The Beautiful Monster

Chapter 243 - Epilogue (The End)

I want to make memories with you forever and to live happily with you for as long as possible," she told him.

Elias felt nearly dazed by his affection for her. All he wanted to do was get to the end of the ceremony so that they could finally be officially married.

He had waited too long, and he didn\'t want to not be married to her for another minute longer.

They slipped their weddings rings on each other\'s fingers, smiling at each other as they joined hands and spoke their declarations.

They meant each and every word, promising to be together through any sort of circumstance. They had already proven that to each other time and time again.

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife," the speaker announced.

Elias cupped Alyssa\'s face in his hands, drawing her lips to his in a sweet, deep kiss as everyone cheered and applauded them. He pressed his smile to hers, feeling the warm blush on her cheeks.

Alyssa laughed softly as they pulled away. She gave his hands a squeeze before they walked down the aisle, accepting more applause and cheers from the crowd.

She waved to them as everyone moved out of the way, letting the venue workers clear the area for the wedding party.

A live band took the stage, playing upbeat hits as a buffet style dinner was set up for all the wedding guests.

Everyone either danced on the space cleared for the dance floor, sat and ate at the white-clothed tables, or stood around and chatted. No matter what they were doing, everyone was having a good time.

Elias moved through the crowd, suddenly getting the breath knocked out of him when Melina yanked him into a hug.

"Hey," he chuckled as he hugged her back. "I\'m so glad you and Tyler made it."

"Of course! How could I miss my brother\'s wedding?" Melina asked as she pulled away from him. "Alyssa looks so beautiful today."

Elias glanced across the rooftop to see Alyssa talking to Cole and Zoe. He smiled as he admired her from afar.

"Yeah, she does. She looks perfect," he said. He had only been apart from her for around thirty minutes to greet all the guests, and it still felt too long. He wanted to be with her now.

"I\'m really happy for you," Melina told him as she placed her hand on his arm. "I\'m glad we made it to this point."

Elias shared that sentiment. They could\'ve been dead or still on the run by this time, but they made their futures into the lives that they wanted to live.

He couldn\'t be happier for all of them, and he couldn\'t wait to see what else they did in their lives. They still had plenty of time left.

"Me too. None of us would be here without each other," he pointed out. They all had a part to play in this.

Melina smiled, giving his arm a squeeze before letting go. She nodded to the stage as the band finished their song.

"Hope you\'re wearing your dancing shoes," she said as she flashed a teasing wink at him.

Elias gave her a confused look before he heard the vocalist speak into the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it\'s time for the happy couple\'s first dance," he announced before gesturing at Elias and Alyssa. Applause from the crowd followed his words.

Elias felt a jolt of excitement and nervousness. Finally, he could be with Alyssa again, but he had to dance.

They practiced extensively before the wedding so that he would be prepared, but he still wanted to do this right.

He walked to the dance floor as everyone made a path for him, meeting Alyssa in the middle as a slow song started to play. He extended his hand out to her.

Alyssa smiled and took his hand, letting him pull her against his body. She placed her free hand on his shoulder, feeling his other hand on her waist.

She turned her head to gaze into his eyes, a light pink flush adorning her cheeks.

"Hello, husband," she quipped playfully.

"Hello, wife," Elias chuckled before taking the first step. They stepped and swayed together slowly, holding each other close as everyone watched with starry and awed eyes.

To Elias, everyone seemed to fade away, leaving him alone with Alyssa. He didn\'t mind that at all. He actually preferred it most of the time. No one saw him in the way that she did.

They were perfect together, becoming a whole soul. Life had gone on without each other, but there had been something missing.

They couldn\'t live without love, which brought them back together in the first place. They couldn\'t run from what they felt, and they succumbed to the feeling.

Now, they would never fight that feeling ever again.

"Can you believe our lives right now?" Alyssa asked, laughing softly in disbelief.

If he wasn\'t touching her right now, Elias would\'ve believed that he was in a dream. With her, life felt like a dream that he never wanted to wake up from.

Now, the dream was forever, and he had everything that he ever wanted.

"Best dream I\'ve ever had," Elias said as he rested his forehead against hers, sharing a warm smile with her. He wouldn\'t change a thing about his life right now.

He married the girl of his dreams, he was closer to his family than ever, he had a successful business, and the world was safe from a terrible darkness. Things were exactly how they were supposed to be.

"Then, let\'s stay asleep," Alyssa laughed.

That was certainly the plan. Elias nodded, reaching up to stroke her cheek as the song came to an end.

"Forever," he replied before sealing his words with a deep kiss, promising a long and happy life full of sweet perfection and everlasting love.

THE END.....

A/N: Okay so this is the end of Elias and Alyssa\'s story hope you enjoyed it. Thank y\'all for buying privilege you\'re the only reason why I was earning hehehe. So yeah....that\'s why the book is short^^^ In case you\'re wondering.

Please support my new book, "The Taste of Seduction. Just read 5 chapters and decide if you want to continue or not^^.

Melina\'s side story will commence on 2/02/2022 see ya again?



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