Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 40 7: The Head of Bright Sons

According to Liexia, this shop was opened by Huihe people, and thus the reason he chose this shop was to obtain his clansmen’s assistance. However, the three felt that the Huihe shop owner, which was called Keleidaming, was particularly deferential toward him, it did not like an ordinary relationship between fellow tribesmen.

The three felt that Liexia was a profound mystery; although his speech was pompous, he was polite and showing respect toward them. Yet they always sensed that he had an ulterior motive; certainly he was not as simple as he appeared on the surface. Therefore, as soon as he started the conversation, immediately Ba Fenghan deftly cross-examined him.

Liexia was pouring wine for the three; hearing the question, he laughed and said, “This ignorant person has never been to the Central Earth, but has always had great admiration toward Central Earth culture, hence I study hard to understand Han language, so that when I come to the Central Earth, there won’t be any misunderstanding or obstacle due to language differences.”

Xu Ziling was enjoying the beautiful scenery of the fertile land extending for a thousand lion the opposite bank of Songhua River. Among the luxuriant forest, he saw several herdsmen wearing garish and beautiful little hats in the distance, driving a large flock of cattle and sheep slowly away. On the water flowing toward the northwest, fishermen on wooden rafts were pulling the net and casting the net; everything was brimming with the breath of life. Inwardly he could not help feeling anxious even more. Various tribes outside the Great Wall were heading quickly toward dangerous struggle; would there be a day where the peace and security before his eyes were going to be destroyed?

Liexia continued, “Keleidaming will send someone to put a few different mud-burning fresh fish on the table so that three gentlemen can sample it.”

On the other side, the main street was still clamoring; horses and sheep were squealing, the terrace felt like it was far away from the hustle and bustle, so that they appreciated the quiet side of the Songhua River even more. Their horses were within their line of sight in the backyard connected to the clay terrace, resting and grazing peacefully.

Clinking his cup in a toast, Kou Zhong said, “We came across Lie Xiongin here, I wonder if it was due to another misunderstanding.”

Earlier, Liexia was joking with the Great Shiwei’s Princess Shili, telling her not to misunderstand that this was a coincidental meeting; hence Kou Zhong’s remark.

Liexia laughed aloud and said, “Of course it’s not a misunderstanding at all, because this ignorant person has heard the news and came here specifically to wait respectfully for the three gentlemen’s good selves.”

Not expecting he would be this forthcoming, the three were stunned.

Knitting his brows, Ba Fenghan said, “Lie Xiong’s news is fast and abundant, which is quite impressive. How did you guess that we would come to Hualin?”

Liexia replied indifferently, “From Yan Yuan to Longquan, Hualin is the road one must follow. Based on various Dage’s style, naturally you can’t possibly be flashing and pulling, fleeing and taking a roundabout route; am I right?”

Xu Ziling pulled his gaze back from the plains on the opposite bank and cast it toward Liexia. This person seemed to carry some kind of evil, demonic and strange temperament, yet it was precisely this characteristic that made up his unique charm.

Kou Zhong’s pair of eyes emitted sharp rays of light; sizing him up with full attention, he said, “If Lie Xiongis unwilling to tell us frankly the reason you are looking for us, we will immediately brush our sleeves and leave.”

Letting out a long laugh, Liexia said, “Shaoshuaiis too serious! The reason this ignorant person sitting here with the three gentlemen drinking wine and sampling the fish is to warn the three gentlemen: several most formidable figures from Qidan, Mohe and Shiwei, three sides, have decided to ignore your close relationship with Tuli; not only they are going to stop you from delivering the Five-Colored Stone to Longquan, they will also try to kill you at all costs. The Furen’s heart is the most poisonous of all; you have fallen into that s1ut Meiyan’s malicious scheme.”

Letting out a cold snort, Ba Fenghan said, “Lie Xiongand us are neither relatives nor friends. Why isn’t Lie Xiongafraid to offend the three sides’ power and take the risk to warn us?”

Sketching it in light shade, Liexia said, “Because I practically am not afraid of them, but toward three gentlemen I do have heartfelt admiration.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Lie Xiongis indeed outstandingly outspoken and straightforward. Only I wonder which figures are you talking about? Can you tell us?”

Liexia gladly replied, “From Qidan, naturally the various tribes’ big tribal chiefs led by Abaojia. From Mohe, it’s the HeshuiMohe’s Houjin Tiefuyou, who is like water and fire with Bai Ziting. As for Shiwei, they are Shen Mohuan and Mu Ling, the Husband and Wife Team of Evil Thieves. In order not to offend Tuli, each of them dispatches the very top martial art masters, to do everything they can to get rid of you, neat and clean. Therefore, if three gentlemen fall into the ambush, you will encounter their ten-thousand-junthunderbolt attack. If three gentlemen lower your guard, perhaps you will suffer big loss.”

Ba Fenghan spoke heavily, “Unexpectedly Mengwu Shiwei’s Bielegunatai brothers are not involved?”

Shaking his head, Liexia replied, “Bielegunatai and Bugunatai, two brothers’ martial art skill is unrivalled, they have no reason not to fight alone, how could they lower themselves to join forces with others to take advantage of the many to strike the few? Therefore, no need to worry that they would participate in this kind of crafty scheme.”

Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “Lie Xiong’s news is indeed fast and abundant, beyond conventional reasoning and morals. But how do we know that Lie Xiongis not the martial art master sent by three sides’ coalition army?”

Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong had similar suspicion. The stern light in two pairs of eyes was flaring greatly; if there was one wrong word, they were ready to strike with all their strength to kill this person, to avoid endless trouble in the future, because this man’s martial art skill, ability and wisdom, were all able to make others wary and apprehensive.

Liexia suddenly reached out to pull open the front piece of his jacket, exposing his broad and sturdy chest. Surprisingly, there was a tattoo of strange graphic, dominating by red and yellow fine lines; at first glance it looked like a strange beast’s head, but it also looked like dark green human face with tusks.

Startled, Ba Fenghan said, “Da Ming Zun Jiao?”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged a glance. The Da Ming Zun Jiaotattoo on Liexia’s chest was clearly not the same as the tattoo on the wolf-bandits’ bodies; could it be that the wolf-bandits have nothing to do with Da Ming Zun Jiao?

Liexia spoke seriously, “This ignorant person is precisely the head of the Five Bright Sons, Miao Kong Mingzi[lit. wonderful air/empty bright son], under Da Zunzhe[great honored sir] and Shan Mu[benevolent mother, see also Book 38 Chapter 10]. By now gentlemen ought to understand why this ignorant person is so well-informed, moreover, unafraid of anyone?”

Scratching his head, Kou Zhong said, “Isn’t Lie Xiongan enemy and not a friend to us?”

Astonished, Liexia asked, “When did we tie any enmity?”

Staring at him fixedly, Xu Ziling said, “Wasn’t Shanhai Pass’ Sao Niangziyour people?”

Laughing involuntarily, Liexia said, “Turns out there is this misunderstanding in the middle. Sao Niangziwas indeed our Cult’s people once, but then she betrayed our religion and ran away into the Central Plains. Remembering that she had served her for many years, Shan Mudecided not to pursue this matter and spared her life.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Before her death, she was still reciting your Da Ming Zun Jiao’s scripture; apparently her apostasy was not complete at all.”

Liexia cheerfully said, “Ming Zunbless and protect; unexpectedly at the death’s door she relied on a bit of divine light to get back on the right path. After death she might leave the dark and enter the light, into the blessed land of eternal light.”

He pushed everything away neat and clean, so that the three were unable to do anything to him.

Ba Fenghan spoke heavily, “The reason Pusa was expelled from Huihe, could it be that it does not have the least bit relationship with your honorable Cult?”

Smiling bitterly, Liexia said, “This is an even bigger misunderstanding. This ignorant person himself is a Huihe, naturally I hope to have a hero and towering figure like Pusa to revitalize Huihe, so that we could follow the national strength, as the tide rises, the boat floats, to spread our teachings. Pusa was actually chased away by Xieli, who was putting pressure on Shijian. But Shijian pushed the blame on us. It is indeed an injustice.”

Xu Ziling said, “Lie Xionghas said so much, but you still haven’t told us why your honorable Cult wanted to help us.”

Liexia smiled and said, “We are hoping that three gentlemen could deliver the Five-Colored Stone into Bai Ziting’s hands.”

Having a sudden understanding, Ba Fenghan said, “Turns out Lie Xiongis standing on Bai Ziting’s side.”

Throwing his head back, Liexia laughed aloud and said, “Incorrect, incorrect! Actually, both we and Meiyanalike, we have bad intentions, because the moment the Five-Colored Stone is delivered into Bai Ziting’s hands, he will become the sovereign in spirit to unify Mohe. Even if Tiefuyou is also jealous of him, under pressure of the other six Mohe tribes, he still had to acknowledge allegiance to Bai Ziting. However, good fortune or disaster depends on oneself. Outside the tribe, this Five-Colored Stone has no effect, it would only draw outsiders and Tuli to join hands; they won’t have any scruple in raising the weapons of war to snatch the Five-Colored Stone away. Bai Ziting also deeply understands this reasoning, so he won’t be grateful to you at all for delivering the Five-Colored Stone to him; too bad that in regard to this gift, it won’t be right to receive it, but not receiving it would not be right either; am I right?”

Hearing that, the three looked at each other; they had never thought that the Five-Colored Stone would involve such a tangled and complicated situation.

No wonder when Tuli learned that they were going to deliver the Five-Colored Stone to Bai Ziting, he immediately abandoned his plan to pursue Xieli.

Liexia continued, “Our target is actually not Bai Ziting, but that ‘Mad Monk’ Funantuo. After Bai Ziting appointed this man as the Teacher of the State, immediately he banned religions; moreover, he ruthlessly killed our Cult people, and established the Tianzhu Xiejiao[lit. evil cult of Indian subcontinent] as sole orthodoxy. Therefore, Da Ming Zundeclared Bohai Kingdom as the kingdom of darkness. Only by getting rid of the devil and killing the demons will we begin to make the light to overcome the darkness.”

Ba Fenghan sighed and said, “Thank you very much Lie Xiongfor telling us frankly. Now, whether we ought to deliver the Five-Colored Stone to Bai Ziting or not, we need to reconsider.”

Liexia said, “Naturally this matter must be decided by three gentlemen. Whether the Five-Colored Stone will fall into Bai Ziting’s or other people’s hands, it won’t do Bai Ziting any good. However, this ignorant person must warn three gentlemen, Cui Wang is actually Bai Ziting’s man, so to three gentlemen, he is an enemy and not a friend at all.”

The three sadly looked at each other.

Since his appearance, Liexia has been in the lead, completely in control of the initiative.

Taking a deep breath, Kou Zhong said, “You are very clear of our affairs.”

“Who does not have any informer in Shanhai Pass?” Liexia said, “If it wasn’t through looting and cheating, surrounded by powerful neighbors pressing down on him, how could Bai Ziting’s national strength grew day by day, enabling him to carry out large scale construction, establishing Longquan as Little Chang’an? If three gentlemen are willing to work together with me, this ignorant person guarantees that not only gentlemen can get the eighty-thousand sheets of sheepskin back, you can also kill Cui Wang to rid the world of evil.”

After a short pause, he went on, “A trivial Five-Colored Stone, suddenly reversing the entire situation of all parties in the prairie, although Xieli is in favor of Bai Ziting founding his kingdom in order to draw Abaojia and Tuli, but he is also unwilling to see Bai Ziting unifying Mohe to become formidable enemy in the future. Therefore, he secretly allows Shen Mohuan to participate in the operation to snatch the Stone away. The most ridiculous thing is that Xieli has suffered untold hardships to invite the Central Plains’ number one talented lady Shang Xiufang to perform during the founding a kingdom ceremony for Bai Ziting, who is engrossed in Central Earth culture, but now this matter is evolving into she can only sing a dirge for the vanquished nation, and thus benefiting this ignorant person, who is an admirer of the talented lady Shang.”

“What?” Kou Zhong blurted.

He could not help remembering his desire to bid Shang Xiufang farewell in Chang’an, but because Shang Xiufang was pouring wine for Ke Dazhi behind closed door, he waited for the entire sichenin vain, and finally, getting impatient, he left. Turned out it was for this matter.

Xu Ziling noticed that when Liexia was mentioning Shang Xiufang, his pair of eyes immediately emitted longing and intoxicated expression; thereupon he asked on Kou Zhong’s behalf, “How did Talented Lady Shang agree to take the long and difficult trek to come to this faraway place?”

Swaying his head as if he was reciting, Liexia said, “Talented Lady Shang has always been fascinated by the art of various tribes beyond the Great Wall, Xieli already guaranteed that she would be able to accomplish this wish, naturally she is unwilling to miss this opportunity. I really wish I could grow a pair of wings on my back and immediately fly to her side, to get a glimpse of her immortal countenance, and listen to her immortal voice. If I could personally obtain her fragrant beneficence, even if I die, I would not have any regret.”

The three stared blankly at him without saying anything; they mused inwardly that possibly this man was a version of the Passionate Prince from beyond the Great Wall, only he was a lot more demonic, strange, and terrifying.

Facing this enigmatic Huihe’s martial art master, Kou Zhong was unsure whether he ought to treat him as a ‘rival in love’, knowing that what he said was not false, because he remembered in the past when he shared a banquet table in Luoyang, she indeed praised the innovation and liveliness of the music and dance of the people beyond the Great Wall; he also remembered Linglong Jiao and thought about the music and dance of the renowned Qiuci Kingdom. If he had the opportunity, he surely would like to go there to gain first-hand experience. This moment however, he did not even have the slightest idea of which direction Qiuci Kingdom was.

Liexia suddenly recovered his cool-headedness, he said, “The friction between Tuli and Xieli has caused fast change of scene in the northeast. Apart from Mohe, Abaojia and Bielegunatai brothers also have the heart to unify Qidan and Shiwei. Whoever can take advantage of this opportunity will be able to expand outwards, as well as pacify the inside to resist foreign aggression. Therefore, no one wishes to see a neighboring country grow strong. Wouldn’t you agree that it has become a race of who’s going to unify whom? It has not been this lively for a long time.”

Ba Fenghan said, “Bai Ziting becoming the target of a multitude of arrows, the turn of events could be quite bad.”

Shaking his head, Liexia said, “Bai Ziting is surely a leader who has the most vision and the most powerful talent. The stance he adopted, which is establishing the Little Chang’an because he admires the Central Plains’ culture, in essence is targeted to the cavalry war of the neighboring kingdoms, by using city defense in place of battlefield operation on the plains. Three times have Qidan troops attacked Longquan, all were pushed back without any success. He can defend, and afterwards can attack. Besides, Bai Ziting has the full support of the Gaoli King behind his back; otherwise, there is no need for the neighboring countries to join forces to attack him.”

Suppressing the agitation and distress, which Shang Xiufang aroused in his heart, Kou Zhong said, “Lie Xiong’s proposal of cooperation, we have to think it over first.”

Liexia smiled and said, “Of course. Three gentlemen, please rest here, whatever you need, do not hesitate to tell Keleidaming. But it is not suitable to think too long either; we must grasp the initiative, to strike first and gain the upper hand. Taking advantage while the enemy have not join forces, we strike and destroy them one by one. This ignorant person’s biggest usefulness is that I have a vast intelligence network at my disposal, I know the enemy’s situation like the back of my hand.”

Kou Zhong could not help asking, “I wonder if this moment Talented Lady Shang has already arrived at Little Chang’an?”

Liexia’s eyes lit up again; he said, “She ought to be on the way. Under escort of the martial art masters, which personally led by Ke Dazhi, she is going to visit various kingdoms of the Western Region’s Turpan, especially Qiuci’s collection of Han culture, the prairie’s culture, Persian and Tianzhu’s culture. Their music and dance can be rated as number one in the world. That is the place that Talented Lady Shang must visit.”

Although he was speaking without thinking the matter through, it was clear that Liexia had superb knowledge and experience; he was definitely not an ordinary man.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling have never thought that they might encounter such figure beyond the Great Wall; not only that, he was the head of the Da Ming Zun Jiao’s Five Bright Sons.

“What kind of person is Meiyan Furen?” Ba Fenghan asked, “How did the Five-Colored Stone fall into her hands?”

Liexia spoke in distress, “Until now we are still unclear what kind of person she is, or what her goal is. The Five-Colored Stone was originally kept inside Abaojia’s tent [i.e. capital of a nomadic people]. Five years ago it was suddenly stolen, no one has any clue; only recently it was widely rumored that it is in Meiyan’s hands. It was only when she handed it over to three Dagethat she caught everybody’s attention and set off huge waves.”

Xu Ziling already made up his mind not to cooperate with this person; seizing this opportunity, he asked, “Lie Xiongdoes not really know her, but why is it that when you talk about her, you gnash your teeth in anger?”

Forcing a smile, Liexia said, “To be quite honest, this ignorant person has always had particular interest toward women. Although I cannot say I cannot stand them, but I can more or less gain a little from them. Only, since encountering her I was tricked repeatedly, so that my fury is hard to pacify. Three gentlemen should not misunderstand; I never used force dealing with women. Something that is difficult to get, there’s nothing interesting to be said. Ha! We are farther and farther away from the original subject!”

Toasting him, Ba Fenghan said, “Honestly, until this moment Ol’ Ba is still unclear whether Lie Xiongis a friend or a foe. But whatever the case, let me salute you one cup first, because even if you are an enemy, you are a hard-to-come-by opponent.”

Laughing aloud, Liexia raised his cup and said, “Ba Xiongis quick, both the person and the tongue, making this ignorant person feel delighted. Let us all drink a cup. Tonight is definitely not an ordinary night. Let me offer best wishes for threeDageto win a victory on raising the flag, your mighty prowess shake the prairie.”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling’s heroic spirit burst forth, they both raised their cup.

But the cup has not touched their lips, suddenly they heard footsteps. A large number of warriors appeared in the backyard, and swarmed toward the clay platform.

Without even looking, the four men continued bringing their cups to their lips and drank.

Dozens of Qidan warriors burst in like a tide from the rear court’s gate, and every one immediately took strategic position, forming a semi-circular battle array, everybody pulled his bow with an arrow at the ready, surrounding them only about two zhangaway, and took aim at the three men.

Ba Fenghan casually tossed the wine cup onto the ground, creating a shattering noise, while with his other hand he wiped the wine stain on the corner of his mouth. Laughing hoarsely, he said, “Why wait until tonight? This is still dusk, but it’s already very interesting.”

Xu Ziling did not even pay attention to the threat of these fifty strong bows and powerful arrows, he slyly looked at the red sun going down under the earth, but his mind actually went to the Five-Colored Stone inside his pouch.

Should he, or should he not deliver this treasure?

If Bai Ziting was related to the wolf-bandits, naturally his death was not enough to be pitied, it’s just that if he brought harm and suffering to ordinary people, how could his heart endure it?

Murderous intent appeared in Kou Zhong’s eyes; looking at the enemy, he slowly put down the wine cup, and shouted loudly, “Who’s coming?”

The Qidan warriors moved aside; Ku Ge, under escort of more than a dozen martial art masters, stepped out of the troop formation, his pair of eyes emitted deep hatred, he fiercely said, “Kou Zhong, have you ever thought that a day like today would come?”

Kou Zhong roared in laughter and said, “That is precisely what Xiaodiwanted to say to you.”

Liexia turned around to face Ku Ge and said with a laugh, “Wangzi[son of a king], before you make your move, please look behind you first.”

His countenance changed, Ku Ge looked back. More than a dozen Huihe men appeared on the roof of the rear court, the leader was precisely Keleidaming, their hands held strong bows, all were aimed at Ku Ge.

Just now when they burst into the shop, the people inside the shop were scattered like birds and beasts, how could the think that suddenly these people became serious threat, which lived high and looked down [idiom: occupying higher ground] – to them?

Liexia even teased him, “How’s Wangzicompared to Xieli’s forty-thousand-strong Golden Wolf Army? It would be better if you sit down and eat some grilled fish; this is what is called it is better to squash enmity rather than keeping it alive [proverb]!”

Ku Ge’s countenance became even more unsightly than unsightly.

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