squarely in the face. It engulfed the man and dealt over 700k damage instantly. The prince might be a son of a bitch, but his power couldn’t be denied.


Pop Culture lost almost 500 players in less than 10 minutes. In the end, when only Lone Moonshade and a dozen or so players were left, they finally gave up and began mounting a retreat. Not only were they no match for the boss, they didn’t even manage to shave 10% off his health bar. It wasn’t completely their fault though. Barrier Break was one of the most reliable sources of damage against a high-level boss, but they couldn\'t even get close to Lin Qian because he one-shot almost everything. For that reason, the damage they dealt to him was minimal.

Meanwhile, Lin Yixin, He Yi and I were standing shoulder-to-shoulder with each other at the edge of the forest. Our quest had been updated after Lin Qian’s betrayal, and it was now telling us to kill him to claim the Dragonslaying Sword. However, Lin Qian was so OP right now that, after a brief discussion, we decided staying out of the boss fight for now was the wisest course of action. The plan was to wait for Candle Dragon, Warsky Alliance and more to wear down the boss first and killsteal it later. We could also wait for our main force to arrive and do the heavy-lifting ourselves later. At any rate, fighting Lin Qian at our current state was plain impossible.

"Get down…"

I put my hands on the girls’ shoulders and pushed them to the ground. Then, I fell to a crouching position myself and kept my eyes trained at the distance, "Candlelight Shadow’s about to act. Let’s conceal ourselves for now and wait for an opportunity to arrive. This is our boss, and no one is allowed to have it."

He Yi was pushed up against me in a rather awkward sideway position. Her cheeks reddened when she realized that one of her breasts was firmly pressed up against my chest. This wasn’t the first time I had an intimate contact like this with my beautiful guild leader, but it was definitely the first time for Lin Yixin.

"Lu Chen…"

Lin Yixin glared at me with reddened cheeks as well. "Did you just push me and Sister He Yi down on the ground?"

I blushed. "Why do you have to put it like that? I saw Candlelight Shadow looking in our direction just now, so I just…"

A few meters away, a sitting Murong Mingyue giggled cheekily. "Pushed them on the ground to complete your first ever 3P quest? Wow~"

I grew even more embarrassed, but I couldn’t deny that my heart was bursting with excitement. Being able to hug both He Yi and Lin Yixin at the same time filled me up in a way that could only be described as unbridled happiness.

Still maintaining the same posture, I planted my Chill of the Nine Provinces on the ground and straightened my back a bit. "Let’s see what Candlelight Shadow does before we act!"



Meanwhile, Lin Qian had finally caught up to Lone Moonshade and gifted him a draconic blast that opened up a giant hole in the chest. It seemed to be a property of the Dragonslaying Sword, and it dealt a whopping 1.7 million damage to the poor guy. Pop Culture’s fate could only be described as tragic. Not a single one of them was able to escape the battlefield in time.

"OMG, what a horrible party wipe. Even better, their so-called patron, Candle Dragon, didn’t even lift a finger to help them…" Lin Yixin sniffed once and said.

I took her hand unconsciously and said, "Candlelight Shadow loathes disobedient dogs, and Pop Culture actually tried to steal the Dragonslaying Sword for themselves. Ally or not, there’s no chance in hell he was ever going to help them. Anyway, my Dark Pupils have a vision range between 1000 to 1500 yards right now, and Candlelight Shadows and about 500 Candle Dragon players are rallied about 1000 yards away from us. The only reason they haven’t made a move yet was because they wanted to wait until Pop Culture was annihilated. Now that they have, it’s only a matter of time before Candlelight Shadow makes his move."

"Yes, I can’t wait for the show to begin…" He Yi smiled.

However, Beiming Xue suddenly let out a soft cry of surprise. "Er, I think things are going to become quite a bit more complicated than we initially thought. Soul Battle Robes is coming from this way, and I see Song of Ice and Fire, God Bone and Ringwraith already. Warsky, October Rain and Laughing At The Heavens have arrived as well. They’re spreading out and looking like they’re going to engage the boss first…"

He Yi, Lin Yixin and I immediately stretched out necks and looked at the direction Beiming Xue was pointing at. It was exactly as she said. This was an opportunity though. Initially, I thought that Candlelight Shadow was holding back only because he wanted to wait for Pop Culture to perish. Now, it would seem that Warsky Alliance and Soul Battle Robes’ arrival was another reason. Moreover, Warsky was the wielder of the Immortal Blade right now. The Immortal Blade was the tenth of the Twelve Divine Armaments, but it possessed an incredible amount of Attack, and it gave its user an abnormal amount of HP regeneration. The weapon more or less turned its wielder into an unkillable monster unless they were one-shot. It was no wonder that everyone wanted one of the Twelve Divine Armaments for themselves.

Gripping his new dark cyan-colored blade, Warsky ordered, "Spread out so that the boss can’t catch you all together! Soul Battle Robes, pin down the boss from the left side so we can damage him from the right. All archers should use Shock Arrows, and all magic knights should use Trapping Nets. Every successful CC is a few precious seconds to delete his HP. Mages, you guys are the damage dealers this time. You will all use God Devil Break to delete his HP!"


God Bone let out a mighty cry and charged bravely toward the boss. He tried to skewer Lin Qian with his spear, but his AI proved to be even trickier than expected. Not only did he successfully parry the spear strike, he shot God Bone a malicious, bare-toothed grin before stabbing him through the torso with Universe Break! Lin Qian’s Attack was godly in the first place, so there was little to no chance God Bone could parry the skill!



The critical hit sealed God Bone’s fate completely. One of the best experts of Soul Battle Robes was killed in a single exchange!

Pop! God Bone’s helmet dropped to the ground, and his soul respawned at a nearby graveyard.

Song of Cloud and Water bit her lips anxiously. "What the heck is that Attack? Watch out, Brother Ice and Fire. Don’t let the boss one-shot you. Magic knights, use Trapping Net to pin the boss down!"

Swhoosh swhoosh swhoosh!

Countless Trapping Nets struck the boss, but not a single one managed to stick. It was because the magic knights’ levels were too low, and Lin Qian was a Level 295 Ancient Immortal Rank boss with the Dragonslaying Sword in his hand. It was almost impossible to land any CC on him.

Song of Ice and Fire spurred his mount forward, activated Heavenly River Transformation with a growl, and struck Lin Qian’s shoulder with Barrier Break + Berserk Flame Slash combo. When the boss retaliated, he Guarded with unnatural speed and miraculously managed to protect himself. Even then, he was shocked to find that the blow still cost him nearly 700k HP. He only had 1.4 million HP or so. There was no way he could survive the boss\'s follow-up attacks.

"I’ll help you, Ice and Fire!"

It was at this moment Warsky rushed over and replaced Song of Ice and Fire’s position. When he struck Lin Qian’s chest with Explosion Slash + Cyan Tiger Shatter combo, he actually managed to pierce the boss\'s Defense and deal quite the amount of damage—



Cyan Tiger Shatter was a great skill that ignored Defense. Combined with the Immortal Blade’s power, it was enough to deal a sizable amount of damage even to a boss like Lin Qian.

The boss roared in fury. Lin Qian was the prince of a human empire, and he had never been humiliated this way until now. He struck Warsky’s head and destroyed his Blaze Protection skill via brute force. Then, he slashed another two times and deleted almost all of Warsky’s 1.4 million HP.


However, Warsky hung on and hit the boss right back. At the same time, cyan light flowed down his blade and into his body, healing his battered body at an insane rate—





Together with the priests behind him, Warsky somehow, someway, managed to survive Lin Qian’s brutal assault. I could see on Candlelight Shadow’s face that even he was surprised by this outcome. Clearly, Candlelight Shadow didn’t think that Warsky would grow so confident that he would try to tank such a powerful boss by himself. Even more unexpected was the fact that he was succeeding in it, albeit barely.

While Warsky was holding the boss at bay, a hundred archers were also firing their Shock Arrows at Lin Qian. Although a boss naturally had high resistance toward status effects, and that resistance might as well be untouchable against players who were 50 levels below it, an infinitesimally small chance was still a chance nonetheless. As a result, Lin Qian was stunned once every few minutes or so. Not only that, the mages were annihilating the boss\'s HP like crazy, dealing Defense-ignoring true damage to the boss with every cast of God Devil Break. Warsky Alliance had a ton of high-level mages, so Lin Qian’s HP dropped to 50% in just 15 minutes or so. Even I had to admit that Warsky Alliance’s boss-killing ability absolutely couldn’t be underestimated!

The boss fight strained Warsky a lot, and even his Immortal Blade was starting to get chipped here and there. It would seem that weapon durability was the price for healing at such a rate.


Finally, Candlelight Shadow looked like his patience had worn out.

Like any good underling, God’s Dance sensed his intentions immediately and said, "Let’s wait a bit longer, Candlelight. Right now, Warsky Alliance still has the ability to give us a run for our money."

However, the guild leader declared confidently, "So what if they do? I won’t deny that Warsky has the ability to threaten me now, but I am still his superior in terms of everything. Now get ready. I know that bastard Lu Chen is watching us from somewhere, so let’s show him the true power of Candle Dragon. Yuse, stay close to me. I want you to hit Warsky with Sleep so that Blue Sky Scar and I can one-shot him with our Ancient Divine Skills. With luck, we may even get him to drop the Immortal Blade. A mere Warsky Alliance thinks they can rule China? Dream on!"

Ye Yuse nodded affirmatively.

Whoosh whoosh!

Just like that, Candlelight Shadow and a hundred of elite cavalrymen burst out of their cover at the same time. Their target was none other than Warsky Alliance!


At the center of the battlefield, Lin Qian suddenly let out a furious roar and surrounded himself in layers and layers of bloody light. Then, a melodious bell resounded in everyone’s ears—


System Notice: Warning! Oathbreaker Lin Qian has evolved into a Quasi-Divine Rank Boss! All stats increased by 25%, and resistance by 50%!

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