The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 167 - Why The Cape?

Fighting the monsters head on… I never did it unless I know that the enemy is weaker than me. And even when I fought head on, usually I\'m with my party members.

The only time I ever fought like that was in my previous life. I was so bold back then just because I manifested Aura. Thinking that I can defeat everyone.

Well, I guess I should try to become bold like that again. I believe there were no more cult members left in this city, and I will also wear some disguise as well. So no one will find out about my identity. They will think that I\'m a Living Armor just like Victoria before. After all, in this world, no one should know about Aura. Except maybe the one called the Evil God. But I don\'t think he\'s in this city.

"Alright. Let\'s put on your armor."

More than putting on my armor, Victoria is just enveloped me with her slimy body and transformed into a full body armor complete with the helmet. Is that a cape hanging from my shoulder?

"Why the cape?"

"For mysteriousness."

"I don\'t need it. Why is the helmet doesn\'t cover my mouth?"

"So when you speak, your voice won\'t be muffled."

"Is that so… wait!"

When I look down to see the torso and my leg area, I saw my shadow on the ground. Thanks to the lighting, I can see the top of my head. And there\'s something weird on my head.

"Why is there a pair of ear like things above my helmet?"

I saw the shadow and touched the part with two pointy triangular shape on my head. They look just like a pair of ear of some kind of animal.

"…I want you to say \'I am vengeance!\' in a deep voice." Victoria asked for me to say something I don\'t understand.


"Not what. \'I am vengeance. I am the night. I am…"

"Is this another of your wish fulfillment from your previous world again? I won\'t do that!"

She sure loves to put anything she want from her original world to try now. When I asked Sonia if this was the case back when both of them were alive, she said it wasn\'t. That mean it happened after she became a black slime with shape shifting ability.

I keep wondering what\'s with that world of her? It was so weird. So I rejected to do what she wants.

"Later. If I remember." I said.

"Well, that\'s why I want you to do it now! Your memory suck!"

What? What did she say? Maybe I forgot about it already. I don\'t think it\'s important anyway. Now, let\'s go kill some monsters.

I already lost my cape and the pointy helmet when I left the hotel. Those are just unnecessary accessories. While Victoria just clicked her tongue. Does she has a tongue? I mean I don\'t want my armor to have a tongue. That\'s creepy.

Good thing I didn\'t see any tongue or weird things on my armor. I still don\'t understand how she could speak when she\'s not in her human form.

The armor is kind of heavy. It will restrict my movement. So I told Victoria to reduce her weight. And then she asked me if she\'s fat? She can alter her appearance so why is she saying something weird again?

Now the armor is perfect. My movement is no longer restricted and it\'s very light. It no longer has any function as an armor, but it\'s a disguise anyway so it\'s fine.

Since I have gone to the south, west, and north, now is the time to go to the east. After that will be south, west, and north again.

I wanted to fight the monsters inside the city at first, but when I look around, everyone is doing fine so far. The wyverns are mostly stay up in the air and haven\'t attacked yet. Other than that one wyvern that ate a kid before. Maybe they will only attack when they are hungry.

For now, I\'ll let those hunters and guards inside the city to watch over the wyverns first. And since all the citizens have been evacuated, there\'s no hurry in defeating the monsters inside the city.

Destroyed buildings? Those things don\'t matter. I\'m going to leave this city after this is over after all and return to Cassau.

As soon as I arrived at the east gate, I can clearly see why Victoria only reported that they are fine.

The monsters in this area are not too much for the hunters here. But the hunters assigned here are also not too strong as well.

They can hold back the monsters, but they find it difficult to defeat them since they don\'t have many powerful hunters here. So there are no one can finish those monsters.

When Victoria was here, she was the only one killing the monsters that the hunters are holding back. Once she killed some of them, she left the place thinking that the hunters here should be able to protect the gate.

As for the troublemakers that tried to retreat back to the city, they are being ignored. No one cares about those who retreated. The hunters are busy protecting the city from the monsters.

I heard from Victoria on the way that when she arrived here, she saw many people hiding and peeking at the battle even though the monsters are not that strong. She thought they must be members of the cult and killed them all.

That must be why she said this area is fine. All the cult members have been killed by her. And I don\'t see any more of them.

This area is well protected by the hunters, but soon they will be losing. No matter how evenly matched they are against the monsters, the monsters stamina are much greater than mages who never trained their stamina.

And so, I joined the fight.

I see a group of hunters finally having trouble with a group of wolves. I went over there and slash the wolves with a sword I had Victoria transformed to. Since she\'s already become an armor, it means the sword and anything she made is attached to the armor. I can\'t throw it but it\'s fine since I\'m here to fight the monsters head on.

As for my spear, I snapped it into three and just put them on my back. I\'ll use it when it\'s necessary. For now, I need to improve Victoria\'s time first. Then I will soon able to improve my summoning element level soon and I can have another contracted monster thanks to the Pear-y fruit.

"Who are you?"

A hunter asked me, but I won\'t say anything since I\'m pretending to be another Living Armor.

"Don\'t tell me, another Living Armor? And this one is stronger than the previous one!"

"There must be a summoner in the city trying to help us!" Another hunter exclaimed.

"I don\'t think so. Since there are two Living Armors, that person must be a tamer. We should be grateful to whoever he is later. For now, let\'s focus on other monsters. He can take care of these wolves!"

Seems like that one is the leader of this party.

He is with four other hunters, and the enemies are wolves. About twenty of them. They are quite good to be able to protect themselves against this many wolves. Even when one magic is weak, as long as they can coordinate well with other mages, they can handle many things that one can\'t do.

Seeing how I can easily defeat several wolves, these wolves hostilities are aimed at me. While I just keep swinging my sword around and kill them one by one.

These wolves are not enough to tell me how powerful I have become. But I still took care of them all.

The strongest monsters in this area, from what I can see, are Orc Generals. There are five of them and they move in a group. There are about fifteen hunters working together to hold those Orc Generals. I guess I\'ll help the other first before going against those Orc Generals.

I move to another group and fight the monsters they were facing. I also pointed my sword to where the Orc Generals are telling these hunters to help those people since I can see little by little that we are being pushed back.

The hunters seem to understand me and help the other blocking the Orc Generals while I took care of the small fries.

I keep moving from one place to another while finishing all the monsters the other hunters can\'t take care of. Until finally, it\'s time to fight the five Orc Generals.

There are five Orc Generals moving in one group, but no one is leading them. I don\'t see the sight of an Orc Emperor. How did these Orc Generals grouped together?

Probably it was because of the hunters. They thought it would be a big trouble if they are separated, so they gathered the Orc Generals in one spot and have the strongest hunters grouped as well to stop these five from entering the city.

If that was the case, then the one who suggested that idea is a genius.

"The Living Armor is here! Let\'s send the Orc General to it one by one! Wait! Send him three at once!"

The one who seem to be the leader see I raised three fingers and told the others to give me three Orc Generals right away.

I approached an Orc General and slashed its fingers right away. The hand that hold its weapon is now only has one thumb and the weapon is fallen to the ground.

Its scream alerted the other Orc Generals. I stepped back and all the Orc Generals are chasing after me. But the two who are last in chasing me is being stopped by the hunters.

I don\'t want others to see that the weapon I have is changing, so I keep using a sword as weapon. I slashed the fingerless Orc General on its body. Before, I had trouble even piercing its heart. But now, the slash give it a major injury. Although it wasn\'t enough to kill it, I\'m glad to see how powerful I am.

I didn\'t target its neck or eyes like I usually did, and it only took me five slashes to kill one Orc General. And it only took fifteen slashes to kill three of them.

I look at the surrounding and see that there are still monsters approaching this city. And like before, the monsters in this area are not too strong. At least this time, there are no Orc General anymore.

When I was about to help the hunters defeating the last two and continue fighting, one hunter stopped me.

"We can take care of these two and those approaching monsters! Please go to another location!"

I nodded when I see that he\'s right. The two Orc Generals are getting exhausted fighting too many hunters at once and soon it will die.

And so I left that spot and my destination this time is the south.

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