Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 12 11: Ancient Capital of Thousand Years

Since ancient times, eight different dynasties established their capital here: Xia, Shang, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, and Sui.

The so-called ‘River Yang [positive/male/opposite of Yin] ground to set up the sacred tripods’ [not sure, I simply translated as is] between the Central Plains and the four sides of the wind, Luoyang was a major crossroad linking the land under the heavens, and a military stronghold.

After Yang Guang ascended the throne, from Luoyang he selected another location for his capital and established a new one.

The new imperial city was located between the Zhouwang [king of Zhou?] City and Han Wei old city, across the Chanshui River on the east, spanning toward the Luo River on the south, facing the Jian River on the west, and leaning against the Mount Mang on the north. The city’s circumference was more than fifty li; indeed a grand and magnificent sight.

Again, with Luoyang as the center, Yang Guang cut a canal reaching Hangzhou in the south, Zhuo County on the north, cutting through the Grand Canal spanning from north to south, and connecting the Hai River, Yellow River, Huai River, Yangtze River, and Qiantang River, five major waterways, so that Luoyang became the major hub of the world’s [remember: tianxia, meaning China] center of commerce.

This particular day, the sky has not brightened, the city gates have just been opened, a large number of traveling merchants, intermingling with farmers heading toward the morning market, were already lining up, waiting to enter the city.

Ba Fenghan and Xu Ziling, still wearing their masks, mingled among the crowds, were strutting leisurely into the city via the south gate.

Luoyang’s scale naturally could not be compared to average size cities. The south gate itself actually consisted of three gates: the middle one was called Jian Guo Gate [founder of the country], the left one was called Bai Hu Gate [white tiger], and the right one was called Chang Xia Gate [eternal summer]; all three were broad.

This moment the two men no longer wore Wagang Army uniform, but ordinary old peasant clothes just like two farmers coming into the city to do business. Each man carried large bundles of fresh-cut vegetables on shoulder pole. They reported randomly selected names to the city guard, and the soldiers let them in without any trouble.

They had just entered the city, when Xu Ziling, who had never been to a city like this, suddenly had his eyes wide open.

He saw the ‘Heavenly Street’, the main street connecting the north and the south gates, which spanned about two hundred steps, opened up before his eyes in a perfectly straight line, perhaps its length reached around seven or eight li.

On the sidewalk were planted cherry, pomegranate, elm, willow, and all kinds of other trees. The middle of the street was the imperial road, where the Emperor would go on inspection tours. At this time of the year, between the spring and the summer, the flower-pink and the willow-green met together to create picturesque scenery, more beautiful than anybody could imagine.

The main street was lined with unending row of shops, each one opened up to the street or the dozens of smaller streets and alleys linking up all the city gates; everything was clear and in good order.

Ba Fenghan said with a laugh, “Louyang has two major characteristics that everybody should know.”

Highly interested, Xu Ziling asked for guidance.

Ba Fenghan said, “First is this north-south axis, which permits the Luo River to cut across the whole city, dividing Luoyang into two regions: north and south, which are connected by four big bridges, which also connecting the Luo River with the other three streams, Yi, Chan and Jian, inside the city, so that the river course encircle the city, bringing the water from the mountain into the city, making the city and its landscape seem to be made by Heaven and arranged by Earth.”

This moment, suddenly a marvel appeared ahead; a sailboat, previously concealed beneath the buildings, sped over. From their angle of view, only the top of the sail appeared to move, as if the boat was gliding over the dry land.

Xu Ziling delightedly said, “I am accustomed to the patchwork of waterways in Jiangnan, which draw water from the rivers and the lakes into the cities, so this is no surprise. But seldom did I see something like this, the Luo River is wide, deep and perfectly straight, giving Luoyang its unique orderly and harmonious atmosphere. And the size of the city is certainly not comparable to the cities along the patchwork of waterways. So what’s the other characteristic?”

By this time the sky has brightened considerably, there were more people and vehicles on the street. From time to time a team of soldiers or guards in their glittering armor sped by along the imperial road on their way to their morning drill, adding an imposing air to this beautiful imperial city.

Ba Fenghan went on, “The other characteristic is the Wai Guo Cheng [outer city wall] outside the western city wall. Due to its natural setting of the Western Park, to the west it reaches Xin’an, to the north Mount Mang, to the south Yi Que and various hills, the area two hundred li surrounding it is comparable to the Shanglin Yuan [upper forest park] during the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in the past. Wai Guo Cheng and the Western Park joined together, it increases the scale of Luoyang.”

The two traveled along the street until they reached the southern bank of the Luo River.

Pointing to the big bridge across the Luo River, connecting the north and the south banks, Ba Fenghan said, “That one is called Xin Zhong [new middle] Bridge. Just by looking at the size of this bridge, we can thus estimate how Yang Guang wasted manpower and resources in the past. Rumor has it that in order to make Luoyang the capital city, that muddleheaded ruler mobilized several tens of thousands wealthy tycoons from every part of the country, also three thousand plus master artisans from Henan and settled them at the twelve-lane area by the Luo River’s south bank at the southeast corner of Wai Guo Cheng. Hence the reason we have such ambience nowadays.”

And then, lowering his voice he said, “This is called ‘good result came out of bad intention’. Whoever obtains the world in the future is going to enjoy the result of Yang Guang’s construction effort. As long as he manages the government properly, he will enjoy period of prosperity.”

Xu Ziling was listening with deep veneration. Athough Ba Fenghan’s aspiration was in the martial art way, he was very insightful toward current political climate; he was definitely standing out from the masses. While the present time was clearly not the time anybody would want to put themselves in Yang Guang’s side, he was able to point out that Yang Guang’s construction establishment would bring great benefit to the future generations.

Ba Fenghan laughed and said, “We ought to find a place to cure our stomach.”

Xu Ziling readily agreed.

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The City of Yanshi was located at the north bank of Luo River, south of the Yellow River, and north of the lofty Mount Song, Shaoshi Peak and other mountains, upstream from Luoyang, about a hundred li downstream was Hulao, and was an auxiliary strategic stronghold protecting Luoyang, also the front line military base to resist Li Mi’s attack from the east.

The fell of Yanshi would have directly shaken Luoyang’s stability.

Yanshi’s role on Luoyang was like Hulao’s to Xingyang.

This time Wang Shichong’s leading his army to Yanshi, he immediately posed direct threat on Hulao’s existence, because Li Mi was forced to respond, either to defend or to attack, but he simply could not play safe by waiting and not doing anything.

Under the escort of a dozen or so loyal and reliable high-ranking military officers and renowned martial art masters, Kou Zhong, Wang Shichong and Dong Shuni, who had put on informal military officer’s attire, went onboard a battleship that was moored on the dock outside the city. Accompanying them were close to two thousand guards, filling a fleet of battleships.

After stepping on deck, Kou Zhong had a sudden inspiration and pulled Wang Shichong toward the aft. Pointing to the Luo River, he said, “We must create some fake appearance to convince Li Mi that we determine to send troops to Hulao.”

Frowning, Wang Shichong said, “I stationed massive military force in Yanshi, isn’t that enough?”

Kou Zhong said, “That could be regarded as strengthening the defense, plus not giving the enemy any opportunity to set fire on the provision. I have just studied the geographic and terrain map Shangshu gave me, Hulao and Xingyang are located south of Luo River and Yellow River. It would be better if Shangshu sends some people in this city to build some pontoon bridges, connecting both sides of the Luo River; establishing two or three cannot be considered too many. And then establish storehouse and army camp on the south side. This kind of maneuver will show off more force than transferring troops around, while also avoid Li Mi making such a big fuss over besieging the city. Ha! What do you think of this strategy?”

After staring in daze at him for a moment, Wang Shichong sighed and said, “Such an excellent plan, how could I refuse?”

Chapter 11 - Part 2

Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan crowded into a noisy restaurant, with great difficulty managed to find an empty table near the corner, ordered some pastries and light refreshments, and ate at their hearts’ content.

Xu Ziling casually asked, “Fenghan Xiong seems to have special admiration toward Luoyang, am I right?”

Ba Fenghan nodded and said, “Among the cities and towns of the Central Earth, Luoyang and Chang’an give me special impression, simply because these two cities have royal air, which no ordinary city can imitate.”

“How about Jiangdu?” Xu Ziling asked.

“I have not been to Jiangdu,” Ba Fenghan replied, “That is your, Ziling’s birthplace, naturally you have a profound affection toward that place, just like me with my steppe and desert.”

And then, smiling, he said, “However, by comparison, I still prefer northern cities and landscape. That kind of arduous, imposing and wonderful mountains and rivers has a completely different flavor to the enchanting, bright and beautiful South; it is more suited to my taste.”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “Ba Xiong is like the Great River and lofty mountain range of the North, be able to withstand the test of the wind and the frost over the years, unafraid to face the difficult and nasty environment. Zhong Shao and I are, after all, southern people, very easy to develop love of ease and comfort and hate work. Even though we trained martial art, we do not have any stringent rule to follow. Hee …!”

Ba Fenghan laughed and said, “I’ll say Kou Zhong is more akin to me, and you are not one who love ease and comfort and hate work. It’s just your natural instinct is you don’t like confrontation. But if someone really provokes you to fury, I will be very worried about that person!”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “Am I that terrible?”

Ba Fenghan turned serious as he said, “I rarely admire anybody, but you are an exception. In normal times you look suave, as if you don’t care about anything. But each time we are facing the critical juncture between life and death, you always show unswerving determination, no-nonsense willpower, plus the ingenuity of coming up with brilliant scheme to escape from the enemy, otherwise this morning we would not have been here, eating light refreshments in Luoyang.”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling said, “I have never thought about that side of me. Right! Should we think of a way to make contact with Zhong Shao?”

Ba Fenghan muttered to himself, “I wonder how’s Zhong Shao and Wang Shichong’s business deal? It should have been settled conclusively by now, but it’s inappropriate for us to meddle. It would be best if Kou Zhong is coming to look for us. We only need to leave some signs like originally agreed, so that he knows where we are.”

Xu Ziling nodded in agreement, but then he frowned and said, “So what are we going to do in the meantime?”

Ba Fenghan laughed involuntarily and said, “Ziling, you are too accustomed to have your days with Kou Zhong. Tell me, when you were together with Kou Zhong, have you ever had to think about what to do or what not to do?”

Embarrased, Xu Ziling said, “I seem to be too accustomed to that, but there’s always the first time for everything. Ay! Later we … hey!”

Ba Fenghan doubled up in laughter; he laughed so loud that other patrons on several tables nearby raised their eyebrows.

Finished laughing, Ba Fenghan spoke indifferently, “We are going to see a beauty whom we both know first, to see if she has some information about your Yu Yi, while making inquiries on the latest news about the Jade Annulus of the He Clan. Ziling, what do you think?”

“A beauty that we both know?” Xu Ziling asked incredulously.

Ba Fenghan revealed a strange expression first, before smiling and said, “Dongming Princess Shan Wanjing ought to be considered one of those, right?”

“What?” Xu Ziling blurted out.

※ ※ ※

Wang Shichong and Kou Zhong were standing on the bridge of the battleship [orig. ‘viewing platform’], with their gaze fixed on the direction of Luoyang.

Kou Zhong said, “Does Shangshu know that Li Mi had been to Xiangyang to pay a personal visit to Qian Duguan, to persuade him to supply him with manpower and provision when he attack Luoyang from the south?”

Shocked, Wang Shichong said, “Qian Duguan is not afraid of death? Unexpectedly he is this brazen!”

Kou Zhong said, “Li Mi has always been known for his cunning, he deliberately conspired with the Four Big Bandits and Jianghuai Army to take over Jingling, while pressing against the various cities on the north. It was indeed a brilliant ‘killing two birds with one stone’ stratagem. He made Du Fuwei too busy to mind the South, while at the same time making various cities south of Luoyang afraid of the Jianghuai Army and thus they threw their lots with him. Therefore, if Shangshu is too late in attacking the Wagang Army, sooner or later you will fall completely under siege. By that time it would be too late to be sorry.”

Wang Shichong was greatly astonished, “How did Kou Xiao Xiong know the North-South situation so clearly?” he asked.

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “Naturally in order to deal with Li Mi. That old thief issued the ‘Duke of Pushan Decree’, making us, two brothers, fell into danger time and again, several times we nearly died and escaped only by the skin of our teeth; how could we not try to quench this manhunt?”

After thinking in silence for half a day, Wang Shichong suddenly said, “Supposing this time I cannot defeat Li Mi, should I go west to ally myself to Li Yuan?”

Kou Zhong wanted to say, ‘This battle will be won’, but then he had another idea and answered the question with a question, “Between Li Yuan and Li Mi, which one Shangshu thinks is a bit more terrifying?”

Smiling ruefully, Wang Shichong replied, “I previously have never had any regard toward Li Yuan. Even when he rose in rebellion in Taiyuan, crossing Longmen [dragon gate] into Guanzhong, successively defeating venerable Old Song and Qu Tutong, I still thought it was just a fluke. But when Li Yuan’s second son Shimin routed Xue Ju and Xue Renguo father and son’s Xiqin Army [western Qin] at Fufeng [county in Baoji, Shaanxi], and then pursuing the retreating enemy he pressed on to Longcheng, I have no choice but to change my view. Because Guanzhong no longer has any threat from the west, they can concentrate on the east, to take over the Central Plains, becoming the biggest threat to Luoyang after Li Mi.”

Kou Zhong said, “Shangshu seems to be very clear about Li Clan’s situation, you probably know that Li Shimin is a person who has the high aims of pacifying the Central Plains in his heart. Therefore, unless Shangshu is willing to bow before him, if you let Li Shimin acquire more strongholds and strengthening his position in Guanzhong, sooner or later Luoyang will fall into his hands.”

Wang Shichong sighed and said, “Luoyang is the hub of water transport of the world, but for that same reason it is also caught in the middle of the enemies on all sides battling each other. Even if Li Mi is gone, it still has to deal with attacks coming from four sides eight directions, unlike Li Clan’s situation, where they could attack or retreat as needed.”

Kou Zhong said, “Therefore, after getting rid of Li Mi’s threat, Shangshu must move your troops to Guanzhong. Whether you like it or not, you must control the Li Clan so that they cannot leave Tongguan even for half a step, and then Shangshu could press on you victory by taking advantage of the canal Li Mi leave behind, to progressively nibble away the cities and towns in the vicinity, to increase your strength, so that others outside will have no other way.”

Smiling wryly, Wang Shichong said, “I’m a bit tired! I want to go into my cabin to rest.”

But Kou Zhong was sighing inwardly.

All along Wang Shichong was not a material for the contention over the world; he was absolutely nothing like Du Fuwei, he fell short compared to Xiao Xian, so naturally it was even more difficult to compare him with powerful talents with great aspiration like Li Shimin or Li Mi.

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[Translator’s note: my apology that this is beyond my ability to translate. According to my research, this poem is supposedly written by Bai Juyi (772-846), a Tang Dynasty poet, and the title is ‘Tianjin Bridge’. I would appreciate it of any of you could help me find a good translation.]

As the two men stepped on the Tianjin Bridge spanning across the Luo River, Ba Fenghan slyly said, “Tianjin’s Xiao Yue [dawn moon] is the chief among Luoyang’s Eight Sceneries. The most fascinating is in the still of the night, when the bright moon is hanging in the sky, capturing the beauty touring it arm-in-arm. The atmosphere is certainly no word can explain.”

Xu Ziling halted and said, “I suddenly remember something, I am afraid I can’t accompany Fenghan Xiong seeing the Princess.”

Ba Fenghan laughed and said, “I wonder what urgent matter Ziling Xiong needs to attend to?”

Xu Ziling forced a smile and said, “Fenghan Xiong, please do not think that I am looking for a pretext to avoid seeing the Princess, but my heart is concerned over our missing brothers that got separated from us. So I want to try to find them.”

“Are you talking about Duan Yucheng and the others, four men?” Ba Fenghan asked.

“Precisely them,” Xu Ziling replied.

“In that case I won’t stop Ziling!” Ba Fenghan calmly replied.

After agreeing on where and when to meet again, they went their separate ways around the city center.

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