My mother's SON-IN-LAW

Chapter 80: THE MEETING.

Chapter 80: THE MEETING.

"Good morning Mr Chairman, you look as handsome as ever. You know you didn\'t need to retrieve me from here right?..." said Alicia with a little chuckle in her voice.

Frank who was standing in front of her had an unhideable grin on his face, he simply answered her with, "You might get yourself kidnapped again, you can be a loose canon if left alone for too long."

Alicia sighed slightly and nodded her head as agreement and said, "Your right on that. Noah, ...your here too, What are you here though?"

Noah took a long look at Alicia and without any words he simply pulled her straight into his arms without any explaination, spoke lightly in her ears and said, "I\'m glad your safe."

Alicia smiled at his words and patted his back slowly trying to keep him calmn.

In that moment there were strong, staedy footsteps which were heard in the resturant.

Alicia simply shook her head and guided Noah to a seat while making Edward take care of him for her as he seemed to be a little out of it. After setling Noah down there was a voice which was heard.

The voice of a man ran through the small resturant which said, "Cheating already my dear fiancee?"

Alicia simply looked at the man in front of her with gentle eyes and answered him with, "I thought we were already married, ...and divorced too, aren\'t we Mr Walker?"

Liam who heard these words wanted to simply kill the woman in front of him. She was both fearless and obnoxious at the same time.

Looking at her with glaring eyes he continued his conversation with, "I see you remember everything, when exactly did your memories return?"

Alicia simply scoffed at his words, ignoring the intensity of his gaze she simply said, "Who said anything about not knowing in the first place?"

Frank who was on the side widened his eyes hearing this, so the little girl knew about the past this whole time?

And if that\'s true, then she didn\'t need to ask him for his help in the first place.

Chris who was at the front door of the resturant that Alicia was in at the moment stopped at his tracks the moment Alicia spat those words from her mouth.

If she knew everything this whole time, why was she quite about everything?

Did she know about their supposedly dead sister as well? and if so, Whta exactly has she been planning for the past five years without telling anyone about it?

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