Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 60 2: Taking Night as Day

A gentle breeze was blowing, the flowers and trees filling the garden were creating rustling noise, gentle ripples appeared on the vast surface of the water; amidst the abundant beginning-of-spring atmosphere, there was another lazy-afternoon feeling.

The sound of their footsteps on the apricot wood bridge felt like some kind of an unnecessary invasion and disturbance to this unique pure land of the Ling Yan Pavilion.

In his heart, however, Kou Zhong had a different feeling, Shang Xiufang’s peerless appearance floated in his mind, his eardrums seemed to hear her unequalled-throughout-the-world song.

What Xu Ziling was thinking was the coming-from-afar Fu Cailin. Due to Fu Junchuo affair, no matter how Fu Cailin treated them, they had no choice but to resign themselves to adversity. Under such unfavorable circumstances, Shigong Fu Cailin would become the person in the City of Chang’an that would give them the most headache

Stepping up the stone steps, they reached the open-wide main door, Wei Gonggong respectfully said, “Shaoshuai, please wait here a moment, let Xiaoren come in to notify them.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

After Wei Gonggong disappeared inside the main door, the three men looked into the main hall, their line of sight was obstructed by a mica screen reflecting the bright and multicolored scenery outside. What they could see was the thick and soft purple-red Persian carpet spread on the floor, which not only added to the exotic distinctive flavor, but even more strengthening the mysterious atmosphere due to Fu Cailin’s dharma-self was living away from home here.

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “This is called the ugly woman must meet the father-in-law; just as the Lie kid said, brought together by fate, a thousand li apart can meet together. Supposing Shigong wanted to implement family law by demanding our martial arts, what should we do?”

Ba Fenghan smiled unyieldingly, he said, “This is precisely the main reason Ol’ Ba insisted on coming together. The wen [literature, civil, gentle], you guys are in charge, the wu [martial art, military, hard], leave it all to Ol’ Ba; won’t all problems like bamboo splits when it meets the knife’s edge [idiom: easily solved]? Ol’ Ba precisely want to gain first-hand knowledge of … oh!”

While Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were shocked as they listened to him, Wei Gonggong reappeared from behind the screen, followed by a beautiful woman. Not only Ba Fenghan’s tiger-body shook and his heroic speech was cut short, Kou and Xu were also momentarily stunned; a profound, hard-to-describe, the-heart-and-intestines-about-to-break feeling welled up in their hearts.

The one appearing before their eyes was Fu Junyu, whom they had not seen for a long time. Her charm and personality traits had always bore striking resemblance with Fu Junchuo; in the past, even though it was wrapped up, concealed and hidden under the colorful and gorgeous warrior outfit, she still made Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling associated her with Fu Junchuo, whose figure, voice and features strikingly resembled her. What’s more, at this moment, she changed into a snowy white dress, her adornment was just like Fu Junchuo in the past; it was like Fu Junchuo was coming back to life, arriving in the world of the living again. How could she not evoke the longing for Fu Junchuo that was forever hidden at the bottom of their hearts?

Compared with the time before returning to Gaoli, she appeared to be comparatively thinner. Her pair of pretty eyes silently, hiding worry in it, her expression tranquil – looked at the three men up and down. She stepped forward until about three steps away from the three and then stood gracefully and charmingly. She spoke softly, “Gonggong, please wait here for a moment, Junyu has something to talk to them in private.”

Wei Gonggong was accustomed to fawning on Li Yuan, he hurriedly said, “Xiaoren is going to wait outside the courtyard door!” Finished speaking, he turned around, crossed the bridge and went far away.

After Wei Gonggong disappeared in the winding corridor among the trees, Fu Junyu fixed her gaze at Ba Fenghan, she spoke indifferently, “Why is it that the one sending me back to my home country was not Ba Fenghan but Song Shidao?”

Stunned, Ba Fenghan lightly trembled, momentarily he was speechless, unable to even say half a word.

Fu Junyu revealed a hint of desolate smile brimming with self-pity overtone, she said, “What happened in the past, no need to bother about, we have no way of bothering about it either. Shizun is taking a nap, I can arrange for you to meet with him, the Senior, tonight at the zi hour [11pm – 1 am, midnight].”

Stunned, Kou Zhong said, “Taking a nap?” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Fu Junyu spoke without emotion, “This has been Shizun’s habit for several decades. He believes that night is the most beautiful time, so when everyone goes to bed, it is the time for him to appreciate and enjoy life. Ay! Why did you have to come to Chang’an? Could it be that you don’t know that Shizun has no favorable impression toward you? To this day, he still thinks that Da Shijie [first martial sister] lost her life because of you.”

Hearing that, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling you looked at me, I gazed at you, they still did not know what to say.

Xu Ziling stole a glance at Ba Fenghan, the latter was unable to take his eyes off, he stared at Fu Junyu intently, his pair of eyes emitted complicated and difficult-to-understand expressions.

Fu Junyu did not pay any attention at Ba Fenghan’s stare at all, she spoke softly, “Your conduct and deeds in Longquan has greatly deepened my humble country’s people’s, from top to bottom – misunderstanding toward you. Coming with Shizun this time, there is the most outstanding martial art master of our humble country, reputed to be barely under Shizun, the ‘Wu Dao Ba’ [Five-Saber Hegemon] Ge Suwen, along with his companions – coming to Chang’an; other than Han Chao’an, Jin Zhengzong, there are also the hating-you-guys-to-the-bones Maji, the number one martial art master within the party under his command Tuoba Miefu. They are staying at the Liang Yuan [lit. cold garden] of Tong Hua Gate near Yongjia Li

. Hearing that you are coming, everybody rubs their fists and wipes their palms [idiom: eager to get into action], vowing to wash away the former disgrace. How could you be so reckless? Could it be that you don’t know that the Great Tang people, from top to bottom, no one has a good impression of you? Your collusion with Li Shimin is like Sima Zhao’s heart even more, everyone sees it. Even if the fact is not so, other people will still think so.”

With difficulty, Kou Zhong said, “Where is Xiao Shiyi [little martial aunt]?”

When Fu Junyu heard him calling Fu Junqiang little martial aunt, she cast him a sidelong glance in displeasure and said, “In front of Shizun’s honored-self, you must never, ever randomly call Shigong, Shiyi, lest the situation will be even more out of control. Junqiang went to Liang Yuan to see Ge Suwen, otherwise it would be unbearable for you. Shizun dotes on her the most, and her impression of you can’t possibly be more inferior than this. Back then, if you were willing to let her kill Yuwen Huaji to avenge the blood enmity as deep as the ocean for Da Shijie, the situation should not have developed to where it is today, however, everything has become an unchangeable fact. If you want to leave Chang’an alive, the sooner you go the better.”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling said, “We are willing to accept the invitation and came, we already foresaw that this kind of situation might appear before us. Thank you Yu Yi [Aunt Yu] for your concern.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Fu Junyu sighed and said, “I already knew that I would not be able to persuade you. In our humble country, I am the only one who knows what kind of persons you are. At the moment, the thing that Shizun unwilling to see the most is the appearance of another strong Sui, which will only bring us big disaster. Furthermore, he does not want to see the three most outstanding people in the Central Earth to unite. This idea is the same as that of the diplomatic group headed by Bi Xuan, the same enmity and hatred felt toward the common enemy. I hope you can understand the meaning behind my words.”

Kou Zhong asked, “Have Shigong and Lao Bi met?”

Fu Junyu exasperatedly said, “Still randomly called Shigong long, Shigong short, you annoy me to the death! They have not met, only exchanged gifts. What do you want me to tell you? Even if you have three heads and six arms, under current circumstances where everyone is advancing gradually and entrenching themselves at every step, you don’t have any chance. Get lost for me, just go back and think carefully!”

Kou Zhong hurriedly said, “I want to see Xiufang Dajia.”

Recovering her calm, Fu Junyu said, “Xiufang Dajia implored me to tell you, a bit later she is going to drop by and visit Shaoshuai. Three gentlemen, please go back! Unless I tell you otherwise, tonight at zi hour, three gentlemen can come here to visit [a superior] Shizun.”

Finished speaking, she turned around and disappeared behind the screen, leaving the three men standing blankly in front of the bright and multicolored mica screen.

Li Shimin did not guess incorrectly, the risks and treacherous changes after entering the city were indeed far beyond their imagination. They had turned from being in the dark to being in the light, to being in an absolute-passive inferior position before the uprising.

When they came to the bridge, Kou Zhong suddenly said, “Treating women, Hou kid is still more resourceful; that thing he did that could move Zhizhi so that she forgot everything in the past, that move was really as effective as a deity.”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “You are angry at Shang Xiufang, hence you deliberately think of Song Yuzhi.”

Kou Zhong put his hand on Ba Fenghan’s shoulder, he spoke dejectedly, “This kid really understands me.”

Ba Fenghan walked in front without making any sound. Behind him, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged glances, they both knew that Ba Fenghan was having a load on his mind because of Fu Junyu.

Upon arriving at the outer courtyard gate, Wei Gonggong summoned the carriage that has been waiting respectfully, to take them to the Xing Qing Palace.

Wei Gonggong was extremely shrewd, he did not utter even half a word to inquire about their conversation with Fu Junyu. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

The horse-drawn carriage galloped along the imperial road inside the palace, with more than a dozen imperial guards riding ahead as the herald and behind as the escort, in the direction of the Cheng Tian Gate. Inside the Taiji Palace, only Li Yuan and the royal family’s men and horses had this privilege. It could clearly be seen that at least on the surface, Li Yuan made enough effort to treat them as state visitors.

Inside the carriage, it was inconvenient to talk, plus the three men, each one had a load on his mind, hence they were riding in silence, only accompanied by the sound of horse hooves and the sound of wheels rubbing against the ground.

Kou Zhong peeked out the hanging curtain to watch the changes of the landscape along the way, thoughts were surging in his mind. Without Fu Junyu needing to remind him, he already knew that he was trapped in dangerous ground. From Li Shimin’s subtle analysis, he guessed that Li Yuan, under the influence of the Demonic School, was leaning toward the Crown Prince and Imperial Concubine factions. However, the situation was not totally unfavorable to them, because between Li Yuan and Jiancheng, Yuanji, there were contradictions. The key lay in the difference between Li Yuan and Jiancheng.

In his capacity as the emperor, ruler of the Great Tang, apart from he has not been able to completely unify the world, Li Yuan has actually become the most powerful person in the world. The three major capitals in the world, two were under his control, his gain was plentiful; indeed, compared to anybody else, he had more treasure. For him, if he could gain Kou Zhong to join hands to deal with the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall, naturally it would be ideal. Not only he could eliminate foreign aggression, he could also wait until Kou Zhong returned to Liangdu before easily putting Li Shimin in order. In the final analysis, Li Yuan practically did not have the confidence and courage to deal with Xieli alone, the life of the imperial court has softened Li Yuan’s backbone.

Li Jiancheng, on the other hand, was a newborn calf, plus he clasped the power and influence from prevailing over Liu Heita’s main forces and returning in triumph back to the capital, plus he had never experienced the formidability of the outer tribes’ equestrian archery, naturally he had a contemptuous look toward Xieli. His counting his chickens before they were hatched would be to put Kou Zhong and Li Shimin in order in one fell swoop, to clear away the obstacles in unifying the world and in sitting firmly on the throne of the House of Tang, and then make every effort to deal with the invading coalition forces from outside the Great Wall, because Jiancheng had the confidence that he could deal with it.

Li Yuan and Jiancheng both had the heart to kill him, Kou Zhong; it was completely without any question. However, because of the differences in the way of thinking between the two sides, because of the differences in methods, as long as he could make Li Yuan feel that he needed his cooperation, Li Yuan should not be so stupid enough to eliminate him before Xieli’s army came; on the other hand, he might instigate Jiancheng as much as possible, forcing him to make his move.

This was a dangerous game. He must put everything aside, put his heart and soul, so much so to forget Shang Xiufang, not to allow himself to let the man-woman love affair to affect the overall situation, so that he could become the final victor.

The carriage entered the traversing public square.

Suddenly the sound of hoofbeats arose, a rider was galloping along from the direction of the East Palace. Kou Zhong, three men were surprised and looked up, the newcomer was unexpectedly the ‘Shadow Swordsman’ Yang Xuyan.

Kou Zhong lifted the curtain and said with a laugh, smiled, “Yang Xiong, I trust you have been well since we last met!” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Yang Xuyan responded with a smile, he said, “Due to some business, Xuyan was unable to attend the grand ceremony to welcome Shaoshuai gracing us with your presence, hence I came with a specific purpose in mind to pay my respects and apologize humbly to Shaoshuai.”

He rode straight to the carriage window and then rode side by side with their carriage toward the imperial city. He also greeted Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan. Outsiders would think that they were old friends meeting again.

Kou Zhong observed carefully his bearing and air, and knew that in the fantastic gongfa of blending the Bu Si Yin Fa and the ‘Yu Jin Wan Fa Gen Yuan Zhi Jing’, he had made breakthroughs and advanced to the next level; perhaps he could even patch up the deficiencies and weaknesses of when he was first training it. He spoke cheerfully, “Yang Xiong indeed lives up to the Shadow Assassin name, appearing and disappearing unpredictably like a spirit or a ghost. Like this time, Xiaodi would never think in the full light of the day, you would come and go on the big public square. Ha!”

Hearing Kou Zhong’s extremely-filled-with-frigid-irony-and-scorching-satire remark toward Yang Xuyan, Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan were amused inwardly, they quietly waited for Yang Xuyan’s reaction.

Yang Xuyan’s pair of eyes flashing with sharp light, he turned his head to stare at Kou Zhong; putting on an indifferent, carrying a bit of profound mystery smile, he spoke slyly, “Shaoshuai really speaks with charm. The current situation is different, otherwise Shaoshuai would not be in the mood to have an idle chat with Xuyan in here. Xuyan just came here to say hello to three gentlemen, wishing three gentlemen a long life to reach a hundred years of age, may you enjoy boundless longevity.”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “Yang Xiong is still provoking! Your words have a thorn in it, as formidable as your Shadow Sword. Frankly speaking, what Xiaodi wants the most at the moment is to play and have fun with Xuyan Xiong for a moment, to see if Yang Xiong has made enough progress.”

Without the least bit of care, Yang Xuyan shrugged his shoulders and said, “That makes two of us. As long as Shaoshuai has this intention, certainly Heaven will allow the people’s desire.”

By this time, the men and horses galloped into the imperial city, along the Heavenly Street toward the Vermilion Boulevard Main Gate. Along the sides of the road, when the carriage was passing by, all the guards raised their weapons in salute.

Ba Feng snorted coldly, but did not speak.

Laughing involuntarily, Kou Zhong said, “It’s rare that Yang Xiong has the same intention. Ay! Frankly speaking, although we have fought against each other many times, you want me dead, I don’t want you live; it is an unfinished business. But all along Xiaodi is unclear what kind of person are you? For example, other than women like Rong Jiaojiao, what other things do you take pleasure in? What thoughts are in your mind? Why did you become this ruthless and heartless, this unscrupulous? Thinking about it, my curiosity is greatly piqued. I wonder if Yang Xiong could give me one or two advices?” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Yang Xuyan’s countenance darkened and sank, he spoke in a low voice, “Because Shaoshuai is not Xuyan, you don’t have Xuyan’s experience and feelings. Shaoshuai has Shaoshuai’s way of survival, Xuyan has his own. Just like me, I too don’t understand what makes Shaoshuai dare to come to Chang’an, and what gives you confidence that you can go back alive?”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “This is called each master has his own method. Speaking of the way to survive, has Yang Xiong ever thought about lingshi [your esteemed master] problem? When you, LaoGe lose your value of being useful, would he be willing let you off?”

Yang Xuyan spoke indifferently, “In this regard, there is no need to trouble Shaoshuai to worry about Xuyan. Xuyan is coming this time to pass on a message on Taizi’s behalf, to see if Shaoshuai could find the time to meet with Taizi Dianxia in private?”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Turns out Yang Xiong received the order to sound me out, however, Taizi Dianxia seems to have sent the wrong person. Please forgive Xiaodi for being blunt. This time I am coming here to see your Huangshang, toward Taizi, even perfunctory interest I am lacking. Would you please tell Taizi

as things really are?”

Yang Xuyan let out a long laughter and said, “Shaoshuai missed the opportunity in vain. I hope that after Shaoshuai returns, you will think thrice. If you change your mind, Taizi will still welcome you.” Spurring his horse, he turned around and left.

The convoy left the Cheng Tian Gate, turned left and entered the main street with endless stream of horses and carriages, bustling with noise and excitement rising above the calm, as if from one world, they entered a different world.

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “What did this kid want? If he is acting as a lobbyist, how could he talk like that?”

Ba Fenghan spoke heavily, “He is threatening to test our reaction.”

Stretching his limbs, Kou Zhong said, “Yang kid is Ziling’s, Liexia is Lao Ba’s, Ge Suwen should be mine to take care of. This is called a fair distribution of the booty, there shouldn’t be any disputes.”

It was only when the carriage reached the main entrance of the Xing Qing Palace that the three found out what kind of place Xing Qing Palace was; furthermore, they understood why Li Yuan had made such a good arrangement. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

The Xing Qing Palace occupied a tract of land as vast as the East Market. Although in term of scale it could not match the Taiji Palace, but definitely not inferior to Jiancheng’s East Palace or Li Shimin’s Yeting Palace; however, the number of buildings was far less than that of the East Palace or Yeting Palace, simply because the Longkou [dragon mouth] Canal flowed from the northeast to the southwest corner, forming a large lake occupying nearly a quarter of the palace area, and then the Qingming [clear and bright] Canal flowed out of the southwest end and out of the palace. The area around the lake was lush with trees and vegetations, as if the countryside outside was transplanted into the palace, no wonder Li Yuan praised it for being superior to the mountains and forests.

The east side of Xing Qing Palace was right next to the outer city wall, separated only by a road to provide access for the army to come and go, but there was no open gate. The north wall had three gates, and the southwest had two. The main gate, the Xing Qing Gate, was located right in the middle of the west wall. All gates were heavily guarded.

The three mused that Li Yuan only needed to give his order to seal off the gates and send his men to lay heavy siege, they could only rely on their true skill to have a chance to escape alive.

The East Market was located southwest of the Xing Qing Palace, forming an opposite angle to each other, separated by one street.

The carriage drove through the Xing Qing Gate, and stopped with a rumbling noise in front of the Xing Qing Palace Hall. The escorting imperial guards opened the carriage door and respectfully invited the three men to get off.

Welcoming them were, surprisingly, Li Shentong and Li Nantian, two men with enough weight within the House of the Great Tang. Seeing Li Shentong, Kou Zhong and the others immediately put down half of the load on their mind, musing inwardly that there was auspicious concealed within the ominous, which could be considered ten thousand good fortunes within misfortune.

Li Yuan’s move was indeed absolutely wonderful; he put their each and every move totally under surveillance, yet they clearly could not raise any objection, instead, they still had to thank Li Yuan for his ‘thoughtful hospitality’.

The three swept their gaze around. Far and near, pavilions stood proudly among the trees, their branches and leaves hid the palace halls under their dancing shadow, with winding corridors and secluded paths intersperse in between. There was no denying that it was a quiet place to shun the world amidst the clamor of the city. In the sunshine, the big lake that extended from the southwest through the center was flickering dazzlingly, the bluish green waves were rippling, it aroused people’s spirit even more, washing away the dirt of the mortal world.

After exchanging some pleasantries, Kou Zhong said, “This lake must have a beautiful name.”

Li Nantian replied, “This lake is called Long Chi [Dragon Lake/Pond]. Xing Qing Palace was built precisely for this reason. It is a natural lake, without it, there would be no major construction work here.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Li Shentong added, “This palace is where Huangshu [emperor uncle] and I live. Huangshu lives in the Xin She Dian [new shooting palace hall] northeast of the palace. My humble abode is the Nan Xun Dian [south fragrance palace hall] in the middle next to the lake. However, speaking about scenery, the Chen Xiang Ting [Chinese eaglewood (Aquilaria agallocha) Pavilion] east of the Palace and Hua E Lou [sepal (multi-story) building] southwest of the Palace are the top. Hua E Lou is even Huangxiong’s [emperor brother] summer residence, and now it is Shaoshuai’s temporary imperial residence. Huangxiong already gave his order, we are to tell Shaoshuai that Hua E Lou will be Shaoshuai’s home in Chang’an. Moving about, coming and going, everything will be according to Shaoshuai‘s wish.”

Li Nantian added, “Shaoshuai’s personal attendants are arranged to establish a presence in the Hua E Lou. The Hua E Lou is three stories high, from the top floor, you live high and look down [idiom: overlook, tower above], you can take the whole beautiful scenery inside and outside the Palace at once.”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “Turns out there is such a good place outside the Imperial Palace, I can’t wait to enjoy it!”

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