System at One End and Harem at the Other End

Chapter 91 The Potion

The moon hung high in the night sky as David emerged from the dark depths of the dungeon, carrying Luna\'s unconscious form in his arms. Gently, he laid her on the ground and knelt beside her.

Her body was battered, covered in bruises and cuts from the relentless battle against the Shadow Lich and its monstrous minions. David\'s heart clenched at the sight of his loyal companion in such a state.

"I won\'t let anything happen to you," he whispered, determination shining in his eyes.

With a deep breath, he summoned his healing spell. Soft, ethereal light enveloped Luna\'s body, mending her wounds and cleansing her of the dungeon\'s malevolent energy.

As he healed her, David couldn\'t help but feel grateful for the blessings bestowed upon him by the various Gods and Goddesses. Those blessings had saved him countless times, and now he hoped they would save Luna as well.

Once he had done all he could for the moment, David gently picked Luna in his arms. The dungeon\'s entrance loomed behind him, but his focus was on a different task now. He needed to gather the ingredients to create a potent healing potion to aid Luna\'s recovery since she still had internal injuries where healing would not work.

Using his God\'s Eye skill, David began scanning the forest surrounding the dungeon. His eyes glowed with a faint, ethereal light as he located the herbs he needed. First, he collected some soothing chamomile flowers, known for their healing properties.

Next, he found the bright purple petals of the healing lavender plant. With each herb he gathered, David\'s confidence grew. He was well-versed in the art of potion-making, thanks to the knowledge bestowed upon him by the Goddess of Medicine herself.

As he continued his search, his eyes fell upon a unique plant, the rare Moonflower. Its petals glowed with a soft luminescence, and David knew that this ingredient would be essential to enhance the healing properties of the potion. He carefully picked the Moonflowers, handling them with the utmost care.

In the list of ingredients, there was a specific mention of honey from the wild bee monsters that resided deep within the forest. David knew it would be a risky endeavor, as the bees were ferocious and the queen bee that protected the honey was an A-rank monster, capable of inflicting deadly poison with a single sting.

Navigating through the dense foliage, David followed his instincts to the location where the honey could be found. As he neared the nest, the buzzing of bees grew louder, and he spotted the massive hive hanging from a branch. The queen bee stood guard, her size intimidating. Around her were the worker bees, busy attending to their duties.

Summoning his courage, David took a deep breath and leaped into action. With lightning speed, he struck down each worker bee one by one, making sure each one dies in one swift move and then turned his attention toward the queen.

Then in another swift movement, he quickly pounced at Queen bee, kill her in the process as well in one swoop.

Swiftly, he collected the honey in a jar, the sweet substance dripping from the combs. Once he had what he needed, he retreated as cautiously as he had entered.

As he lay Luna near the tree resting her, David created a small fire and hung a pot over it. The pot was tied to a sturdy branch, allowing it to slowly boil over the flames.

One by one, he carefully cut the gathered herbs then grinded it on a clean stone after washing it and and dropped them into the pot, following the precise steps he had learned from the ancient knowledge granted to him by the Goddess of Medicine.

Finally, it was time to add the honey. David poured the thick, golden substance into the pot, and as it mingled with the other ingredients, a unique aroma filled the air. The potion turned black, a sign of its potency and the blend of magical energies it contained.

With a sense of purpose, David picked up Luna\'s limp form and cradled her in his arms. Gently, he tilted her head back and poured the potion into her mouth. Luna swallowed reflexively, her breathing shallow and weak.

As the potion entered her system, its healing magic went to work. The wounds that had been invisible to the naked eye began to mend, and the potion\'s power infused her with new strength. Slowly, Luna\'s eyes fluttered open, and her tear-filled gaze met David\'s.

"Master, you came," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

A smile tugged at the corners of David\'s lips as he wiped away her tears. "Of course, Luna. I\'ll always be here for you."

As Luna regained her strength, she quickly jumped up and threw her arms around David in a tight embrace. "Thank you, Master," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and relief. David smiled warmly at her, glad to see his companion back on her feet.

"Here," David said, reaching into his storage and retrieving the weapon he had gifted her. It was a staff, the Elemental of Life, with intricate engravings and a shimmering gemstone at its tip. Luna\'s eyes lit up as she took the staff from him, holding it close to her heart.

"I managed to pick it up from the dungeon," David explained. "I\'m glad it\'s back in your hands now."

Luna nodded, a mix of emotions crossing her face. "Thank you for saving me, Master. I don\'t know what I would have done without this staff." She glanced down at the weapon, her fingers tracing the magical engravings. 

As they began to talk about the other members of her team, Luna\'s expression grew somber. "I wish I could have saved them too," she said, her voice filled with sorrow. "But I was too weak. I couldn\'t do anything."

David gently rubbed her head, comforting her. "Luna, don\'t blame yourself," he said softly. "What happened in the dungeon was unexpected, and no one could have predicted the sudden change in rank. You did your best, and that\'s all anyone could ask for. Sometimes, even with all our power, we can\'t save everyone."

Luna looked up at him, tears glistening in her eyes. "But they were my teammates, my friends," she whispered. "I should have been stronger."

"You are strong, Luna," David assured her. "And you\'ll continue to grow stronger".

With renewed determination, Luna nodded. "You\'re right, Master. I won\'t let their sacrifice be in vain. I\'ll keep training and get stronger, so I can protect others in the future."

Proud of his companion\'s resolve, David smiled warmly at her. "That\'s the spirit, Luna. Now, let\'s head to the capital city of Eldoria. We have some matters to attend to."

As they reached the bustling city, David led Luna to the main branch of the Adventures Guild. Inside, they were greeted by the guild leader, whom David had met before during an auction. This time, the guild leader was dressed in a stylish green suit with a matching green hat. He approached David and Luna with a warm smile.

"Welcome back," the guild leader said, extending his hand in greeting. "I heard you had returned from the dungeon. How did it go?"

David retrieved the bodies of Luna\'s fallen teammates from his portal and gently laid them on the ground.

"Unfortunately, I couldn\'t save them," he said solemnly, recounting the events that had unfolded in the dungeon. He explained how the dungeon\'s rank had suddenly changed, catching them all off guard.

The guild leader listened attentively, his expression turning serious as he took in the gravity of the situation. Then, the guild leader\'s curiosity got the better of him, and he asked, "How did you know that Luna was in danger?" he asked as he continued "As per my knowledge, only Luna and the raid team had gone to B rank dungeon".

Thinking quickly, David decided to keep his system\'s abilities a secret. He couldn\'t risk revealing the existence of Gods and Goddesses or the blessings he had received. So, he lied, "I had added a special magic circle to her staff. Whenever the wielder is in danger, it will alert me. That\'s how I knew something was wrong."

The guild leader nodded, seemingly satisfied with the explanation. "That was a smart move," he commented. 

David smiled modestly, hiding his relief that his lie had been accepted. "Yes, it turned out to be quite helpful," he replied.

As Luna and David left the Adventurers Guild, having completed their reporting and explained the details of what happened in the town, David checked the time and realized that he still had another two to three hours before the Tesla team would deliver his car.

He thought it would be best to spend the remaining time with Luna, as she was still in shock from the recent events. He wanted to be there for her and provide comfort during this difficult time  and he understood that two hours on earth was like two days in this world which was more than enough.

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