Dragon's Wrath: The Cursed Returnee

Chapter 223 Determination

Ethan surged forward with incredible speed, charging toward the enemy before they could react. He focused his attacks on the leg of the giant robot, striking with his sword with relentless force. Each blow inflicted considerable damage, causing the metal to buckle and crack under the assault.

However, as the battle raged on, Ethan\'s mana reserves began to dwindle. He could feel his energy waning, and he knew that he had to retreat momentarily to replenish his strength. With a quick decision, he disengaged from the fight and opened his system shop.

Inside the shop, Ethan swiftly purchased a selection of potions to restore his mana and rejuvenate his stamina. He knew that time was of the essence, and he wasted no time in consuming the potions to regain his lost energy.

"If this thing were a living being, I would be able to restore all the mana that I used," Ethan thought while he was drinking three potions at the same time. "Reality is often disappointing, I guess, but there are other ways..."

The enemy\'s initial panic quickly gave way to a calculating realization as they observed Ethan diligently consuming potions. It became apparent to them that his ability to continuously employ such a skill was not limitless. The enemy, recognizing this temporary respite as an opportunity, seized the moment to strategize and prepare for Ethan\'s return.

As Ethan downed the potions, replenishing his depleted mana and rejuvenating his stamina, he could sense the enemy\'s anticipation growing. He knew that time was of the essence and that he had to make the most of this brief intermission. With renewed energy coursing through his veins, he steeled himself for the impending clash, ready to resume the fight and unleash his newfound strength upon the enemy once more.

"Getting carried away, aren\'t we?" Ethan said while watching the monster almost flying while using some engines on the back of its legs to reach him faster.

The monster swung its massive sword with formidable strength, aiming to strike Ethan with a crushing blow. However, to its astonishment, Ethan\'s Lightning Armor granted him incredible speed and agility, allowing him to swiftly sidestep the attack. In a blur of motion, he moved with lightning-like reflexes, evading the lethal swing with ease.

As the monster watched in disbelief, Ethan seized the opportunity to drink another potion, quickly replenishing his dwindling resources. The enemy realized that this was a crucial moment, a chance to press their advantage and disrupt Ethan\'s recovery. Yet, despite their efforts, Ethan\'s lightning-fast movements and strategic use of potions made it difficult for them to land a decisive blow.

With each sip of the potion, Ethan could feel his strength and energy returning, reinvigorating him for the battle ahead. He knew that the enemy\'s surprise would be short-lived and that he had to make the most of this respite to turn the tide in his favor.

"Winning like this won\'t be that satisfying," Ethan furrowed his eyebrows.I think you should take a look at

"If possible, I would like to ask you to put your satisfaction aside in order to help me reach my goal faster," The time silver bird said. "There is no telling what a cornered enemy will do when they are cornered."

The words of the time silver bird resonated in Ethan\'s mind, reminding him of the urgency of the situation. He realized that he couldn\'t afford to give the enemy even a moment\'s respite, for any hesitation on his part could prove costly. With each passing second, the enemy had the opportunity to regroup, strategize, and unleash devastating counterattacks.

Ethan understood that time was of the essence. He had to maintain the relentless momentum, keeping the pressure on his foes, preventing them from formulating a cohesive plan. He couldn\'t allow them to gather their strength or unleash any dangerous abilities that could turn the tides of the battle.

Ethan decided to finish things up while the enemy was thinking of what to do. Still, much to his surprise, the enemy charged once again, and when Ethan imagined that the idiot was exposing himself, the cannon in his chest was opened again, and he fired the massive Mana Cannon.

The force of the blast sent shockwaves through the surroundings, reducing buildings to rubble and scattering debris in every direction. The once bustling streets were now filled with devastation and chaos. The destructive impact of the mana cannon was a stark reminder of the formidable power that stood against Ethan.

As the enemy reveled in their assumed victory, basking in the destruction they had wrought upon the city, their satisfaction was abruptly interrupted. A sudden surge of readings appeared on their sensors, indicating the presence of a formidable force nearby. Curiosity piqued, the enemy turned their attention to the source of these unexpected readings.

And there, crouched down low, like a coiled spring ready to unleash its energy, was Ethan. His eyes gleamed with a fierce determination, his muscles tensed, and a determined grin played upon his lips. It was a sight that sent a chill down the enemy\'s spine as they realized that their premature celebration was premature indeed.

At that moment, the enemy understood that their victory was far from assured. The reappearance of Ethan, seemingly poised for action, signaled a turning of the tides. It was a silent declaration that he was far from defeated, and his resolve burned brighter than ever.

Ethan\'s body became a conduit of raw mana and crackling electricity, his form enveloped in a radiant aura that illuminated the battlefield. The sheer intensity of his power was awe-inspiring, like a storm unleashed upon the world.

With lightning speed, Ethan surged forward, his movements surpassing the limits of human capability. He moved with a grace and precision that defied the laws of physics, a blur of motion that left onlookers breathless. As he closed in on the towering form of the giant robot, his determination burned brighter than ever. It was time to end that mission once and for all despite the situation.

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