Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 261 Lucky's Return

"You miss your dad?"

The gigantic Yellow Fox rose up as she turned to look at her Master with a complicated look on her eyes. "It\'s not me missing him…"

"I think…" She looked down. "I think my Master is in danger".

"I think something is going on in my home planet".

The White Fox reacted with concern on hearing that as she looked down at her student. Since taking on Lucky as her student, this powerful White Fox despite her exalted status brought herself down to properly instruct the Fox.

To her, Lucky carried the destiny of all Foxes across the cosmos.

Because of that alone, she sacrificed all her leisure time to monitor and properly teach the Fox on how to maximize her potential and quickly turn it into real power that would gradually take her to the pinnacle of strength.

Lucky did not disappoint her, after 6 months of diligent progress, the Yellow Fox showed her potential as Lucky evolved into the next stage.

Lucky was now a Grade C Galaxy Fox!

By consolidating all the potentials of her bloodline with her experiences and the teaching from her Master, Lucky became the ultimate Grade C Fox Monster!

The day that she broke through, though the whole Island did not get to celebrate, inside her World Illusion, the Illusion Emperor gave her 2 learning students 2 weeks of celebration time to properly celebrate this milestone.

After Lucky\'s feat, she felt even more zeal to invest more in the Fox.

Over the months, Lucky already grew close to her and the others that she already saw here as her home, she never expected Lucky to speak of her real home again and she never expected the reason to be her father being in danger.

Instantly after hearing it, a thought to go eliminate all the enemies and bring her father here was the first thing that entered the mind of this powerful Grade S Fox but she remembered something.

She looked down at Lucky with a complicated look on her face, as she looked, her mind flashed back to that day as it still seemed like just yesterday…

The mighty Grey Fox looked down at her small form compared to him. "Ariel, you are talented, but talent alone cannot cut it at times".

"Being exposed to adventures and danger is the real way to grow".

"Real exposure to action is the real catalyst for growth to become strong".

"You can\'t stay under my banner forever, that way, you won\'t fulfill your full potential, you need to go out and experience the world to fulfill your potential".

"But Master…"

"No more!" He ruthlessly cut her off.

He smiled ruefully. "You may see me as invincible but I\'m far from it, very soon, I may have to make a difficult decision to search for more action".

"This part of the cosmos is already too small for me".

"There is so much more to our universe".

"Ariel, go and get power". He turned to look at her. "If you are able to fulfill your potential, perhaps, one day, we may meet again".

That was the last day that the Illusion Emperor saw her Master, George the Space Conqueror of the Fox Race. That was also the last day that any other Fox saw him, he seemed to have really left to find more action.

As the White Fox remembered this moment, she suddenly made a decision.


"Yes, Master".

"You\'ve exceeded your time under my tutorship". Her eyes sparkled brightly. "Now is the time for you to go seek more excitement and adventures".

"Go into the world and seek power".

"If you fulfill your potential and become powerful enough, you may meet me again". As Ariel said this, she felt like her tone imitated a certain Fox so accurately that her cheeks instinctively puffed in pride.


Lucky looked at her Master cluelessly as a thought crossed her mind. \'Is she drunk in another illusion? Cough…\'


"Ahem…" Helena cleared her throat awkwardly but she still couldn\'t hold her laughter, this Blue Fox rolled in laughter.

The Illusion Emperor was annoyed and embarrassed as she snapped. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing". She chuckled. "I just wanted to inform Lucky that one of her consorts have broken a limit and is also evolving".

"Oh, who?"


Lucky was excited as she jumped up.

Before they left, Helena turned to face her employer. "By the way, it was cool and all but your wording is still far below George\'s".

"Get lost!"

The Blue Fox chuckled and floated out of the World Illusion.


Redmane\'s breakthrough was much more dramatic than usual.

Excitement and ecstasy shone from the eyes of this Red Fox as a massive power filled his body. He paid no attention to all the spectators that watched his breakthrough, all his attention was focused on himself.

He harnessed the rampaging energy to energize his body and mind.

\'I finally did it!\'

\'My gamble to go to a random surface planet paid off afterall!\'

\'I finally got an epiphany…, I finally did it!\'

As the unusual breakthrough continued, lasting longer than any other Fox had gone through in this Island, the attention of the Illusion Emperor herself was drawn. This powerful Fox spread her encompassing energy check outside.

She saw Lucky, Helena and others watching but as soon as she looked, her eyes narrowed as she detected a strange energy inside this Red Fox.

Her eyes soon started shining in amusement and surprise.

"He actually escaped my detection at the beginning, such unique concealment powers…, who are you exactly?"

One scrutinizing look was all she needed to know that this was just a doppelganger of a much more powerful Red Fox, what amazed her was the incredible proficiency to fool even a powerhouse like her before.

This Fox could not continue fooling her though.

"Grand Fox Ability: God Eyes!"

Her eyes turned into a replica of the starry skies the next moment as she penetrated the concealment of the veil, instantly, her vision travelled through stars far away till she arrived in a gigantic planet.

It was a terraformed planet that was turned into a gigantic floating war house, every single part of this planet was coated with sturdy metal armor.

"A stronghold this fierce…, he\'s a rogue Warlord". The Illusion Emperor was even more intrigued as she continued following the traces.

She soon arrived at the heart of this planet where hidden thousands of meters underneath the ground hovered a gigantic Red Fox close to the planet core.

The planet core of this planet was not normal, it was already artificially augmented to be much more powerful and potent, it was like a superscaled power reactor. This gigantic Red Fox drank the power from this core.

After the epiphany in her palace, this Grade A Red Force finally broke a limit and finally exceeded the barrier that held him back for centuries.

Redmane\'s breakthrough lasted 4 solid hours!

After all the commotion, a new Grade S Fox was born!

"I won\'t pursue this, but you\'ll have to pay for making use of my resources".

The new Grade S Fox was humble. "Yes, Illusion Emperor".

"Thank you for this opportunity, I will never forget it".

Ariel said nothing as she finally retreated with her consciousness. Back in her palace, Lucky and the others were ecstatic as Redmane\'s evolution was finally completed, the long time it took sent their nerves flying erratically.

While they celebrated Redmane becoming a Grade C Fox, Lucky finally excused herself after some time to go meet her senior apprentice brother.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Lucky arrived at Genji\'s personal chambers in their master\'s Illusion World to see him training again. This Yellow Fox\'s sword moved as elusively as light itself, slicing everything including darkness into bits.

After a thousand slashes in just a few seconds, Genji finally turned as he turned to face his junior apprentice sister.

This Yellow Fox smiled. "You\'re leaving?"

"Yes, Master gave me permission to leave".

After 6 months, Lucky was no longer that newborn and naïve Star Fox, she already experienced a lot of things that made her mature during this period.

"I\'ll miss you". She walked closer to Genji.

The Yellow Fox smiled. "If you want to meet me again, like Master said, train hard and if you can, surpass me". His eyes glinted in a challenging manner.

Lucky smiled. "I\'ll find you after I surpass you".

"I\'ll be waiting". Genji\'s smile widened. "But it won\'t be easy".

The 2 apprentice disciples enjoyed their last time together before finally bidding each other farewell, Lucky returned to her master to receive her blessings.

Ariel muttered only 1 sentence.

"Take a Unicorn Horse, that is my parting gift".

Lucky bowed respectfully. "Master, thanks for taking me in your tutelage".

She finally turned to return to her home planet.

As she left, she admired this beautiful world one last time. The arctic zone, the desert, the seas, the rain forests and savannah grasslands, everything was beautiful, these were memories that would remain in her mind forever.

After regrouping with her gang, they all finally left the gigantic Island floating in space as Unicorn Horses ferried them back to Planet Darvis.


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