What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1017 I Already Lack Common Sense From The Start

I watched as Master walked out of the pond in the garden while keeping himself dry with his powers.

When I said Master walked out of the pond, I really meant that He just strolled out from under the surface of the water like it was no big deal.

That was just another one of the weird places that Master thought to search for little Cai Hong, not even thinking that it was a weird place for her to hide.

I suppose if Cai Hong was using her own powers, she could potentially be hiding there but the current Cai Hong is acting as her childish self, so there\'s no way she would do that.

In fact, her real hiding place was back in Master\'s room where she had snuck in after Master had left His courtyard.

We received some concerning messages from the others in the Sect saying Master was acting really weird so I chose to follow Him to see what was going on.

It was quite clear to see that absorbing the Origin fragments had changed even his common sense by quite a bit… Though I have to admit Master\'s common sense was already quite skewed to begin with.

I admit that we initially thought His lack of common sense was because of Master\'s position in this world but now we know it\'s just because Master was Origin. Thus, such norms were basically incomprehensible to a Divine being like Himself.

Just look at Master\'s stalker, even she has quite a number of screws loose in her head and I definitely don\'t want to know what goes on in that head of hers.

Scratch that, I already know that she only thinks about Master but in a really distorted way.

"Hmm… Not hiding at the bottom of the pond either it seems… Where else could she be?"

Master… You\'ve searched the top of roofs, the peaks of the mountains, the hidden vault that only the Sect Master and you have access to and even the bottom of the pond… Yet you haven\'t tried searching the places where a regular child might hide, like inside the wardrobe or even under a bed…

I\'m already questioning how we are going to help Master return back to His usual self…

"Oh! Don\'t tell me she buried herself in the ground and covered up the hole? Guess I\'ll go look for any places that were recently dug up."

No, Master… Cai Hong could definitely survive that but even she wouldn\'t go that far… I mean yeah, she\'s buried right now but what she\'s buried in is the piles of clothes inside your wardrobe, not a pile of dirt…

I wondered if I should just tell Master where she was hiding but I think there are better ways for me to commit suicide than that.

Instead… I think I can just go and give Master a hint. That should at least give Master an idea about how abnormal He has been acting at least…

"Master?" I called out after strolling into the garden, trying my best to act like I haven\'t been following Him all this while.

"Oh, top of the morning to you, Breandan. Did something happen?"

Putting that weird greeting aside, I decided to play it safe by playing dumb.

"You were gone for a while Master. Are you still looking for Cai Hong?"

"Yeah, seems like she\'s a really good hider! Who knew? I\'ve still yet to see any traces of her anywhere."

"Oh… Do you need any help, Master?"

Master chuckled, "Nah, it\'s fine. Aren\'t you training right now? I\'d hate to distract you from it. Besides, I think Cai Hong would be upset if she were to be found by anyone else aside from me."

Well, that is definitely true.

"In that case… Where have you searched, Master? Perhaps I could help Master narrow down on where she is?"

Master went ahead to list out the places that He had searched where it was definitely impossible for Cai Hong to choose as a hiding place. Apparently Master even checked if she tore open another dimension to hide in… I didn\'t even know what to say to that?

"Umm… Perhaps Master is just looking in the wrong places? Have you… Err… Checked under beds or even inside cupboards?"

Master tilted His head at me, "Why would Cai Hong hide there? Such a place would be easy to find, right? If it were me, I would have created maybe a few parallel universes that branch out into more parallel universes to hide in."

Parallel Universes exist? Errm… Now\'s not the time to think about that…

"Master… Cai Hong is a child… A really cute child I might add… She just wants to play with Master, not hide herself to the point where she can\'t be found… That\'s why I think she wouldn\'t go that far."

Master clapped His hands together, "Oh! Hahaha! I can\'t believe I overlooked that! I suppose I got too into the game that I forgot about that!"

Master… This is more than just \'getting too into it\'...

As though hearing my thoughts, Master sighed, "My common sense was also affected wasn\'t it?"

Ah… Looks like Master was finally aware of it.

I hesitated, "... Yes, Master…"

"Is it normal for people to hide at the bottom of a pond?"

"Master… No normal people would do that… In fact, all the places you listed are places that no normal people would hide in…"

"Damn… And I didn\'t want to use omniscience at all… I even had to use it to find out what was the most normal way people would greet each other? This is worse than I thought…"

Wait… Was that greeting also made because of Master\'s Omniscience? If it was…

"Master… Did you check what culture, time period, country or even what world those kinds of greeting would be considered normal? Because the one you used with me did not sound very normal to me…"

Master frowned and looked up, as though to consider something, only for His face to turn ashen when he got His answer from what I assume to be His Omniscience.

"That explains why people have been looking at me weirdly… I\'ve completely forgotten what social norms are like now… Brendan… What should I do?"

"Umm… I don\'t know Master… Maybe… Err… Just learn them again?"

Master gasped, "You\'re a genius, Brendan! I should do that! Yeah! Just go back to school!"

No, no, Master… Do you know what kind of chaos you would create just by tha-- And Master had already teleported away…

What about the hide and seek game with Cai Hong, Master?

Actually, how am I supposed to explain this to my senior sisters?

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