Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 10 The Letter From The God Of Games

His first instinct was to open the letter but he was cautious and was why he summoned someone else, the evil Elementalist spirit.

"Take and open the letter".

"But…" The evil spirit protested immediately but Legolas shunned him.

"Take that letter and open it".

"Ugh!" The evil spirit gritted his ethereal teeth before taking hold of the letter. Nothing happened to him, and this made him heave a sigh of relief.

With batted breath, he slowly opened the letter. Once again, he did not die as he finally glimpsed at the letter, the first few lines alone already shocked him as Legolas quickly snatched the letter away from his hand.

The letter read…

"To my little friend, Legolas".

"If you are reading this letter, it means that the procedure was a success despite the little glitch and your reincarnation was successful".

"My little friend, I\'ve been watching you for all 42 years of your life back on earth. Your curiosity to know things is one that baffled even me".

"Pursuing 3 successful careers as a zoologist, martial artist, and game developer is impressive, but what is even more impressive is your burning desire and curiosity to know even more".

"After watching you for 30 years, I included you among my candidates for my ultimate game project. 10 years later, you successfully convinced me that you were the one".

"The little accident that caused your death was caused by me. Others would be angered by this truth, but knowing you, I know that you\'ll be grateful for it".

"In this world of the game that you created, you can fulfill both of our dreams and seek the ultimate limits that unrestrained curiosity can bring".

"Once you grow strong enough to develop a connection with me, I will watch you closely until you fulfill the boundless potential of curiosity".

"You can call me…, the God of Games".

"Let the game begin!"

As Legolas read the last line of the letter, though he had not seen this so-called God of Games, he could imagine a wide grin on his face as he wrote it.

Legolas would have felt suspicious but he was captivated by one line. As the God said, others would be angered by this truth, but after knowing the truth, he was grateful since this presented a lot of opportunities to him.

Back on earth, he could not do a lot of things, his curiosity was shackled but in this world of unlimited possibilities, he could do a lot.

"Well, thank you, I guess".

Legolas finished saying this only to feel the burning gaze of the evil spirit on him, he turned to face the petty envoy of evil.

"Hahaha, so you are a reincarnator. Good, good, hahaha, I finally know your secret, let me go immediately or the whole world will know of your secret!"

Legolas turned to look at him like he was a fool. "And so what?"

"Who gives a damn if they know that I\'m a reincarnator?" He snorted. "Besides, it seems you have forgotten that you are in a prison, you need some more disciplinary actions around here".

"Ah-ah…, I\'m sorry, I dare not forget my lord".

"Good, sounds better". Legolas smiled.

With that, Legolas finally left the world of grey shadows.

Reading the letter of the God of Games did not affect him much. It only fulfilled a tiny part of so many things that he was curious about, to really know everything and satisfy his curiosity, he needed to get them himself.

Besides, he now had another curiosity, who was this God of Games and how the hell did he fulfill the unimaginable task of reincarnating someone?

Were gods real?

Legolas returned to the Nightmare Beast Island feeling more motivated than ever before to get stronger so he could satisfy his burning curiosities.

Once Legolas\'s consciousness returned to his body, the first thing that he felt was a tongue enthusiastically licking and kissing his face.

"F*ck! Lucky, stop it!"

Legolas finally opened his eyes to see the Star Fox looking down at him with disdain. The Fox was not the culprit, rather, it was his first contracted beast, the Nightmare Beast that was caught licking his face.

Legolas was speechless, he could feel shudders running down his spine as he knew that Nightmare Beasts\' tongues were covered with numerous small and sharp rear-facing projections to tear meat that was deadlier than those of big cats.

"Hehe, that\'s ok now, Predator". Legolas laughed awkwardly as he gently raised the young Nightmare Beast up from his body.

After he finally stood up, the first thing he did was look down at the young Nightmare Beast who had the size of a teenage Lion, and checked its status.


Name: ???

Age: 2

Race: Nightmare Beast

Affinity: Darkness

Level: 12

Grade: F


Strength: 37

Dexterity: 31

Vitality: 55

Intelligence: 10

Mystery: 40

Charm: 8

Luck: 12

Health Points [HP]: 840/840

Mana Points [MP]: 405/405

[Passive Abilities:]

- Darkness Regeneration

- Darkness Supplementation

[Active Abilities:]

- Lethal Bite

- Scale Defense

- Claw Barrage

[Remark: A Nightmare Beast with nice growth potential!]


After looking through the young Nightmare Beast\'s status, Legolas smiled and rubbed its head. Once again, his beast was stronger than him but he didn\'t feel bad, it was the bad personality of the fox that made him feel bad previously.

"Since I already called you Predator, your name shall be Predator".


[Contracted Beast name has been registered: Predator]


The young Nightmare Beast purred as it rubbed its body against its master\'s in contentment. Unlike Lucky, it could not talk but Legolas had a certain telepathic connection with it that enabled him to read its emotions.

The current Nightmare Beast though young was full of potential, but Legolas\'s ambitions were bigger than this, he wanted more.

He no longer hesitated; he finally brought his ultimate trump card.

He gave the yam to the Nightmare Beast. "Take, Predator, eat".

The Star Fox was originally lazing away at the side but once it saw this yam, its eyes shone like fire but Legolas was quick to block its view. "Tsk, not for you".

"Hey, that\'s not fair!"

Lucky protested but Legolas ignored it as he fed the yam to Predator. After devouring the yam, Predator laid on its back as it let Legolas pet its stomach.

While this happened, mysterious changes happened inside its body painlessly. 10 seconds later, Legolas\'s virtual game interface lit up a notification.


Predator has been fed with the Nightmare Beast Gene Limit Remover

Predator\'s natural Gene Limit has been removed

Name: Predator

Race: Nightmare Beast [Infinite Potential]


On seeing that sweet term of infinite, it was Legolas\'s turn to purr in contentment as he finally sat down on the cave floor satisfied.

Predator\'s strength did not experience an immediate increase, but its potential was now as fearsome as fearsome could get.

Nightmare Beasts were renowned for their only 2 passive skills, Darkness Regeneration and Darkness Supplementation.

Darkness Regeneration enabled them to recover health points passively faster than every other beast through the darkness. Supplementation enabled them to passively grow stronger by simply basking in darkness.

With their increased potential, these 2 passive skills were even more OP now.

With these, Legolas got all that he needed to escape this island. His eyes shone as a lot of plans started spiraling in his mind.

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