What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 43 The Interrogation


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"Greetings Mr. Asmodeus, my name is Rize-Eternal-Immortal-DyingOrion-Nebulamoon, of the house of Nebulamoon, but you can call me Rize, and as you may already know I am the fifth progenitor."

Her introduction was short and sweet despite her name being freakishly long, although I have watched so much anime, read so many manga and light novels, and must say the long name habits of noble vampires turn out to be true.

It makes me wonder if a vampire is in the entertainment industry, maybe I should check into it was what I thought at the moment, however, thought I didn\'t have the time, as I want answers, so I also make my introduction short and not so sweet, as I said.

"Well, Ms. Rize my name is Asmodeus Morningstar, I am the Demon King of Lust, although we meet in some rather rough circumstances, I brought you here as I plan to properly investigate you, due to a situation that unfolded earlier, and honestly speaking it didn\'t sit right with me, so I am demanding your participation in this event, or I might accidently kill you."

However though, when I said this, I was expecting her to react hostile, although both her expression and even her attitude were neutral, however, her words were what surprised me a little, as she tilt her head sideways in a cute way.

"Demon... King?"


I didn\'t say anything but judging by the way she said "Demon King" I found it interesting because she said it in a voice unbefitting of her emotionless expression, as she speaks with much emotions, honestly, I call this weird way of expressing and presenting oneself, a true talent.

Her words hold many emotions in them, but her expression is always neutral whenever I look at her, if that isn\'t a weird talent then I don\'t know what is.

But I didn\'t pay too much time to this unique quirk of hers, as I ask her, as such.

"You say it as if you know it, tell me do you know anything about the Demon Kings, and what we do?"

The question was simple and direct, in short, it was right to the point.

But when I ask this, Rize looks at me as if trying to see any lies in my words, and surprisingly enough despite her situation, she had the gall to say to me.

"Pardon me if this comes out as disrespectful, but you don\'t look like a demon king, although you behave like one."

That was what she said, although what she said next really got to me as she said.

"Agh... I see... maybe you are an overpowered Chuunibyou... that have a good reason for being a Chuunibyou?"


I said with veins popping out of my head as a response.

Yes, this girl slandered and compliment me at the same time, a true talent indeed, although the Kuudere loli vampire seems very honest, and I can roll with that.

But I can\'t let that slanderous comments of hers go so easily as it hurts my pride a little, so I increased my killing intent to scare her a little, however, the power of a Kuudere is not to be trifled with as they can turn and control any conversation to fits their needs.

Because as I raised my killing intent, she responded to it as such.

"Oh did I make you mad, agh... I see so this is the part where you push me down and have your way with me?"


"Sigh... very well then, I shall grant you your wish, maybe you are a Demon King of Lust after all, and a tall one at that."

"Wait... I think you misunderstood my intentions...

"No need to explain... just let me get undressed, although it\'s kind of annoying with one arm."

She continues saying as she did start to undress, however, I summon my tail, and I wrap it around her body to restrain her from doing anything funny.

But yet again the Kuudere loli vampire adapts to me as she comes up with something else.

"I see... so you\'re into BDSM, well I have a dungeon at my place I use frequently when im interrogating someone as well, although Kira my familar uses that more than me for research purposes, but yeah, I think I might manage with your rough fetishes, go on my body might small, and you might be tall, but I can assure you I am very durable."

At these words, I could only say to her.

"I\'m starting to believe that you\'re just thirsty, and dehydrated at that."

"Nonsense it\'s clear you want to have your way with me."

"Why so, give me one good reason why I want to have my way with a body flatter than board?"


I responded with a smug smile, I could tell that hit her right in the feels, however, once more her Kuudere powers activated, as she said.

"Because your the Demon King of Lust, you kidnap me, and you even say I was beautiful."


"Fair argument, but I kidnap you to interrogate you, not to bed you."

"Interrogate as in full body inspection, what a pervert you are Mr. Morningstar."





After that, it suddenly became silent, however, I need to deal with this woman, so I just unwrap her and drop her on the ground as I said.

"Look... I will be honest, you look beautiful I will admit that much, and I have never had sex with a loli, much less a vampire loli, however, as of right now I don\'t want to touch you because your answer depends if you live or die as I said, now please kindly shut up, and answer my questions, or the next time you speak I will toss you into the sun."





After I said this it became quiet again, however, Rize sighed as she said.

"Sigh... your no fun... very well then, I will answer you seriously this time."

"Good, now answer my first question."

I responded to her with much seriousness in my voice.

"Alright, if you claim to be what you just said, I take it that you just recently been born?"

Rize asks me with a serious tone, and this took me by surprise, reason was that that guess is right on the mark, son of course I answered honestly this time around.


To which she replied.

"Just as I thought, you\'re the tenth Omicron."

"Again with that word, why do you all refer to me as the 10th Omicron?"

"Hmmmmm... I see so someone already beat me to it haa, hehehe.... well it doesn\'t matter, lets me explain to you why you are considered the tenth Omicron."

"So as you may or may not know, in the world of the supernatural, there exist ten races that stand at the top of all races, these ten races are referred to as the ten respectable in the world rank system."

That was what she said, but now that she has told me this I just said.

"Continue I want to know more."

"An Omicron in simple terms is a person who stands above all others in their race, as they are the Alpha and the Omega species of their race, making the strongest, so each race has an Omicron, however, the Demon race, Omicron seat has been vacant for a thousand years."

"I see, so it\'s a title given to beings who stand above their respected race, in short im the strongest Demon, is it like that?"

"Well there\'s more to it, but yeah that\'s a basic explanation of an omicron."

"Now that\'s amazing, but what are the ten races?"

I ask with much curiosity.

"Yes, I heard you, so the ten races are as followed."

. Superior Rank 10th: The Humans

. Superior Rank 9th: The Sirens

. Superior Rank 8th: The Gordons

. Superior Rank 7th: The Undead

. Superior Rank 6th: The Giants

"Now you see from rank ten to six, these races are considered the 2nd class races or the superior, the ones that truly stand on top of the worlds are rank five to one."

"And now for the first class races, or as they referred to, the "IXX:Cel Beings".

(A/N): And yes it\'s referring to the words excel.

[IXX:Cel Beings]

Rank 5th IXX:Cel : The Dragons

Rank 4th IXX:Cel: The Flugel

Rank 3rd IXX:Cel: The Demons

Rank 2nd IXX:Cel: The Mystics

[Transcendence Beings]

Rank 1st Transcendence: The old Zeniths

Upon naming all these ranks I couldn\'t help but ask two questions, as I gaze at her and said.

"I see, but may I know why humans are counted."

Her reply was simple.

"Because humans are capable of using magic and special abilities, of course, im talking about the special humans that exist, is there anything else?"

"Yes... what\'s an old Zenith?"

"Fragments of Gods from the old world, incantations, shrine deities, new Gods birthed from belief, of course, these Gods fail in comparison to the true God, or that\'s what Gaia says."

"I see, I believe Gaia is the kid dressed in all white?"

"Ohhhh you have met him?"

"Yes, the guy is broken as hell."

"Well he is the representative of the highest table, " The neutral one" is what they call him, hell he is the first Omicron, but I will explain more about him in a few."

"I see very interesting."

But as I said this, Rize continue as she said.

"However there is one more class, called the " Ideologiums" beings that shape and affect the very universe although they don\'t have an Omicron to represent them as every one of them is basically Omicron in their own rights, our even beyond that."

When she said this my curiosity reached a max level as I question her even more.

"Ooooooh.... interesting... please tell me more, what are these so call Ideologiums races they seem and sound so awesome."

However, I was not prepared for what she said next, and I began to question a lot of things internally.

"The Conceptuals, are beings able to manipulate, embody and Alter concepts, the limit of their power is said to be the limits of that concept itself, they are born strong, however, they are also referred to as Archetypes, for example, I have only met one but I hope I never get on her bad side that thing is a monster, no im confident she can kill all the Omicrons with ease, kind of ironic since the thing she embodies, is the weakest of all heheheh."

However, I couldn\'t take into account this so-called weakest that is the strongest, the reason being, as I stand here I realize two things.

So much so, I had to call it.


『Yes, my liege』

"Are you a Conceptual?"


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