I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 85 85. Weaving Is Usless

"J-Just accepted him as your student? What do you know that can be taught to him?"

Surya did not know how to react, on one hand, he was happy that someone like Eklavaya didn\'t have to face injustice as he no longer had to give his right thumb to Drona for being his "teacher", At least he hoped so as Niyathi is quite a tricky thing.

But on another hand, this is clearly something that is not supposed to happen, The glimpses he has of the future clearly say that Karna and Eklavaya didn\'t have much contact with each other.

It is for a good thing as both are quite competitive people, Even if Eklavay lost his thumb he hold his dedicated place in the top 5 archers of this time, If his son and this person can in front of normally, Then there would have been bloodbath as both of them would fight just to test each other.

"I don\'t know much, But I have learned how to weave, I can teach him if he wants for the time being. Later I can learn warfare and weapon knowledge from my future Guru, Which I will teach him too."

Karna was not even a bit ashamed to say he learned weaving skills, After all, why should he be ashamed? His weaving has reached to the supreme level of 100, He can make law itself bend and weave with it.

Though Karna is yet to know the real potential of his weaving skills, He knows his skill is by no means weak or something he should be ashamed of.

"Weaving? Why did you as a man learn that? You should have used that time to learn weapons, It will be more useful for you than simple-weaving skills

Surya was taken aback hearing Karna using his time learning how to weave, To be fair what he was saying has a point and was not simply being sexist.

In this world where war is always around the corner and the forest is filled with lots of unspeakable monstrosities, It\'s better to have proper knowledge of weapons and warfare as it is good for the safety of you and the people around you.

As for weaving it is useless for a man to do it, For weaving skill is essential to which one has to master and sharpen their skill set. This is a very inefficient way to spend time when seeing the gains from the weaving skill.

It would be better to just spend that time on training and sharpening the weapon skills and instincts, It will have a very high pay-off.

"As I said, My mother forbade me from even touching the weapons or any sharp things for that matter, So I had nothing to do, That\'s why I decided to learn weaving skills from the best weaver this kingdom has to offer, My friend Meghana."

Karna understood what Sage wanted to say, So he answered. It\'s really unless for any man to learn the weaving skill when they are fully capable of learning the weapons because the opportunity, potential and usefulness far exceed any weaving which needs the same if not more time and skill build up to be good at it.

"But I have become quite good at weaving. Do you two Mata\'s want me to weave one dress for you? Just considered as my thanks for giving me, Akshaya Patra."

Karna thought of something, He did not like to owe anyone because he is well aware of how can one\'s debt can weigh someone down, He didn\'t want to be under the weight of someone\'s unpaid debt.

So it\'s better to try and repay it, Though normal dress can not be able to pay the thing like Akshaya Patra but at least he is beginning to pay. Of course, if he knew it was Surya who gave him this, He would have thought a completely different thing.

"It is still useless, You should have learned something different like Veda\'s or at least learned the theoretical basic knowledge of weapons, Those are as important as the practical knowledge of weapons."

Surya still was not convinced, He ignored the part Karna asked whether he could weave dresses for his wives as it was not his place to decide on that, Those two are the ones who should have given their call on that.I think you should take a look at

And indeed Sandhya and Chhaya were ecstatic hearing that Karna wanted to give them something, They didn\'t care what he wanted to give them as long as it was coming from their son.

Two of them wanted to agree right on but seeing that their Arya was still arguing, They decided not to disturb them and ask about it later, As they too felt it is a waste of time to learn a skill that only has one purpose. Time is the only fortune you can\'t gain back, One should spend it wisely.


Karna was about to answer Surya but then a giggle was heard in the room, Sushala could not able to control her lighter when Surya said his skill was unless, For her who actually saw Karna using his weaving skill felt the words of Surya nothing but a big joke.

How can something that is divine be useless? That\'s all she thought but when everyone turned to look at her, She understood her blunder and quickly hide behind her mother.

"*Inaudible* Sorry*

A soft mosquito-like voice comes from Gandhari asking for forgiveness, Surya just looks at it and shakes his head. He didn\'t mind her as innocence and ignorance have to be forgiven and can\'t be punished.

He just looked at Karna waiting for his answer but he didn\'t know his answer was going to not only change the path of the future, It was going to completely destroy it.

"And who will teach me about that knowledge? Sage I already said no one will teach me anything a mere suta and one who teaches me will be under the order of the King, I don\'t want to learn knowledge that is forced to teach me because I will not be sure if they are teaching me complete knowledge.

You should have known that the use of incomplete knowledge is as deadly as trust without reason. It will become my weakness because of my lust for knowledge.

So I don\'t want to learn from others, I have a few teachers of my friends who are teaching me. As for if you are wondering how can I find a teacher to teach me warfare when I know no one will teach A Suta like me without being pressured?

You don\'t have to worry, There has to be one who is an impartial Guru in the world and if it turns out there is none, I can always go and ask the King of Navagraha, Surya Narayana to teach me, My mother says he is the impartial Deva, and I am his blessing, He should definitely teach me."

Karna after finally having his fill has a calm mind, He finally sees that something is fishy about this Sage but he didn\'t feel any ill intent towards him, So he wanted to see if he can use this in his favour.

Surya was sweating buckets as he once again felt that he was targeted by two very deadly auras, Normally it is a death sentence for anyone who dares to do this but who made the one who targeted him his beloved wife?

"QUEEN!! Not good, He…No, I mean they are here."

Before any event is going to unfold, a soldier comes running into the dining hall in panic and announces the arrival of the one.

(A/N : Who do you think it would be? 

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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