The Beautiful Monster

Chapter 221 - The Fight

Elias felt his entire body lock up as Alaric set his sights on Alyssa. He didn\'t want Alaric to look at Alyssa or even have her as a thought in his mind.

His eyes gradually narrowed as he took a step forward too, capturing Alaric\'s attention again.

"She\'s not your concern," he replied with a bite to his tone. "Trying to take over the entire world isn\'t your concern either. We\'ve all lived a balance life for years. You can\'t just mess that up."

"I can do whatever I want to. Right, Helena?" Alaric replied as he glanced at the blonde witch. "This is Helena. She\'s been helping me keep tabs on you."

Melina grimaced as she shook her head subtly.

"You shouldn\'t support him," she told Helena as she stepped out from behind Tyler to join Elias\' side.

"You\'d be a fool not to," Helena replied as the corner of her mouth curled up slightly. She was set in her ways, brainwashed by Alaric. So many of them were.

Elias glanced at Melina, sharing her frustrated look. They couldn\'t let people like Alaric or Helena decide on the fate of the world. Innocent people would be caught in the chaos and killed. It wasn\'t right.

"We\'re not going to let you do this," Elias said, feeling his palms start to heat up.

Alaric chuckled, looking amused.

"And you think that you guys can stop me? Have you practiced enough?" he asked, plainly taunting them.

Elias tried not to let his firm expression waver. It shouldn\'t surprise him that Alaric knew what they were up to. Even if he did or didn\'t know, it didn\'t matter. They were here together now, and they weren\'t going to go their separate ways peacefully. That was never an option.

"Find out," he replied.

Alaric tossed his head back and laughed, his voice echoing throughout the clearing.

"You\'re funny. Bold. I like that," he said. "It\'ll be even more rewarding killing you."

Elias clenched his jaw tightly, breathing in deeply through his nose. He turned and looked at Alyssa, who looked frightened. In fact, she looked more scared than he had ever seen her before.

This could be the last time that they saw each other. He couldn\'t even remember their last kiss, but he wished that he had kissed her a little longer, a little deeper. He had regrets, but he didn\'t regret any moment that he had spent with her.

"Get back," he mouthed to her, giving her a pleading look. He knew how Alaric was, and if Alaric got the opportunity to use her against Elias, he would.

Alyssa swallowed hard before taking a few steps back toward their edge of the forest.

Elias glanced over at Melina, who looked a mix of angry and worried.

"We\'ve got this," he murmured to her, seeing a look of determination fill her face instead. They had to be ready.

They didn\'t have any other choice at this point. Alaric came here to fight, and they were going to give him the best fight that they could muster.

At least they had Scott and Tyler around to help with the witch, who would certainly be a thorn in their side.

"I\'ve waited a while for this. You kept running around and around in circles, thinking I wouldn\'t catch you,"

Alaric said as he shrugged off his black leather jacket. He rolled his neck around a few times, his eyes flashing black briefly. "Now, I get to have some fun with you."

Elias tried to ignore the rapid beating of his heart. His nerves were shot, but he couldn\'t focus on his feelings right now.

There wasn\'t time or room for that. He had to focus on what came next, and he had to keep himself from dying as best as he possibly could.

"Then, what are you waiting for?"


The tension between the two groups continued to build as they glared at one another, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Once the fight started, there was no telling when it would finally end.

Elias was just glad that Alyssa was waiting in the cover of the trees behind them. He didn\'t want her to get caught in the crossfire.

Elias glanced to his left to see that Scott had moved to his side. They were closest to Alaric, while Melina and Tyler were closer to Helena.

They would work in teams. Hopefully, they could take someone down in the process without being taken down themselves, but that was just a hope. That wasn\'t a guarantee.

Helena moved first, generating what looked like a bundle of electric blue energy in her hands. She shot it toward Elias and Melina, who both dove in different directions to avoid being struck.

Elias hurriedly pushed himself to his feet. When he looked up, Alaric was right in front of him somehow.

He gasped as he was thrown back, hitting the ground with a pained huff. Pain echoed throughout his body as he watched Scott try to take a swing at Alaric.

Alaric ducked out of the way, moving incredibly fast. He shouldered Scott, knocking him back with ease. He packed so much power in his hits, proving to be twice as strong as a vampire.

Melina and Tyler faced off with Helena, dodging beams of crippling energy. She swiped her hand to the left, knocking Helena off her feet.

Tyler jumped onto Helena, his fangs snapping an inch from her neck.

Helena placed her hands on Tyler\'s chest, sending a painful surge of energy through him to make him fall off her.

Elias got back into the fight, knowing that he needed to step it up or risk getting killed before he could even land a hit.

He felt his palm heat up as he ran at Alaric, tackling him to the ground. They tussled, trying to come out on top of each other.

Alaric smashed his elbow against Elias\' nose, blood already spilling. He pinned Elias to the ground, his eyes growing dark.

Elias struggled beneath Alaric, starting to feel a crushing pressure on his body. It wasn\'t coming from Elias\' hand, so it had to be coming from his powers.

Elias had to break free. This wasn\'t a simulation like what Melina showed him.. He managed to shove his hands up, watching flames flare up from his palms before he grabbed Alaric\'s face.

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