The Beautiful Monster

Chapter 69 - Ready For It

Elias turned his head to kiss her neck, drawing a soft moan from her. He smiled against her skin as his hands settled on her waist.

He didn\'t stop his teasing, though. His lips trailed along her neck, teasing behind her ear.

Alyssa closed her eyes, focusing on how good his lips felt against her neck. He knew exactly where to tease and touch, and that was only her neck.

She couldn\'t imagine how good he\'d be with other places on her body. The thought made her rub her thighs together.

Elias chuckled as he gripped her hips hard.

"Getting a little restless there?" Elias asked her before he turned her back around to face him.

Maybe it was the lighting in the club, but his eyes looked darker than usual. The sight made her throb.

Of course, he figured her out that quick. He knew her so well, and he already knew her body like it was his own.

She couldn\'t wait to let him do what he had in mind to it.

"Just a little," she replied before teasingly slipping her leg between his. She could distinctively feel something hard against her thigh, prompting a coy smile to cross her lips. "Seems like you are too."

Elias chuckled as he slipped his hand under her hair to rest on the back of her neck. He pressed his forehead against hers.

"Just wait until I get you alone," he murmured.

Alyssa\'s next breath came out shakily. She then heard her name being called. She turned to see Zoe waving at her from their table.

There was also a tall, blonde guy standing next to her that Alyssa guessed was Cole. She turned back to Elias.

"We\'ll have to resume this later," she replied before stepping away from him and weaving through the crowd to get back to Zoe.

She smiled politely at Cole as she shook his hand. "You must be Cole."

Cole grinned and nodded.

"And you\'re Alyssa. Zoe\'s told me a lot about you," he said as he glanced over at Zoe, who smiled at him with a starry look.

"She\'s harped on you too," Alyssa said before shooting Zoe a playful wink. If Zoe could mess with her in front of Elias.

She could mess with Zoe in front of her crush too. It was fair according to their friend rules.

Alyssa then glanced behind her to see Elias finally catching up. She figured he needed a moment to cool down from their heated exchange on the dance floor.

Honestly, she wished she could\'ve taken a minute to calm down too because she had a feeling her face was still red. Thankfully, the club was fairly dark.

"This is my boyfriend, Elias," she said as she stepped aside so that Elias could shake Cole\'s hand.

She knew they would get to get to know each other more at a different time. For now, an introduction was enough before they went their separate ways.

"Nice to meet you," Cole replied before turning to Zoe. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Vodka cranberry would be nice," Zoe said in a grateful tone. Once Cole left, she looked over at Alyssa. "I\'m taking it easy for the rest of the night."

"Good. Smart choices," Alyssa said, taking on her mom tone. It was rare for her to do so, but she cared about her friends. She wanted Zoe to be safe and mindful. "Are you planning on going home with him?"

The side of Zoe\'s mouth curled up into a smirk.

"Do you see him? What do you think?" Zoe replied before her eyes darted to Elias and then back to Alyssa. "I\'m guessing you\'re going to go check out his new apartment."

Alyssa smiled a little before shrugging.

"Maybe sooner rather than later," she said, hinting to Zoe that she\'d probably be slipping out of here soon. She usually wasn\'t like this, but desire was calling to her. For once, she was going to answer.

She couldn\'t believe how much she changed over the course of this semester. She started out as someone she didn\'t really like. She wanted to be so much more, to experience so much more.

Now, she was someone that she liked way more. There were things she still wanted to improve upon in her life, but at least she was one step closer to the person she wanted to be.

Zoe placed her hands on Alyssa\'s shoulders.

"I am so proud of you," she said.

Alyssa gave Zoe a pointed look.

"It\'s not a big deal," she said. Maybe it was, but she was trying to be cool and casual about this. It helped her stay calm and not overthink things.

She had a tendency of doing that, and she had already thought about this moment from every angle and perspective a thousand times. It was time to stop thinking and start doing.

Zoe gave Alyssa a serious look.

"Yes, it is, and you found a great guy to do it with. Text me all the details," she replied before kissing Alyssa on the forehead and then making a beeline to the bar to see Cole.

Alyssa smiled, feeling so thankful for her friend. It was nice having another girl to talk about certain things to.

Now, she wanted to put some of the things they talked about into action. She walked back over to Elias and took his hand.

"Ready to go? Or do you want to dance some more?" Alyssa asked as she cocked her eyebrow at him.

She already knew his answer by the way he was looking at her. He didn\'t want to waste another second in that club.

"I think it\'s time I show you my apartment," Elias replied as he pulled her closer to him.

"Lead the way," Alyssa told him without missing a beat. She didn\'t need to think on her decision any longer. She didn\'t feel the need to hesitate. She was ready. Ready for him. Ready for it all.

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